Www.lesmontels.com today 6 October 2015

Wow, good morning from lesMontels near Roujan France. We arrived yesterday, enjoyed gracious hospitality as we were met at airport by Anne Brooks, good friend and travel buddy from Toronto. She came knowing we would need assistance with the luggage. Ha ha. Four us had more luggage than the rental car would hold.
The rental car place had computers down so slowed the process and everything on paper. The patient man, who speaks better Franch than English was most apologetic for the length of time we were in queue. He has followed up today with email … Very kind. I am grateful for so much.
The drive was fun, catching up on stories with my mom. Mr Steve, as Anne refers to him, rode with Anne leading us down the twisty roads and frequent round a bouts. Fabulous. I have somehow traveled through a day and find myself in tomorrow land.  
My eldest daughters birthday today, she turned 31. I remember the day we met as one of the pivotal days of my entire life. I am forever changed by becoming a mother. I do wish I knew then what I know now about what matters and not …..  
So as we arrived, driving in to the sunset on the French countryside region of Languedoc-Rousillion. Farming, vineyards, fine wine. The rolling hills not far from the gentle breezes of the Mediterranean Sea. As we drive up the gravel road to the villa I am in awe of the view, the vista landscapes, the orange sunset, the stone building with lilac trim where we will spend the month. Wow! My breath catches in my throat. And in that moment and ever since, I have forgotten what I was going to write about my journey to this magical place.
In losing the day, I have gained tomorrow. I have arrived, before and without going through all those hours of flight …. Don’t you just love space and time travel by plane?  
The stone villa is situated on a hill overlooking a lush valley of vineyards and greenery, as far as I can see. Green trees, bushes, aloe plants, cactus, palm trees too! A gentle breeze is all we can hear today. Last night we heard the cicada bugs rubbing legs in joy and creating music. Today, breeze, birds and sunshine.  
I look out from the villa, sun room, kitchen area, living seating area, and bedrooms all off sunroom. The design of this place is for living and enjoyment. Wow!  
Last night we had wine, local, red and very powerful and potent for these jet lagged travelers. It was lush, smooth, bold, deep inch red colour and local vintners bottled the scent of this place in the wine. Trois Terasses is the name from Mas Gabriel (farm) locally. Fabulous. And off to sleep we went for almost twelve hours.
Today is a new day and I am ready to head out. In to Pezanas today on the menu, a beautiful village with shops and cobblestone streets. Today is Tuesday and all will be open by 230 pm. Stuff is open during the morning but closes around noon for a while. We missed that by sleeping in … Lol

Pamela, of France!  

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