Overall impressions of Africa safari

Good morning, taking a few moments to jot down some overall thoughts of my African journey thus far.  

The preparation and packing is important.  The flight is long.  I had some apprehension right from the start … even back when the booking started.  East Africa in Depth with GAdventures has a 4 out of 5 rating for physical activity.  I am not feeling physically fit “enough”, am I? And what does that even mean?  I really don’t know if they consider persons of my age or how do they measure this?  

Then I added the South Africa tour … Kruger in Depth to begin my journey.  Adding 4 nights in Zanzibar Tanzania for some off-tour activities with travel buddies in between the safari tours.  A month in total to be away from home and on the road living out of a back pack and on the move every night or two.

Preparing for basic living, sleeping bag, pillow, clothes but not too many so I can do laundry along the way and carry all items on my back in a pack.  I do not want to check in luggage and that limits the amount I want to bring.  I probably squished too much in, in retrospect, but not sure what I would have not taken as I have used most (all) clothes thus far.  Medications and what-if items … hats, rain gear, lots of layers just in case it is cold … bathing suit and water shoes as I was hopeful to have swim time in the ocean. On and on goes the list, and then the eliminating that which does not fit in the carryon bag.  Phew.

The first few weeks were not as basic accommodations although still, being away from luxuries and available washrooms as we drove on bus and ventured into the National Park.  One needs to be ready for waiting long time for comforts at times.  Always travel with toilet paper .. haha.  I swam in outdoor pools that were fed water from the cold water tap and the rain …. Not big, but refreshing.  I enjoyed this.  The beach time in Zanzibar was magical and the blue safari unexpected and totally enjoyed by me – a full day in the water and seeing the location from a dhow!

Small and large airports with long delays and yet, all arrived safely at the destination …. Patience is the word for air travel in 2023.

Camping in tents has been common in my early life experience and I kind of like the idea of listening to wild sounds.  This last week has been in tents, sometimes sleeping on slim foamies. Often walking a distance to kitchen and toilet facilities.  The sounds of the night, the sights of dawn, the pelting of rain, the howl of the wind, thunder and lightning, lineups with others sharing the accommodations.  Food cooked for 16 people and all the various needs and special requests.  Wildlife within arms length …. 

The weather has been pretty good, lots of hot hot, cooler temperatures also and some big rain storm that was so loud and heavy rains falling at once.  Fascinating part of the world. 

The wildlife has vastly exceeded all my expectations…. Variety and quantity everywhere we have been on safari.  Close up lions, far away elephants and giraffe …. Shy warthogs with radio antenna tails when they run away from us. All kinds of antelope bouncing.  Close up enough to see the eyelashes of elephants and giraffe. Huge hippo, water buffalo and wildebeest. Tiny dikdik.  Ostrich and flamingos,storks and exotic birds of prey. Friendly baboons and curious monkeys.  Cats that reside in the area including a few cheetah sightings and evidence of leopard close by, likely watching us from a hiding spot.  Families of wild creatures, with babes close by and playing or learning to hunt.  All so close and exciting for all of us.  Some we photograph and some we sit or stand in the safari vehicle and marvel from our safe place.

The trees and shrubs, the vast grasslands, mountainous views, river beds dry and active, the drives on paved roads in Kruger and sand and rock in east Africa … some days mucky and slippery from night rains.  The cactus, wild and flowering.  Bright greens and colors, grey reddish soils d long yellow gold grasses.  The trees framing sunrise and sunsets that take my breath away as I request the driver to suddenly stop so I can capture the moment on my device for later viewing again and again.  The sights along the rural roadways in Kenya and South Africa …. The colourful clothing of the locals, the work clothes and footwear of many packed into backs of trucks or 4 seated on a motorbike hitching a ride to or from the work site and home.  The children in school uniforms, in play clothes, young and old tending the goats, sheep and cows.

I try to meditate every day and try to stay in the present moment as much as possible.  I want to post and keep you all engaged and with me as I journey on.  

Stay tuned for more.  Wish you were here.

Love Pamela of Africa

4 comments on “Overall impressions of Africa safari

  1. WhirledTravellers says:

    Sounds like an exciting trip. Not in this post but in one of your previous ones…” I’m alone in a tent on a foamy on the ground in Africa in a wildlife park in Kenya alone in the night.” That pretty much hits home–not something one can get a sense of sitting in their living room. Waiting for your next post…

  2. Vivien says:

    Beautifly written Pamela, brought back so many memories of my time in Africa. Thank you for sharing.

  3. Debra says:

    Thank you for sharing a summary and detailed description of your adventure this far. EPIC Journey. Living the Dream.

  4. Jan Manchur says:

    Thanks for letting us live vicariously through your fabulous safaris. I realized that at 74, I wouldn’t be able to take it physically. I know that you will never be sorry that you did this, in spite of the long plane rides, waiting, and living rough. It’s the trip of a lifetime. In a week, I’m off to Greece and Turkey, going solo. I sure remember our lovely time in Greece in 2019. Much love. Enjoy every moment,

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