More from the book about Wines of the region

Loud speakers can be heard from neighbouring villages and I just read about that activity in a book about this region. Apparently the loud speaker announcement of sales, local resident activities and even their death is sometimes announced for the area residents to hear.
Some of the greenery between the vineyards include rosemary, thyme, and lavender as well as sage and I have seen fields of old sunflowers, past their prime and ready for autumn season.
Olive and other trees (juniper, oak), grains and vines cover pretty much the countryside in every space. Fennel, broom, cactus and low flowering bushes.
Stone walls help with the erosion and trees no doubt assist with the winds that occasionally do blow. We are experiencing the winds today and sometimes you can see a row of trees all leaning in the same direction from efforts of winds past.
I have heard and seen the word “terroir” used in relation to wine and vineyards. It apparently is in reference to all the factors related to the vine in its environment. Growing conditions, I think is how it is described. A sense of place where the wines come from (reference the Wine of Languedoc- Roussillon). And then there is climate and soil as additional factors. I have seen many microclimate areas and soil varieties in my drives in the area, and many different vines turning colour, or not, along the roads and in the distant hills.  
Rainfall is low here and soil varies in colour however it seems pretty dry and the sun shines brightly almost every day, all day.  

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