wine country and landscapes

Book: the Wines of the Languedoc-Roussillon, by Wendy Gedney
This region, Languedoc-Roussillon has every thing needed to make a great wine. They make many! Sunshine, Mediterranean climate, many different soil types and history of quality grape varietals. Great people are also important as we will also find out. People for passion for wines … For the way it is grown and then processed. People are developing new skills, some bring the history and experience of lifetimes to the bottle.  
Signs along the roadside state ” degustation”, wine tasting delights await! Many great cooperative wineries. Farmers can take grapes to the village cooperatives … Instead of having to process and make wine altogether.  
2600 years ago, Greeks and then Romans contributed to wine history. Then monks in monasteries added their influences.   
This region once named Occitania … From Roman heritage, meaning ‘yes’. 
Over 3700 winemakers in this region of France. Many are independent and small scale.  
(Taking a break from the book and going to the goat farm!). Brb.
Back from a wee drive in the surrounding countryside, including a visit to a local goat farm. My goodness. So cute. Many goats with bells around their necks coming in for dinner, I guess. Cute!
It was good to have Anne back to her villa. Barb I have not seen in a while either… Fun. We drove through Montesquieu (goat farm) and Vailhan, then Neffies. Little towns nestled in the hills in the neighbouring areas around Roujan … the nearest village to us.  
I love the old stone structures, churches, walls, buildings, and houses even in town. Remnants of days of old, memories locked away in stone and mortar. Shutters mostly closed indicating not a lot of people home. Perhaps closed up for the season? travelling to warmer areas for the season?
Scenic and beautiful, sun just beginning to set, sparkling off the golden leaves on the vines. Deep reds, bright greens and rust coloured leaves also flickering in the winds of today.  
I do love this area of south of France and would welcome any opportunity to come back again. Perhaps a retreat? Friends and family …. what are your thoughts?
ciao for now, 
Pamela of France.


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