Women Wanted: To travel and explore the world!

“Women Wanted: to travel and explore the world as part of a successful fun supportive club”

That would be the advertisement. Here is the “why”.

My vision is world peace. My mission is to advance world peace by supporting women to hold hands around the world. To look eye to eye, to speak kind and supportive words to each other, to share the common exquisite experience of daughter hood, womanhood, motherhood, sisterhood.

I value fun, authenticity, exploration as a form of curiosity, support, peaceful intention and love.

I am a facilitator of change. I have been on a mission of change all of my life. I am just now clarifying the words to describe my journey.

I am dedicating my life’s work to my mission and I have formed this Womens Travel Club to offer a sense of belonging and acceptance in the global community that supports and values women. Women matter. How we show up, each of us, in our daily experiences matters. Stating a clear intention is key and followed up by steps in the direction of our stated purpose.

Thank you for stepping in to my journey. Thank you for holding hands with me and lending your support to women everywhere. Thanks for your contribution to world peace.

I live in easy world where a river of love and support flows through me.


I was reborn Italiano

I was reborn Italian

Piacere “…….pleasure

Per piacerie … Please …. Per favore

Grazie ….. Thank you
Prego. …… Your welcome

Banio …. Wc

Ciao ciao
Ciao tutti …. Everyone at once

Buon giorno
Buona sera
Buona notte

Arrivaderci or arrivaderla

Andiamo … Let’s go

Permesso … Can I come in? Someone’s house

Allora … Ok, alrighty then

Va bene … It’s all good
Tutto e bene …. Everything is good

A presto …. I will see you soon

Aspetto …. I wait

Basta ….. Enough, I have had enough

Com e va? ….. How are you doing?
E tu? “…..and you?

Pronounce every vowel, / i is pronounced e / E is pronounced a
If talking about yourself, word ends in o

Sono di? …. Where?

Sono Pamela ….. My name is …. Mi chiamo Pamela
Come ti chiama? ….. What is your name?

Sono Canadese
Sono Pensionate
Sono l’agente di viaggi ….. I am a travel agent

Mi piace … I like … Musica, viaggi,

Questa e Mia amica …. This is my friend, …

Parla inglese?
Non parlo Italiano bene
Parlo poco Italiano

Capisce? Capisco! Non capisco

Scusi … Excuse me, I need to get past you

Mi dispiace ….. I am really sorry

Parli lentamente …….. Speak slowly

Anche …. Also

Niente …. None, nothing

112= polizia …… 117= ambulanza

Mannaggia …. Dam, darn, drat or mannag

Cin Cin or Salute


Sent from my iPad
Pamela MacDonald, your “travelling” Cruise, & Land Vacation Specialist
Expedia CruiseShipCenters, Victoria BC Canada
Cell 250-857-5518

I Want What She Is Having!

“I want what she’s having!”

My new slogan, my brand.

Welcome to my life! World travel, great friends and wonderful days! Optimism, positivity and strong sense of belonging.

I have enjoyed being part of the Womens Travel Club in Victoria. Some great friends and lots of fun conversations. I love the sharing of stories, meaningful and warm experiences that feel rich in the re-telling. We get together and bare witness to each other’s life and adventures.

I find a similar sentiment that some women who are less travelled than me, and they seem to look up to what I have to offer. I am intrigued and so curious about other womens’ stories and hear their travel tales.

Let the Womens Travel Club be the collection of wonderful stories quilted together as a rich tapestry.

Thanks so much for showing up and bringing your contribution.

No matter where you live, you are welcome to join in the fun!

Please be in touch,




Your Traveling Companion

Your Travelling Companion

Hi folks and dear blog,

Would you prefer to be traveling the world? Would you like to remember the moments, be more mindful and stretch out of your comfort zone?

I imagine places from books I have read and pictures and paintings I have seen. I have attraction to certain places, and am also open to new experiences.

What is my preferred story of my travel adventures? Luxury, ancient, beautiful views, great gluten free food, exotic fragrances and florals, quality, memorable moments, personal service, sunshiny warm days and glorious sunsets, blue cloudless skies, birdsong, flowy white linen clothing, colourful accents, fashionable hats, fresh juicy fruits, spiced vegetarian entrees, clean modern facilities, cobblestones, high buildings and lazy days.

Traveling in a group of adventurous independent women, we go our separate ways mostly, and get together for evening meals and a glass of local wine to reminisce about the days events and activities.

Sometimes cruising, sometimes organized tours, and always fantastic boutique accommodations.

I am very much looking forward to the next travel event. I invite you to join in the fun and fantastic travel adventures, and live your life to the fullest.

Your travelling companion,
