
My name is Pamela MacDonald and I live in Canada.

I love to travel and am a home based travel and cruise consultant.

I am also interested in travel writing.  I started this blog as a way to communicate with family and friends, and travel customers.  To help them understand more about me and for me to start an exchange of their stories and mine.

I am a quilter and believe that it is not only about the joining of fabric that makes a quilt.  It is the love in the seams, the time and the history that surrounds its creation.  What is this place?  What does this quilt say about the creator of same?  How can I quilt my life into this quilt and share it with a loved one?  How is travel like quilting?  How can I assist others to join together almost seamlessly … they join on their journey and a new rich quilted experience is born.

I travel with groups and we explore quilting, wine tasting, romance and so many other factors that are more than about “cost”.  They are about “value”.  They are about shared experience on a journey to a destination.

Writing about these experiences is the quilt.  We can go back later and re-read, re-experience the adventure.  We can once again feel the texture and smell the air as if we were there only just a moment ago.

It is personal and it is shared globally.  Join me, please, on my journey.

I will help you reach your destination!

Pamela MacDonald, writer


2 comments on “About

  1. Let me help you find the PERFECT vacation!! Relax on a cruise ship, visit exciting ports of call, enjoy travelling around the world!!!

  2. Diary entry 14, …… Paris Paris Paris. I LOVE Paris!

    Back on the bus after Notre Dame Cathedral. We were driving by Arche
    to Triomphe, Champs Eleysee, Place Concorde, the Louvre, the
    Tuilleries, the Sorbonne and other universities and many many other
    buildings, sculptures and fountains. Bridges – some famous, Pont
    Neuf, Pont d’Alma, Queen Alexandra III, and many others.

    We arrived at a spot to view the Eiffel Tower. We took many pictures
    of the group, the tower, and the sights. More tourist shopping was
    available. A group of young men had music blasting and were dancing
    to Michael Jackson songs. While on this trip the startling news of
    the death of Michael Jackson had stirred the world. This was a most
    touching sight and significant talent was displayed. I wondered to
    myself if their parents had ever seen them dance like this??? I had
    to be pulled back to the bus, I could have stayed and watched all
    evening. I was very moved by the display of artistry, the show of
    emotion and the great talent of these young people, honoring someone
    who had great influence in their lives. Magic.

    Back on the bus, and a drive to the other side, close to the entrance
    of the Eiffel Tower, a view from another angle. It is dizzying to
    look up at the Eiffel tower. It is staggering to think of the vision,
    the work, the building of such a monument. Although not built for
    this purpose, the Eiffel tower has been the symbol of Paris for all
    the world. Here it is, here I am. Pictures do not do it justice. It
    is massive, it is awe-inspiring to be in the centre underneath and
    look up, straight up into it’s center. Up to the top from the inside.
    Startling and amazing.

    We got in line, had our tickets and up we went in the elevator to the
    first floor. Not at all disappointed, we were unable (not allowed) to
    go higher. Our dinner reservations only permitted our ride to the
    first floor. This was to be an expensive dinner (200 Euros per
    person, I heard). We arrived there with about ½ hour to spare …. to
    walk around and marvel at the view of Paris, the buildings, the
    sights. We did just that. Then we sat in a wee area and had a glass
    of white wine, smiled at one another and again marveled that we had
    arrived. Marveled at the view, at the momentous journey and the great
    friendships we had formed in just one week. Filled with emotion and
    gratitude, we had a toast to us.

    We had dinner (mine was best as they substituted salmon and veggies
    for my meal due to gluten intolerance, ice cream for dessert ….
    yummm). The others had some kind of duck shepherds pie, no choice.
    We had wine with dinner. It was lovely and well worth whatever they
    paid just to say we did it.

    After dinner, it was dark and the lights of the tower had been turned
    on. Paris by night. This is a sight almost indescribable. Soft
    lights lighting up the city every where you look. We went back down
    the elevator and out to the bus and were toured / driven back to our
    hotel, via the scenic route. Breathtaking.

    None of us were ready to end the evening so a few went out for tea,
    wine, company, and to sit outdoors in a corner cafe on the streets of
    Paris before turning in.

    Some went to party on, I wanted to get in that very comfy bed and
    think again about the day, the events and the journey I was on.

    Many of the travelers on our Scenic Tours river cruise left the
    following morning back to their home countries, Canada, USA,
    Australia, wherever. I slept in. When I got up, I showered and
    dressed, took luggage to the concierge and walked to the Galleries
    Lafayette. HUGE mall, several blocks large and several stories high.
    One whole block of ladies wear, shoes, bags, jewelery, designer and
    regular. Sales, Sales, Sales. (in French it is spelled SOLDES). My
    mouth was again wide open, my eyes huge. It was an event. So
    overwhelmed by all the choices, I found nothing to buy!! I took
    pictures of the stain glass ceiling several stories above the ground
    floor where we stood. Way up there, floors and floors of cosmetics,
    perfumes, women’s items between us and the ceiling. Amazing
    architecture, balconies on each floor for fantastic viewing of the
    building. Across the street and connected is the men’s wear (men were
    actually shopping!!) and gourmet food section. You could eat in the
    limited seating area, or get food to take out. You could buy all your
    groceries as this was like the most extreme market. Making a decision
    was almost impossible but we were hungry. We got some salad and food
    items, planning on sitting on a bench in a park outside. HA!! There
    are no benches in Paris!! No park area we could see. We gave up
    finally and realized although it may be “rude” to eat on the streets,
    we sat on a window ledge and ate the treasures out of a bag. Several
    other tourists sat down next to us …. I guess we started a trend!!

    It was time to go back to the Scribe Hotel, (about 2:30 pm local time)
    gather our belongings and change hotels to the Latin Quarter and much
    more affordable 3 star accommodations!! There was 3 of us going to
    the same hotel so we took a cab, a van …. we filled it with our

    Off to the small quaint hotel, Des Nations, on Rue Monge, in Ste
    Germain area of the Latin Quarter. To my delight we had to cross a
    bridge and drive across town. The traffic was still crazy, but I let
    the taxi driver do the worrying …. I was staring out the window and
    enjoying all I could see.

    We got our room, deposited our bags, and I put my suitcases in the
    bathroom (which had more floor space than the bedroom area), we were
    off for more adventure.

    We walked until 9:00 pm. I was in heaven, walking by the river,
    passing the bridges, taking pictures. We had purchased a ten Euro
    river cruise on the Seine and although it looked like a shorter
    distance on the map we had, to get to the boat embarkation spot, we
    kept walking and walking and walking, by the Louvre, by Place
    Concorde, by so many sights. Passed many bridges. We could see the
    other boats cruise by us on the river and at times wondered if we
    would ever get there!! I think I could have walked forever. Totally
    oblivious to any aches or pains (that I was sure to feel later), and
    enjoying the beautiful sky, fabulous architecture and sights of Paris.

    The river cruise was worth way more than the price, and made up for
    the walking. We got on the boat that sailed at 9:20 pm. We sat up
    front to get a good view, on the open top deck. Breathtaking. We
    went under the famous bridges, people lined the river on both sides.
    Couples kissing, picnicking, dancing, waving. As if waiting for the
    Christmas parade. Solid areas of people. People on bridges. People
    taking pictures. People riding bikes. People standing, sitting,
    laying, dancing …. laughing. Magical. I am still in awe of the
    beauty and special way that people enjoy the river and the life in
    Paris. Thousands and thousands of people, everywhere we looked.

    The sun began to set, the sky was brilliant with orange, then peach,
    pink, red, and then dark blue. We watched the city lights come alive.
    We watched the bridge lights come on. We watched as the Eiffel tower
    was lit up, someone must have flicked the switch!! Magic. I have
    seen Paris – day and night. I have seen the buildings, the streets,
    the magic, the churches, the monuments, the sculptures. I have seen
    the trees, flowers, clouds, ……….. the lights of Paris. I have
    watched people on their honeymoons, their day to day lives. I have
    seen embraces, kisses – full of love, life and passion – there on that
    magical evening on the river Seine. I watched several groups of
    people dancing to music only they could hear. I watched young people,
    waved at young children, students and couples who had been together
    for years. I experienced Paris that night. I felt as full as turkey
    dinner on Christmas day. I felt the tears well up in my eyes and my
    heart sang with delight. I shan’t forget that night, those sights and
    the day I “fell in love” with Paris.

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