First leg, Nice here I come 

Staying In tune, I leave the villa and embark on train to Nice
I know I am in tune today. Minutes, sometimes seconds before the confirmation arrives.
1. Woke up wondering about my youngest daughter and if all is well. Message on my iPhone from her when I arose. Nice, wordy, and detailed. Very good.
2. Thinking of my fave store in Victoria and if they might ever think of hiring me to work there. What that might be like. I will be home in a few weeks and would follow up then. When I finished reading message from daughter, checked email and found notice from store looking for a store employee at my fave store. Lol. I applied immediately.
3. On train now to Marseille and then on to Nice. Not as nice first class cabin. Not top floor. Is same and I walk through carefully juggling my suitcases and bags … Full of wine, glasses and of course my clothes and other belongings. I remembered today to put my money and iPhone, iPad close to me, in convenient purse so it will go wherever I go. I know of possible theft on trains. I think of it. When I find my seat, I sit down at window and the guy next to me has to move as I settle. I can’t see my bags from here. A young man walks by and I see him eye my suitcase, and then he walks on. Is he checking out for later? Announcement comes over and the fellow next to me, is French and seems to understand what was said.  

Voleur? He repeats … Seeing I don’t understand. I shrug. He pulls out iPhone and translate app. He shows me …”thief”. I say I need to get my bag. He says, they are after telephones. I move my bag anyway next to me… I can see it all from here :). He is alert. Woman sleeping across the way and behind us. He watches.  
Two men come by soliciting something. I nod no, not interested. As does the man next to me. We watch these two men lean over the woman behind us. Man beside me gets up and follows them. Trusting me I guess, he leaves his phone and iPad and sunglasses on his table and is gone in a flash. He nods at me that he has it under control. Gone.
Other gentleman in first class cabin also seem alert and up showing they are awake and aware.  
I feel completely safe but feel intrigued by the intrigue. Ha ha. We are in a fast train with four stops. Been on less than half hour.  
I will remain alert and awake on trains today! Oi vay.   
je t’aime , je suis désolé , s’il vous plaît pardonnez-moi , je vous remercie

Vous remercie…. 

The scene outside is brilliant, bright sunshine and countryside

One comment on “First leg, Nice here I come 

  1. That all makes for “interesting” travel.

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