8 October: an early morning reflection

Chere blog readers, te remercie de …… being with me on this magical journey in south of France.

October 8 already, where does the time go?
Nine hours ahead of my family and friends back home. I am telling you all that the future is beautiful in the south of France!! Anyone who thinks this would make a great holiday would be so right.
The benefits include unpacking once, although I have not yet finished unpacking 🙂 lol. Also local lavender flavored honey on gluten free toast. Lemon meringues from local bakery. White wine, red wine and rose in abundance. The flavours, the scents, the vistas, the gorgeous sunshine …. greenery as far as the eye can see and beyond into the imagination.
I am sitting at the table with a view of that lovely table, greenery hanging about and sweet rolling hills although almost flat like a wide valley bottom. Trees of shimmering grey / green next to almost bright yellow green and dark green leaves. Aloe plants as big as a car (a Europe car, lol), prickly pear cactus in bloom! and Palm trees in the yard. I can hardly believe it. Next to the leaves on the now bear vines as they begin, every day to change a little more color welcoming in the new autumn season.  
Cool evenings bring on the change in leaves on some of the trees. Last night out for dinner I wore light lilac silk top that I picked up in Europe last trip …. and wore over white slim jeans, with a white scarf around my neck. so when I say cool evenings, well, it is all relative!  
Speaking of relative, I am here with my mom and her friend Jim, my partner and Anne is our hostess. Tomorrow Mom, Jim, Steve and I all head off on a local train for a few days to explore Paris – city of lights. After that Anne leaves for 11 days on a cruise (I had once booked but then cancelled so I could stay here and house sit the villa:))
I feel like I have the most magical life, the most wonderful friends and family …. and most gracious opportunities. Enchanted is a word that comes to mind.  
Pamela of France
ps. for dinner last night I had salmon with local vegetables. The salmon was covered with carrot and curcumin so bright in color it was almost surreal. And the flavours ……… of everything so much more flavour when I sit in the region where the local select the best ingredients and serve with pride and interest, attention to every detail. Food is an art form. While here, I shall become an art lover!!!  

Second full day, day 3 of France

Today’s Agenda: day3 in south of France

A drive toward Montpellier and a bit north of that to the Unesco town of St.- Guilhem – Le -desert – (village), stop at Pont du diable, this bridge is a UNESCO heritage site and then stop at Mas de Daumas Gassac, winery close to Aniane, village.  
One of “Les plus beaux villages” and unesco world heritage site.
Diner a la Maison Conti in Pezanas. We had reservations for 730 pm, it was full and they had to turn other people away. We got home around 1030. Lovely wine, conversation, exquisite flavourful French fare. It was lovely and we are all stuffed!  
Tomorrow three wineries, Mougeres (once was an Abbey), Mas Belles Caux, and Sugnurie de Peyrat (we had their wine tonight with dinner at the restaurant- fantastic! ). We will see a beach and then view the beautiful seaside town of Sete.
After that, heading to Beziers to pick up train tickets for four of us to go to Paris on 9 October and then returning the following evening to Roujan, and http://www.lesmontels.com villa. Anne leaves the next day to catch cruise for 9-10 days …. I also need a ticket to Nice for the morning of 30 October …. As I will be heading to spend two days there and an Azamara cruise to follow and then home :). 
Also we will also see a beach and the town of Sete.  
Our time is full so far. We need to learn the routine and how to get around this area, as once Anne leaves, we are on our own. We have eaten the rich food, and drank some fantastic wines. The views are so beautiful. Ancient, lush, green and covered in vineyards with leaves about to change colour with the season. Dotted on any horizon are small villages with light gold buildings with terra cotta rooftops.  
It is quiet now, time to sleep and dream of another day.  
The sky is so black and it is so quiet here … A million trillion stars above us .. Takes my breath away.  
Good night, Bon soir
Love Pamela of France


Day Two – off to another adventure in South of France

day two: today is Wednesday and you all are on Wednesday too, but still in the wee hours of the day at your end. We are just heading in to afternoon. Had a scrumptious breakfast, fresh fruit and veggies, gluten free toast and peanut butter … Anne had gone out this morning to get very fresh croissants for the other guests. French cheeses …. wow! And black cherry preserve jam, a new purchase from yesterday.
Today we are going to a winery and a few other towns I think. Last night we looked at our trip to Paris for this weekend, and decided to head in to Beziers tomorrow to get first class train tickets, to find parking and see the sights. Friday morning we are off to fabulous Paris for two days, one night only.
I have been to Paris before, as has Jim. Steve and Shirley will be new to the city of lights. We would like to do some walking along the Seine, maybe a hop on bus for city sight viewing and evening illuminations tour. Then Saturday we will walk and head home after supper time on the later train back to Beziers and then drive back to the villa. It is our one fantastic big trip while here. Anne won’t join us this time, and she leaves in a few days for a great cruise with another of our friends, Barb, out of Rome. They will be gone 9 days so we will make the villa and surrounding area our home and check out the sea, the towns, the vistas, the wineries and relax close by.  
I have an interest in going to Aix de Provence, Marseilles, Avignon, Nimes, Sete. Maybe Carcasonne, Arles (where the river cruises depart from), perhaps Toulouse …. and if very ambitious Milan Italy and tip over into Spain on the other side. We shall see what kind of driving we feel like doing.  
Three weeks is a nice long time, however it will fly by fast I think. I long to see the countryside and names of cities known only through stories, movies and songs of my past. Perhaps also I was French in another life?
I last spoke much french in 1976 when I was at the Olympic games in Montreal Quebec. I was with the Armed Forces and was there assisting with distribution of the results of the games throughout the CBC central hub. Before faxes and cell phones, we had photocopiers and young french youth to run them around and up stairs and elevators to distribute to the world’s press. I was the only person on my team that could speak french to our youth …. so I was immersed in speaking on a daily basis. I am sure it will all come back to me 🙂
I received my securities license yesterday by email (I took the training in September for two weeks before leaving Victoria) so when I get home again in November I can begin work on casual on call. I will of course, continue to be a travel consultant with Expedia CruiseShipCenters in Victoria as well. I enjoy my work and really enjoy travel with the Womens Travel Club.
In January we are confirmed to go to India for a month to see the north and south of that exotic country. Many women have committed to join in the travel and it promises to be the trip of life time. Want to join us??
For now, I am preparing to head into town. Bottles of water, some fruit and goodies to nibble on the way. Anne is driving so we can partake in the wine tastings. Yummmmm
Have a wonderful day, Bon jour
Pamela, of France! 


Day one is done

It is the end of the first full day in France. It was a beautiful day. We slept in, due to crazy change in time, nine hours later here. We had a leisurely casual breakfast and got logged in to electronic devices.
Off for the day to explore Pezanas. I loved that little town and look forward to more of the same. Old doors, old structures and buildings, shutters on windows, red flowers in bloom in flower boxes. It is perfectly France, and just what I wanted to experience while I am on this vacation.  Chocolate covered orange peels, yum.
Gluten free baguette, toasted and topped with olive tapenade. Rose wines from the region. Sparkling wine, like prosecco with a splash of Cassis. Fantastic flavourful local market veggie cooked to perfection.  
Everyone is pitching in with kitchen tasks. It is lovely to spend this time together, family and friends. I wish all my family and friends were here. Maybe next time :). 
Time for sleep. My iPad has not yet adjusted to the time so it is afternoon where you are and I am heading to bed. Good night.
Bon nuit, 
Pamela, of France

Day one in South of France. Wow!

Day one in France
We all awakened late and rose to the beauty of this place. I hope we are now on French thyme. Lol
Then a lazy hour around morning rituals and some breakfast pickings. Out for a drive in early afternoon to Pezanas. A local town, midevil, after we drove through Roujan. 
 Roujan is about 2 km from the villa and would make a nice walk one day, through the wine country. 
I enjoyed a session with Anne driving and teaching about the local road signs which indicate who has the right of way on narrow one way bridges and roads. We passed terra cotta red roofs, olives hanging in the trees, freshly picked grape vines in row upon row, and roads lined with Plane trees. The trees are tall, majestic, old and have greenery on tops only, preparing to change colour with cool evening air. Even the leaves on grape vines are starting to change. It will be a beautiful season of fall to be in this area.
Hot hot in the sun as we head out, 31 degrees says the car, 24 later on in the day. Sunny shirt sleeve weather. Quite comfortable actually.
We walked through Pezanas for a few lovely hours, entranced by the history, old wood doors nestled over time in stone arched doorways. And adorned with knockers of every conceivable description. Little hardy sprouts of greenery peeking up under neath over time. On top of the doorways, sometime, sculpted in stone a story of perhaps what family lived there once upon a time.  
Cobblestone streets, walkways in narrow alleys, archways and town squares where markets and meeting places have happened over hundreds of years. What magic! Little shops selling local wares, wines, chocolates (Laine, I found dark chocolate surrounding orange peels …. OMG I will have to go back and buy you more. We tasted them in the car coming home :). )
We found Patisserie shops with meringues made with pistachios and lemon. Wow. And my all time favourite place on earth so far …. An olive shop! Large bins and taste testing! La lucques are bright green and similar to ones I tasted and fell in love with in Italy at the Agritourismo. And then Green olives in basil, and other green olives gently spiced and with a spicy pepper. All with pits. Not overpowering flavours here … But definitely flavourful!  
We walked for a few hours. Then off to the grocery store for wine replenishment, limoncello from Italy in its pure form…. OMG I have missed that flavourful drink!  
And so we are now consuming some French version of prosecco mixed with a splash of Cassis as a pre dinner beverage while Anne and Steve are creating a feast in the kitchen. We found gluten free baguette and breads to enjoy with black cherry preserves and green and black tapenade.  
Back to the villa and feeling already like a month here will make it feel like home. I love my room, the vistas from every where, the sounds of distance life in the valley, the olive trees hanging with fruit … I love the smell, sounds and view … I love the table tops and stone floors, I love the Tuscany colours of reds, rusts, golds and earth tones. I can hear the voices of my loved ones near me and my friend who made this all possible.  
Sharing the love. Sharing the friendships and gifts we are lucky enough to have for ourselves. I am so content and relaxed already.
Day one. Happy birthday to my lovely daughter on this special day. Although apart, I am always with you …. Today, tomorrow and always.  
Exquisitely your pen pal, 
Bon soir, 
Pamela of France 


Www.lesmontels.com today 6 October 2015

Wow, good morning from lesMontels near Roujan France. We arrived yesterday, enjoyed gracious hospitality as we were met at airport by Anne Brooks, good friend and travel buddy from Toronto. She came knowing we would need assistance with the luggage. Ha ha. Four us had more luggage than the rental car would hold.
The rental car place had computers down so slowed the process and everything on paper. The patient man, who speaks better Franch than English was most apologetic for the length of time we were in queue. He has followed up today with email … Very kind. I am grateful for so much.
The drive was fun, catching up on stories with my mom. Mr Steve, as Anne refers to him, rode with Anne leading us down the twisty roads and frequent round a bouts. Fabulous. I have somehow traveled through a day and find myself in tomorrow land.  
My eldest daughters birthday today, she turned 31. I remember the day we met as one of the pivotal days of my entire life. I am forever changed by becoming a mother. I do wish I knew then what I know now about what matters and not …..  
So as we arrived, driving in to the sunset on the French countryside region of Languedoc-Rousillion. Farming, vineyards, fine wine. The rolling hills not far from the gentle breezes of the Mediterranean Sea. As we drive up the gravel road to the villa I am in awe of the view, the vista landscapes, the orange sunset, the stone building with lilac trim where we will spend the month. Wow! My breath catches in my throat. And in that moment and ever since, I have forgotten what I was going to write about my journey to this magical place.
In losing the day, I have gained tomorrow. I have arrived, before and without going through all those hours of flight …. Don’t you just love space and time travel by plane?  
The stone villa is situated on a hill overlooking a lush valley of vineyards and greenery, as far as I can see. Green trees, bushes, aloe plants, cactus, palm trees too! A gentle breeze is all we can hear today. Last night we heard the cicada bugs rubbing legs in joy and creating music. Today, breeze, birds and sunshine.  
I look out from the villa, sun room, kitchen area, living seating area, and bedrooms all off sunroom. The design of this place is for living and enjoyment. Wow!  
Last night we had wine, local, red and very powerful and potent for these jet lagged travelers. It was lush, smooth, bold, deep inch red colour and local vintners bottled the scent of this place in the wine. Trois Terasses is the name from Mas Gabriel (farm) locally. Fabulous. And off to sleep we went for almost twelve hours.
Today is a new day and I am ready to head out. In to Pezanas today on the menu, a beautiful village with shops and cobblestone streets. Today is Tuesday and all will be open by 230 pm. Stuff is open during the morning but closes around noon for a while. We missed that by sleeping in … Lol

Pamela, of France!  

Book I listened to on flight to France

Long Flight YVR to AMS: Looptail
Squishy seats on KLM …. I decide to listen to an Audible book that I have thought might be inspiring. I was right.
“Looptail” is the title, author Bruce Poon Tip, creator of GAdventures. A Canadian adventure travel company that offers life changing trips around the world. Wow!  
Starting from the wisdom and inspiration that comes from certain spiritual focus on equality, true balance of finance. Redistribution of wealth through travel opportunities. This promises to be a great story.
I am already a huge fan of the company, now to learn the story of the heart behind its inception. As a travel agent it is my duty to research and find fantastic travel opportunities for those who come to me for assistance. The Women’s Travel Club relies on my ethical moral compass to guide our future as we change the lives of women globally.
Update: recently I listened to a podcast that told of this companies recent projects. Included, was the big news story that they were partnering with National Geographic. Another Wow!
Books he read: Great Ocean, about spiritual beliefs of Tibet Dalai Lama.  
His words and phrases:  
Responsible. Sustainable. If you want the comforts of home, then stay home. A huge problem is my opportunity. What I do is a calling, a movement. Our purpose in life is achieving happiness. Our work is integral to the way we live our lives. What matters to us is more similar than different. Passion and purpose. Motivation is to inspire modern businesses in global social movement.  
Be something or be nothing! I am only as good as the people around me. Story telling works in engaging customers to a higher purpose. It’s how I get up that matters. Reimagine group travel….Between mainstream tourism (large bus tours or cruises) and backpacking. Variety, activity and cultural exchange. Changing travel through fearless innovation. Doing what I was made to do, following inspiration. Paying it forward. I am being guided. 
Doing whatever it takes, taking part time jobs to make it work. Giving it my all. Speak wherever I can to whoever will listen. Follow through with promises. Create relationships. Coach. Teamwork. Leadership. Good things will happen when I do good things. Excellence is expected. I can’t teach loyalty passion and commitment. Relationships between travellers as much as where visiting. 
Freedom lies in being bold. There is a compassionate side of business. Meaningful connections. Create a sustainable solution through tourism. 

The Great France Adventure 2015: it begins

And the next journey has begun. Arrival at the airport in Victoria Bc in plenty of time for check in and luggage drop off. The sun is shining bright and it is warm today.
Issues : the weather, my luggage and what I am wearing.
It always seems to take so long to decide and select from the clothes and shoes always at the ready auditioning for the next trip. Wanting to be creative and fun, as well as practical and yet stylish. Wanting comfort and matching. The selection made in a last days and I am done. Whatever comes with me, that is it. :). 
Luggage; another item is on its last legs, it’s final trip. Last trip I retired my sticker covered famous carry on grey hard side suitcase. Today I am using my blue carry on size hard sided item for checking. I also decide on the red carry on item. It has a broken handle it seems, since leaving home so it won’t expand all the way. And so it is resting comfortably in a cart now. It won’t likely return with me … I will have to purchase something new.
I have decided also to wear the bulkiest sweater I own, cuddly and warm, neutral beige. This will get some use as I hang out in the villa in south of France. Snugly and warm …. Cozy yet stylin. Done! And matching hat … Once belonging to my mom … Like me, she buys hats and seldom wears them. So this one will be reunited with her. On my last trip my favourite hat was left accidentally in Rome at a sidewalk cafe near pizazza de popolo. Never to be seen or worn again by me.  
Well, off we go. KLM flight direct Vancouver to Amsterdam and then on to Montpellier. Can hardly wait.  
Needing sleep … Safe travels wherever you are!  


Preparations have Begun

Great morning my dear blog, 
It has been a while since I have paid you any attention …. time to change that.
It is the first day of September 2015. One month from now I will be packing, last days before my next big travel adventure.  
October 4 I fly out of Victoria on route to Roujan, France. I will be staying in a villa in the south of France …. (I LOVE saying that!). What a vision that conjures for me as I let the words roll off my tongue, and each key stroke as I let my fingers do the talking through this magic ipad.
The vision, is one of vineyards, sunshine, sparkling white off dry and flavourful Prosecco, and time, plenty of time. This sounds like the ingredients for not only a fabulous holiday, but a wine of the region! I intend to indulge in both.  
I will drive small country roads and soak in the atmosphere that is indeed French countryside. I will let the culture, the language, the very air enter my person and sit for a month in my skin. 
 I will be a visitor in this land, however, I will try to let go of my tourist travel persona. Instead I will be an observer of space and time, art and routine.  
I will visit small town markets, I will investigate and smell the fruits and vegetables of the day, the season and the area. I will eat slowly of the fresh ingredients in a daily salad tossed only in flavours that can be found and enjoyed in this place.
I envision walking along country roads, sitting silently and breathing in the banks of the rivers alive with local fishes and plants who enjoy this place as their home. I will find rhythm and write my story of this journey. I expect most of the words and meaning will be shared on this blog site.
As I begin my packing today …. small items that want to audition for the final destination travel in my very small carryon hard sided champagne colored Italian made suitcase that I purchased in a town in Europe on my last trip, this past June 2015.  
I do hope you join me. Come with me to France!!  
In whatever way you can enjoy …. by reading books of the country, by studying the language, by watching French Kiss and other fabulous romantic comedy movies from the area, or buy a ticket and I will enjoy dining with you as we weave travel stories together.