Reading a Book about Writing while Travelling

5. Reading a book on writing: “Writing Away: a Creative guide to Awakening the Journal -Writing Traveller” by Lavinia Spalding.
“We write words in an empty book, and an inanimate object is transformed into a living, breathing memoir. In turn, as we write, the journal transforms us. It allows us to instantly process impressions, which leads to a more examined layer of consciousness in both the present and the future. It’s a relationship, and let me tell you, it’s no cheap one-night stand.”
The poet T. S. Eliot once said, “Only those willing to risk going too far can find out how far they can go.”
A fountain pen and Moleskine notebook. See more, think less. Mindful travel.  
“The novelist and journalist Edward Streeter once said that travel is ninety percent anticipation and ten percent recollection.”
Select the appropriate unlined journal for the trip I am about to embark on. It must lie flat when opened. Tan or cream pages, no distracting quotes. It must give me joy to open and use. A companion.  
Log expectations and goals of the trip in the journal. Even make lists. predictions, questions. Use it daily for three weeks to get in the habit and become acquainted.  
The critical question… what do I want and why do I want it? I believe I want to write to be seen. For my life to be witnessed. For my travels and my thoughts to have meaning for myself and for others. I feel I have something important and life / world changing to say and my words will inspire world peace and improved quality of life for women everywhere. Lofty goals? You betcha!
I want to be more mindful and gain more meaning and presence to my own travel experiences.  
Travel changes my opinions, my prejudices, my very thoughts. Travel writing then, records these changes 🙂 Travel with my journal as my companion gives me privacy and solitude, even and especially if I am travelling with others in a group. It aids me to slow down, breathe and become mindful of what I am experiencing.  
My wish for the journey and journal is to illuminate, inspire, entertain, bring joy and fun to reader and myself, to record and to encourage creativity. To feed my soul and for others to find themselves in the journey with me. To encourage others to write their story too. To become well read, to enjoy the use of words, to practice that which I am learning … reading, writing and sharing / witnessing my own experiences. To be happy and to share happiness. To delight optimism and disarm any negativity. To encourage love of self and the Self. To find and describe soulful interactions and observations. To slow down my thoughts and wallow in my feelings. To describe the place and encourage the reader to find themselves also in the same place.  
First Impressions – love at first sight. Describe on each new page the first few lines of what I want to story to be about. Use description and dialogue, details and distortions. Find the feeling and open with that exclamation of emotions.
In my fantasy I would write every day. I am clearer and most fun first time in the morning. Before the rest of the world gets up or takes notice that I have arisen. When the sun first greets me for its routine, I too believe this is habit I will develop. I will also intend to write several times a day and if I write in the late afternoon or before bed, I will honour that witness as well – in addition to my morning ritual.  
Before I begin, I unwrap my journal, I take three very deep breaths and I invite mindfulness through meditation. Even just one moment of this invites me into a spiritual practice and as such enriches the act of writing as sacred and inspired. I can do this anywhere.  
When I show up, my journal recording my journey, I realize this action alone creates change within me. When I change, those who are around me, those who follow me and those who admire me also open to change. And when that happens, a movement has begun.
Few Hours Later:
Enrichment program about Palma de Majorca. Fresh water is a problem for this island and they have to bring in fresh water in the hot summer season. Tourism remains number one business on this island and we will be arriving in the Old Cite. Architecture will reveal both Roman and Arabic influences. Our Azamazing Evening will take place in the extraordinarily large cathedral in Palma – as big as the Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris! We will be entertained here and will hear the organ played during our event. Wow, spectacular!
Apparently there is a pedestrian walkway called Paseo del Borne and worthy of a visit. Portal Vells, beaches here … includes nude beaches. Beautiful cliffs and coves in the area and also great for snorkelling. The Drach Caves were built some 5 million years ago.
The sky is grey and we are preparing for our cocktail party tonight before dinner. For now, I will close off and chat again later.
Good night, still off coast of France

Day Three Azamara Journey

4. Day 3, sea day
I woke this early morning to the most spectacular oranges, peaches, golds streaks welcoming the large yellow ball of a sun to the new day. It is still early and yet, I can’t take my eyes off the sunrise.
We are at sea, on an unscheduled sea day in calmer waters – as planned by the Captain of the vessel. He made the decision to change the itinerary so we could all enjoy the sailing, the weather and our future days in port on this cruise. While there are still small swells out at sea, it is so much calmer than it was even last night.
After dining last evening we attended the Captain’s welcome party – champagne and greeting the officers of the ship. After that we attended the talents of Virtuosos, the entertainment of the evening. They are a clarinet and piano duo. They have been playing on ships and with orchestras as well recipients of awards and fame. Their music is spectacular and they entertained the crowd.
Cruise director, Eric is just now welcomed back on this ship, gone since my last sailing on the Journey perhaps two years ago … or more? You might recall from previous blogs that Eric is perhaps the greatest and most talented cruise director I have ever known in all my cruise history! His performances are memorable as he sings, roller skates, dances, and tells jokes while he entertains the guests and keeps the ships activities together. He is from Canada, Toronto, and has also won awards and created a successful artistic lifestyle for himself.
Tonight Eric will steal the hearts of many as he is the main event at the entertainment evening performing Broadway and movie hits. I seem to recall this show and it will be lovely.
I talked to Eric briefly and he asked about my mom and how she is doing. I am not certain he remembers us at all, but he politely said the right things to welcome me on this ship as a return guest.
At about 530 today, Jane and I will be attending a cocktail party for travel agents … so that sounds like fun as well.  
Last evening, at cocktail hour as well as dinner and the shows, Laura and Sandee sat with us. We all seemed to enjoy each others company and had a few laughs. It was great and we have learned a bit more about each other through the stories we tell 🙂
Dancing in the Looking Glass after the last show …. was fun. Lots of people up there likely waiting, like us, for the sail away after 11 pm. Many dancing, some very very good dancers. The DJ is also the same guy I recall from my Azamara days previously on this ship. Nice to see his familiar face and he does a pretty good job of reading the room and setting the dance songs for our boogey nights.
Today we will enjoy the only sea day on this voyage and the Cocktail party. In between are some guest lectures on future ports of call and Art History. Zumba and Line Dancing as well as the Waltz dance instruction are offered today, the Captain and officers serve us lunch at a barbeque at noon, and so much more. I am looking forward to this lovely relaxing sea day and all the many activities on board. Perhaps a few hours out on deck if the sun stays high and bright in the sky over the Mediterranean Sea.
Bye for now, more later
Pamela, still of France …. 

A Day on the Ship

3. The ship, day two, November 2, 2015. Azamara Journey
Full ship, they say with almost three hundred Brits, 250 plus from USA and then fifty Canadians and other… Fifty countries represented with staff. Quiet today, many people on shore in Cannes. We are enjoying pool deck in breeze and now lunch:). The afternoon was spent relaxing as well. Plans tonight for the Captains evening, dinner and show, as well as the sail away and maybe a bit of dancing with the gals 🙂
Living the dream ….
Today about five pm the captain announced that the itinerary will change to avoid winds and rougher seas. We will have a calm sea day tomorrow and then Toulon the following day. This will change our hour of arrival and plans for the following stop in Palma de Mallorca as well. I am pleased and can use another day to relax.  
Watching Mr Holmes, the movie. Mr Holmes says to the young boy, 

“Apologize, because you said things that were meant to hurt”. You will regret it if you don’t. The boy says, “Do you regret? ” “So much”, says Mr Homes.” The young boy apologizes to his mom. She accepts and says … ” lesson learned. Don’t say everything you think. “

Next day on ship

2.To notice on arrival
Here I am, creating a sea day, off coast of Cannes in November 2015. What a lovely moment to know, and to notice arrival at my dream place.  
About twenty people on sun deck, I recognize all of them from last night on the dance floor. It was so much fun! Watching and participating.  
One tiny Asian woman who reminded me of a friend, Cindy, was dancing with a fellow and she was really giving it her all, he picked her up to his shoulder height and she was horizontal and he was swinging her in circles, shoes at our head height!  
The music was fun and people were enjoying the party preparing for the ship to,set sail. I would like to go dancing every night … Such a fun place to watch people! 

Azamara Journey

1. Azamara chapter one, 
Early morning did not find me ready in Nice .. Ha ha. Halloween night last night, and sleepless for some strange reason. So leisurely up and hosted breakfast in our room for the four of us Canadian women before we were picked up with pre arranged transfer and off to the cruise pier in Monte Carlo.  
Upon arrival, smooth transition, hot sunny day … Great lunch upstairs and outside meal on the Windows Cafe. A few frozen Margaritas (tradition!) and lovely meal. Our room was ready, so we dropped off bags and put on bathing suits. Up to deck nine for a few hours of rest, pool time and some rays.  
I love this country. November already and it must have been between 22-25 today. Phew!  
Bags unpacked, muster drill, and now a guest lecture at six pm. Eric de Gray is the cruise director! Wow … My favourite and Canadian! He is excellent and I enjoyed a cruise with him a few years ago with my mom …. And the DJ is also the same guy. Some staff look familiar too …. So fun to be back on Azamara Journey!
6 pm , Guest speaker on PROVENCE, history and culture. Karl Misulis. Enrichment and destination lecturer. And then a talk about Cannes. Some of the guests are doing back to back cruises. Welcoming comments and suggestions. Bronze Age 2500 bc…. More than million years bce. Wow .. Old stone. 2 and half million years ago. Tools found. Water used to higher than now… Some fluctuations over the years affected where findings are. Asians, then Greeks came. Northern Italians came. Arles ruins, aqueduct nearby. Places I have seen for last four weeks. Papal palace in Avignon. Then the plague .. Half population gone. Italian and Greek influence for long period of time.  
PROVENCE region includes Marseille. 17% of pop come from Greeks. Speaker’s wife teaches and recommends dietary medicine and cuisine from Mediterranean. Great food and wines! Romans brought better grapes than Greeks had before them. Since 1950s wines much better.
Toulon, where we land. Huge port. Old town within walking distance. Early morning market closes by noon. See produce and how locals live. He suggests people also go to Marseille. Notre dame cathedral. Amazing views from outside. Fisherman in harbour. Largest city in PROVENCE.  
Great small town 20 km is Cassis. Fishing town. Did trade with Africa. Cliffs, small boats and rocky bays. Very quiet town.
Cannes. Opulent .. Similar to Monaco. Famous for film festival. 69 ad history … Roman town history. Swampy area and some islands. Aristocracy enjoyed area. Beaches developed. Old town is dramatic. Charming. Narrow streets. Pick pockets. 
Iles de lerins. Man of iron mask. St marguerite, Fort royal. Covered market in Cannes. Marche forville. Nice public restrooms. 
Albert II has his royal yacht docked just outside our ship. 1 million usd per foot cost!  
It’s nice to be back on this lovely boutique ship. It is so familiar, like the Oceania small ships of course. Fantastic, personal, intimate. I stop to enjoy a glass of rose after the talk, complimentary of course. Red and white wines alternate each day … Rose is always the same. No sparkling wines on the complimentary list. Martini, yes, margarita yes, Caesar extra spicy with olives, yes! Schnapps and Brandy, creme de menthe, kirsch and more. The waiter brings me champagne … It is for newcomers he says … Ha ha. Well, today I am a newcomer. We sail away at 1130 pm.  
Time for dinner and then a show tonight and a good sleep! Later, all!  
Next morning: dinner was very good last evening with new friends, both couples from UK. Dining room was full and noisy of people chatting to be heard. We missed the sunset I guess.  
Later the show, with Eric de Gray and team, followed by some dancing in the Looking Glass …. And we went out on deck to watch the sail away from Monte Carlo. Lights were stunning … Windy and rocky seas for sure …. But not too cool. Then off to sleep with rocking night. I woke up with a fabulous bright orange and red sunrise. The seas are calm and sun is shining bright this morning as we anchor for tender to Cannes, France.  
I was just here a few days ago on the train … Today I believe I will walk around, look for markets, beaches and enjoy the south of France some more:). 
Ciao for now, later
Pamela (still) of France!  
Ps. The cruise director just mentioned it will be twenty degrees today in Cannes, and we are sheltered here … Some gusts of wind expected so tender rides could be rocky too. We shall see. No excursions booked, just hanging out in or around Cannes and maybe afternoon on the ship.  
Room service expected. Gluten free toast. I apparently marked the wrong spot so they just called us … Ooooooops. And we enjoyed a wonderful private relaxed breakfast on the balcony as ordered. Still waves out there and breezy with fabulous bright sunshine in the blue blue sky.  
I fly out at six am on 10 November so need a cab at 300 am I think. I will need to make these arrangements. Friend Janie has offered to pick me up so I will send her the information and also I will be prepared to take a shuttle to James Bay when I get back.  


Nice, day one
24 hours in Nice. Arrived last evening, took cab to Goldstar Hotel. Very close to train station and after a long day on the train it was nice to take the taxi. Arrived, met at hotel by Good friend Jane who had been at hotel most of the day. She had a massage, has been to the pool and had a nap … Coming in for her two week river cruise.  
We chatted and opened a bottle of red wine. Then time to walk out and around, looking for some dinner. We found Rossopomodora restaurant that makes pizza famous in Naples, but alas, not gluten free in France. Sigh. Salad for me. We talked to the staff and requested they carry gluten free for next time.
After dining, again more walking around, on Promenade Anglais. Fantastic, a city lit up for tourists and locals alike. Back to hotel, early to bed.  
On arising we found that Saturday is market day in Nice, of course. We head out and meet up with Laura and Sandee who are joining us from Canada, Victoria, for the cruise. They drop their luggage and off we four go to the market.  
Hours later Jane and I return home with fixens for lunch. Cheese, tomatoes, cucumbers, sea salt, olive oil, beautiful pastel roses for the room … Gluten free meringue type macaroons, sun dried tomatoes . A feast! I had put rose wine in our mini fridge so we drank that too. After, we went out to the beach, the plage! The wind had picked up and there was warnings about swimming so we sat close to the surf. It was mesmerizing and magical. Close enough for salt water surf spray on the face. Hot sun shining down … Fantastic expeeience.
Then we walked up on the promenade for a long while, watching locals and enjoying the many sights. An elderly couple cuddled up, she nestled into his neck while he read aloud to her. It could have been her last day? They were sweet, seated in blue bench chairs along the Promenade D’Anglais. We saw people riding bikes, necking on the beach, frolicking in the surf on the small pebbly beach, and walkers. Many people in scares, hats and looking very stylish. Beautiful.
Home around five pm, we stop in for a quick dip in the roof top pool. I took pictures from the pool area. Beautiful sights. Then a swim … Back to room and ready for dinner. We met again with the other two gals and we went to Octopussy restaurant of James Bond fame. We ordered heated French cheese to start, some wine … Then everyone had a nice meal. We sat outside on the street to continue the people watching. It was very pleasant. A walk out on the promenade and now back in the room for more wine and an early night.
We will host breakfast in our room at nine am. We have lots left over from market day :). 
Our room also has a kitchenette so we have plates and cutlery and a dishwasher! Looking forward to embarkation on Azamara tomorrow.  
Fantastic …


Second train

Second train, Marseille to Nice
I made my transfer despite my first train a bit late in arriving. I find the monitor and locate my next gate. A. Then I find the car for first class, not well marked at all. No assigned seats I grab one fast as they are filling up around me.
My arms ache from pulling bags and I vow, again, to take less next time. Luggage stored where I can see it.
Facing the wrong way, single seat I nestle in. Listening to French dialogue of other guests.  
I read a bit, watching and listening and enjoying the blue sky and sea view from my window seat.  
Arrive at Toulon. I realize I dropped off to sleep, lightly, in the sunshine for just a moment, iPad on my lap. People depart, more arrive. Back on schedule to next stop. I will be in Toulon in a few days on the cruise ship. The names all sound so familiar to me already from studying the maps and reading books of France over recent weeks.
The scenery takes my breath away, I gasp slightly at the green surroundings with stone outcroppings of what used to be castles, chateaux and villas. Small towns and terra cotta roof tops, church steeples and tall grasses surround me. Cloudless sky overhead. Timeless and ancient, fertile and cultivated, vineyards and farmlands. Mamma Mia … Next town coming up! Train has slowed to new rhythm and I am awake for whatever I can witness.  
Graceful waterways, gentle rivers … High flying flocks of birds frolicking in the breeze and air passages. We pass by and along roadways and I can see life going on as usual in the rural areas. Parking lots of small europecars near stations.  
Sounds a bit like Avignon,,, but it is les arcs draguignon? Hmmmm, no familiar.
Beautiful, rougher mountainous or hilly rocky surroundings, still plenty of tree varieties and still some vineyards. Picturesque. Stucco and stone sided homes and farm buildings. Centres of towns marked by spires and clock towers. Old archways of stone, barely attached to any permanent structures but standing strong. Sunshine gleaming at 417 pm. Apartment type buildings close to train stations in larger centres. Saint Raphael is this stop. Familiar music fills the air indicating a train is arriving. Safely now …. Some off, some on.
And away we go. Palm trees and trees with wide flat tops and long slim trunks almost like mushroom shapes.  
The sea is so close I can almost hear the gentle waves and feel the sunshine sparkles on the surface. I hope to swim tomorrow …. Just to be one again with the salty sea. Home! Omg… How beautiful is this site … Côte d’Azur …. Sailboats, lighthouses, hotels … Peach stucco, white sails and surf, sea blue, golden sun foliage green, black and rust stone shore line. A kayak glides by, adding a splash of vibrant red. I fall in love again with this area of the world.
People swimming! I can see them now … As we enter the beautiful city of Cannes. I have been to this beach town a few times … It is sunny and beautiful as I remember. Oh, how exciting to be back!  
Mostly young people on the trains, I notice. Couples in love, early twenties and some solo travellers like me. So many very well dressed, high boots and shoes, slim slacks or skirts, beautiful coats, well coiffed hair and just-so makeup. I always feel a bit like I could make more effort when I travel here. Lol. I sent home my boots so donning runners but also bling on fingers and wrists and my heart around my neck. Next stop Antibbes. Then Nice! 451 pm


more of first leg

First leg of train … Beziers to Marseille. 
I don’t understand the language being spoken or the speed at which the announcement is happening.  
The sun is bright and shining on the fantastic French countryside. Fall colours sparkling and dancing in the tree branches and on vineyards aplenty. Small towns zip by as if in a hurry. I know it is the speed of the train. I have driven through sleepy towns and I know.  
My next seat neighbour has gone out for a cigarette as we arrive at the next stop, I think Monpellier. It all happens so fast, the train travel. Quick and efficient for those who understand the language and countryside.  
People preparing to disembark in Montpellier. Watch my bags, see the action. Breathe and stay in the moment. My neighbour leaves his ticket. New people arrive, woman behind wakes up and enquirers where we are. New people respond Montpellier. A young man moves in beside the seat of woman behind me. She needs to sit up now and give him space. They exchange a laugh. My neighbour returned and told new guy of thief. He likes the iPad and smiles. He speaks very little French but he tries. I ask for wifi… Proud ounces weefee here.  
Police, I am told, are now on train. High excitement in sleepy train in south of France this sunny day. I hear voices, excited, a bit louder … Here they are … Police went by. Three that I see. My neighbour gets up and talks to them. He is back.
More announcements. The train is in fast motion again. I check again for my iPhone. All is well. Rest, enjoy the view and rocking of train. Grateful that my seat faces front:). 
Big golf course, huge villas and still vineyards and farmland can be seen as we rock through France at noon hour this 30 October 2015.  
Now stopped at Nimes, 1244 pm. I take a photo of my bags. A bit suspicious of people I guess.  
Arles and over the river, past the fantastic and huge modern bridge. I see a river cruise ship gently saying by. We only slow down, no stop. 1306 pm. Scheduled to arrive 1342 and we are ten minutes late perhaps. Maybe even twenty? I don’t understand. I am a passenger in another country, another language and heading to another place very fast on this foreign train.  
Neighbour calls and texts his “coeur”? Perhaps partner or girlfriend … Not sure. And between he plays games of cards and on phone looks like a game of comparing and finding difference in two similar pictures. I think I would like that game. I wonder what it is? If you know let me know…. I might ask him? Off for another smoke at Arles.  
I would like to read more about this place, Arles. The scenes depicted on the walls of the train station out of doors are of Bulls, horses, flamingoes, and women dancing in a large circle. The Camargues? And ?. Next stop Marseille I believe.  
The sight of the huge metal windmills remind me that they look like they communicate with extra terrestrials. Huge four arms spinning slowly but steadily and two blinking lights where eyes would be, almost humanoid like. I once saw several trucks moving parts of a windmill. One arm larger than a huge semi truck, so much bigger up close and on the ground! Whoa!  
We slow down at Miramas, a busy rail yard and then off again, like we stole the train. Lol

First leg, Nice here I come 

Staying In tune, I leave the villa and embark on train to Nice
I know I am in tune today. Minutes, sometimes seconds before the confirmation arrives.
1. Woke up wondering about my youngest daughter and if all is well. Message on my iPhone from her when I arose. Nice, wordy, and detailed. Very good.
2. Thinking of my fave store in Victoria and if they might ever think of hiring me to work there. What that might be like. I will be home in a few weeks and would follow up then. When I finished reading message from daughter, checked email and found notice from store looking for a store employee at my fave store. Lol. I applied immediately.
3. On train now to Marseille and then on to Nice. Not as nice first class cabin. Not top floor. Is same and I walk through carefully juggling my suitcases and bags … Full of wine, glasses and of course my clothes and other belongings. I remembered today to put my money and iPhone, iPad close to me, in convenient purse so it will go wherever I go. I know of possible theft on trains. I think of it. When I find my seat, I sit down at window and the guy next to me has to move as I settle. I can’t see my bags from here. A young man walks by and I see him eye my suitcase, and then he walks on. Is he checking out for later? Announcement comes over and the fellow next to me, is French and seems to understand what was said.  

Voleur? He repeats … Seeing I don’t understand. I shrug. He pulls out iPhone and translate app. He shows me …”thief”. I say I need to get my bag. He says, they are after telephones. I move my bag anyway next to me… I can see it all from here :). He is alert. Woman sleeping across the way and behind us. He watches.  
Two men come by soliciting something. I nod no, not interested. As does the man next to me. We watch these two men lean over the woman behind us. Man beside me gets up and follows them. Trusting me I guess, he leaves his phone and iPad and sunglasses on his table and is gone in a flash. He nods at me that he has it under control. Gone.
Other gentleman in first class cabin also seem alert and up showing they are awake and aware.  
I feel completely safe but feel intrigued by the intrigue. Ha ha. We are in a fast train with four stops. Been on less than half hour.  
I will remain alert and awake on trains today! Oi vay.   
je t’aime , je suis désolé , s’il vous plaît pardonnez-moi , je vous remercie

Vous remercie…. 

The scene outside is brilliant, bright sunshine and countryside

Lighthouse in France

I am a Lighthouse
I have often written about this concept …. as if I am a lighthouse. I talk about shining my light and not being concerned about who is affected or enjoys the reflections I cast upon them. I have read books and phrases and enjoyed references made of lighthouses and lessons in life by many authors in my life.
I am still in France on my month long villa stay and reading my way through 100 Places in France Every Woman Should Go and this is an excerpt from Chapter 79.
“Life is relentless. Just ask a lighthouse. If we were born with a fraction of their resilience, we would never be undone by a really bad day. These immortal stone beings are like the best of humans, only better. They stand unwaveringly straight and tall, can withstand any degree of indignity that blows their way, and face each day with steadfastness and grace, no matter what happened the night before. What’s more, a lighthouse offers indiscriminate comfort. Especially when the seas get rough, they are beacons in the dark or through a scrim of vapor. Frankly, we can learn a lot from them: about dependability and consistency, how to hang tough, and what a waste it is to do anything less than greet each day with a sense of optimism and purpose.”
I would add that our personal beacon, our individual little light shining – offers some ray of hope to some one, some where in our lives … and we may never know who they are. My job is not to know or decide or predict or even hope that my light reaches a certain audience …. My job is to get up every day with the goal to shine my best today.
If you in some way have felt the warm rays of light that radiate from my source, then I am in joy and my life’s work is complete. I have known some fabulous people in my life, some now living, some moved on …. who have expressed to me how my light has made their happy moment possible. For this knowledge I am truly truly grateful, beyond any imagination or dream that it could have been so. I sit in the awe-fullness of knowing and feeling that life source grow even brighter from the fuel that gratitude brings.
thanks to all of you …. my friends, my family, my colleagues, clients and dear sweet children and youth that have let my light shine on them in my life time. Blessed am I to have known you.
love and light, from France this day and always, 