Day Two – off to another adventure in South of France

day two: today is Wednesday and you all are on Wednesday too, but still in the wee hours of the day at your end. We are just heading in to afternoon. Had a scrumptious breakfast, fresh fruit and veggies, gluten free toast and peanut butter … Anne had gone out this morning to get very fresh croissants for the other guests. French cheeses …. wow! And black cherry preserve jam, a new purchase from yesterday.
Today we are going to a winery and a few other towns I think. Last night we looked at our trip to Paris for this weekend, and decided to head in to Beziers tomorrow to get first class train tickets, to find parking and see the sights. Friday morning we are off to fabulous Paris for two days, one night only.
I have been to Paris before, as has Jim. Steve and Shirley will be new to the city of lights. We would like to do some walking along the Seine, maybe a hop on bus for city sight viewing and evening illuminations tour. Then Saturday we will walk and head home after supper time on the later train back to Beziers and then drive back to the villa. It is our one fantastic big trip while here. Anne won’t join us this time, and she leaves in a few days for a great cruise with another of our friends, Barb, out of Rome. They will be gone 9 days so we will make the villa and surrounding area our home and check out the sea, the towns, the vistas, the wineries and relax close by.  
I have an interest in going to Aix de Provence, Marseilles, Avignon, Nimes, Sete. Maybe Carcasonne, Arles (where the river cruises depart from), perhaps Toulouse …. and if very ambitious Milan Italy and tip over into Spain on the other side. We shall see what kind of driving we feel like doing.  
Three weeks is a nice long time, however it will fly by fast I think. I long to see the countryside and names of cities known only through stories, movies and songs of my past. Perhaps also I was French in another life?
I last spoke much french in 1976 when I was at the Olympic games in Montreal Quebec. I was with the Armed Forces and was there assisting with distribution of the results of the games throughout the CBC central hub. Before faxes and cell phones, we had photocopiers and young french youth to run them around and up stairs and elevators to distribute to the world’s press. I was the only person on my team that could speak french to our youth …. so I was immersed in speaking on a daily basis. I am sure it will all come back to me 🙂
I received my securities license yesterday by email (I took the training in September for two weeks before leaving Victoria) so when I get home again in November I can begin work on casual on call. I will of course, continue to be a travel consultant with Expedia CruiseShipCenters in Victoria as well. I enjoy my work and really enjoy travel with the Womens Travel Club.
In January we are confirmed to go to India for a month to see the north and south of that exotic country. Many women have committed to join in the travel and it promises to be the trip of life time. Want to join us??
For now, I am preparing to head into town. Bottles of water, some fruit and goodies to nibble on the way. Anne is driving so we can partake in the wine tastings. Yummmmm
Have a wonderful day, Bon jour
Pamela, of France! 


One comment on “Day Two – off to another adventure in South of France

  1. It all sounds wonderful Pam.

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