more of first leg

First leg of train … Beziers to Marseille. 
I don’t understand the language being spoken or the speed at which the announcement is happening.  
The sun is bright and shining on the fantastic French countryside. Fall colours sparkling and dancing in the tree branches and on vineyards aplenty. Small towns zip by as if in a hurry. I know it is the speed of the train. I have driven through sleepy towns and I know.  
My next seat neighbour has gone out for a cigarette as we arrive at the next stop, I think Monpellier. It all happens so fast, the train travel. Quick and efficient for those who understand the language and countryside.  
People preparing to disembark in Montpellier. Watch my bags, see the action. Breathe and stay in the moment. My neighbour leaves his ticket. New people arrive, woman behind wakes up and enquirers where we are. New people respond Montpellier. A young man moves in beside the seat of woman behind me. She needs to sit up now and give him space. They exchange a laugh. My neighbour returned and told new guy of thief. He likes the iPad and smiles. He speaks very little French but he tries. I ask for wifi… Proud ounces weefee here.  
Police, I am told, are now on train. High excitement in sleepy train in south of France this sunny day. I hear voices, excited, a bit louder … Here they are … Police went by. Three that I see. My neighbour gets up and talks to them. He is back.
More announcements. The train is in fast motion again. I check again for my iPhone. All is well. Rest, enjoy the view and rocking of train. Grateful that my seat faces front:). 
Big golf course, huge villas and still vineyards and farmland can be seen as we rock through France at noon hour this 30 October 2015.  
Now stopped at Nimes, 1244 pm. I take a photo of my bags. A bit suspicious of people I guess.  
Arles and over the river, past the fantastic and huge modern bridge. I see a river cruise ship gently saying by. We only slow down, no stop. 1306 pm. Scheduled to arrive 1342 and we are ten minutes late perhaps. Maybe even twenty? I don’t understand. I am a passenger in another country, another language and heading to another place very fast on this foreign train.  
Neighbour calls and texts his “coeur”? Perhaps partner or girlfriend … Not sure. And between he plays games of cards and on phone looks like a game of comparing and finding difference in two similar pictures. I think I would like that game. I wonder what it is? If you know let me know…. I might ask him? Off for another smoke at Arles.  
I would like to read more about this place, Arles. The scenes depicted on the walls of the train station out of doors are of Bulls, horses, flamingoes, and women dancing in a large circle. The Camargues? And ?. Next stop Marseille I believe.  
The sight of the huge metal windmills remind me that they look like they communicate with extra terrestrials. Huge four arms spinning slowly but steadily and two blinking lights where eyes would be, almost humanoid like. I once saw several trucks moving parts of a windmill. One arm larger than a huge semi truck, so much bigger up close and on the ground! Whoa!  
We slow down at Miramas, a busy rail yard and then off again, like we stole the train. Lol

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