Lighthouse in France

I am a Lighthouse
I have often written about this concept …. as if I am a lighthouse. I talk about shining my light and not being concerned about who is affected or enjoys the reflections I cast upon them. I have read books and phrases and enjoyed references made of lighthouses and lessons in life by many authors in my life.
I am still in France on my month long villa stay and reading my way through 100 Places in France Every Woman Should Go and this is an excerpt from Chapter 79.
“Life is relentless. Just ask a lighthouse. If we were born with a fraction of their resilience, we would never be undone by a really bad day. These immortal stone beings are like the best of humans, only better. They stand unwaveringly straight and tall, can withstand any degree of indignity that blows their way, and face each day with steadfastness and grace, no matter what happened the night before. What’s more, a lighthouse offers indiscriminate comfort. Especially when the seas get rough, they are beacons in the dark or through a scrim of vapor. Frankly, we can learn a lot from them: about dependability and consistency, how to hang tough, and what a waste it is to do anything less than greet each day with a sense of optimism and purpose.”
I would add that our personal beacon, our individual little light shining – offers some ray of hope to some one, some where in our lives … and we may never know who they are. My job is not to know or decide or predict or even hope that my light reaches a certain audience …. My job is to get up every day with the goal to shine my best today.
If you in some way have felt the warm rays of light that radiate from my source, then I am in joy and my life’s work is complete. I have known some fabulous people in my life, some now living, some moved on …. who have expressed to me how my light has made their happy moment possible. For this knowledge I am truly truly grateful, beyond any imagination or dream that it could have been so. I sit in the awe-fullness of knowing and feeling that life source grow even brighter from the fuel that gratitude brings.
thanks to all of you …. my friends, my family, my colleagues, clients and dear sweet children and youth that have let my light shine on them in my life time. Blessed am I to have known you.
love and light, from France this day and always, 

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