Pink Rose Frizzante

Barb and Anne arrive. They have been cruising ten days …in Greece and now back to enjoy the last of the month in south of France. We greeted them with a chilled magnum of rose frizzante, pink bubbly wine from this region and one of our early wine tastings. It went down fast … Now we are on to the next and the next .. Lol. So many wines!
Sun shine is warm in the solarium … We had snacks of cheeses, breads, rice cakes, figues noire … Tomatoes and olive oil with feta … Lovely.  
Now heading out to a goat farm and making plans of what next to see and where over the following four days with Steve, mom and Jim … And till 30 October with me, before I head to Nice and get on my ten day cruise to Barcelona.  
Life is very good indeed! Gotta go now …. Au revoir!  
Pamela in France


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