Day one in South of France. Wow!

Day one in France
We all awakened late and rose to the beauty of this place. I hope we are now on French thyme. Lol
Then a lazy hour around morning rituals and some breakfast pickings. Out for a drive in early afternoon to Pezanas. A local town, midevil, after we drove through Roujan. 
 Roujan is about 2 km from the villa and would make a nice walk one day, through the wine country. 
I enjoyed a session with Anne driving and teaching about the local road signs which indicate who has the right of way on narrow one way bridges and roads. We passed terra cotta red roofs, olives hanging in the trees, freshly picked grape vines in row upon row, and roads lined with Plane trees. The trees are tall, majestic, old and have greenery on tops only, preparing to change colour with cool evening air. Even the leaves on grape vines are starting to change. It will be a beautiful season of fall to be in this area.
Hot hot in the sun as we head out, 31 degrees says the car, 24 later on in the day. Sunny shirt sleeve weather. Quite comfortable actually.
We walked through Pezanas for a few lovely hours, entranced by the history, old wood doors nestled over time in stone arched doorways. And adorned with knockers of every conceivable description. Little hardy sprouts of greenery peeking up under neath over time. On top of the doorways, sometime, sculpted in stone a story of perhaps what family lived there once upon a time.  
Cobblestone streets, walkways in narrow alleys, archways and town squares where markets and meeting places have happened over hundreds of years. What magic! Little shops selling local wares, wines, chocolates (Laine, I found dark chocolate surrounding orange peels …. OMG I will have to go back and buy you more. We tasted them in the car coming home :). )
We found Patisserie shops with meringues made with pistachios and lemon. Wow. And my all time favourite place on earth so far …. An olive shop! Large bins and taste testing! La lucques are bright green and similar to ones I tasted and fell in love with in Italy at the Agritourismo. And then Green olives in basil, and other green olives gently spiced and with a spicy pepper. All with pits. Not overpowering flavours here … But definitely flavourful!  
We walked for a few hours. Then off to the grocery store for wine replenishment, limoncello from Italy in its pure form…. OMG I have missed that flavourful drink!  
And so we are now consuming some French version of prosecco mixed with a splash of Cassis as a pre dinner beverage while Anne and Steve are creating a feast in the kitchen. We found gluten free baguette and breads to enjoy with black cherry preserves and green and black tapenade.  
Back to the villa and feeling already like a month here will make it feel like home. I love my room, the vistas from every where, the sounds of distance life in the valley, the olive trees hanging with fruit … I love the smell, sounds and view … I love the table tops and stone floors, I love the Tuscany colours of reds, rusts, golds and earth tones. I can hear the voices of my loved ones near me and my friend who made this all possible.  
Sharing the love. Sharing the friendships and gifts we are lucky enough to have for ourselves. I am so content and relaxed already.
Day one. Happy birthday to my lovely daughter on this special day. Although apart, I am always with you …. Today, tomorrow and always.  
Exquisitely your pen pal, 
Bon soir, 
Pamela of France 


One comment on “Day one in South of France. Wow!

  1. Jane says:

    Lovely reading the details of your first day of your amazing gift of time wallowing in France. Suspect it will be quite helpful to have you more fluent in French by the time we “meetup”;) It’s been too long since I’ve used that language. The best though, is how your absorbing and so acutely aware of the blessings surrounding you. (but of course you are)…. Anon, anon

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