8 sept 2023. Kenya on route back to Nairobi

Last night was an amazing loud thunder and lightning storm with torrential rain for hours until bedtime.

This morning up and packed by 6 am. In our safari vehicle for last drive through Maasai Mara park. 

Giraffes grazing on acacia tree tops in sunrise. Battery charger charging. On my way!  

Impala. Gail says they look spring loaded when they run

I love the trees here very unique beautiful in the sun Rise. 

Pumba warthogs that put tails straight up when they run from us. 

Leaving park at 730 am. The women trying to sell trinkets at the gate. The Maasai people wear red plaid coverings over shoulders and tied around neck. Children walking to school waving. 

Arrived in Nairobi city limits. Amani garden for lunch. Lunch was covered by our tour dollars. 

Together we are transformed = pamoja tunabadilishwa

Quilt. Textile coop. I love the textiles and fabric art. 

Things to think about: to see this area it is probably important to be ok with being uncomfortable. Or at least be prepared to suspend your privilege enough to be ok with basic, rustic forms of accommodation.  What are you willing to live with to feel this country? To embrace its struggles? To see its riches and animals. What is it worth to you?  If you don’t wish to give up all your privileges and comfort- this won’t be the tour for you.   There are more expensive options that perhaps you can and are willing to try so you can be more comfortable. Just food for thought. 

A quiet relaxing evening arranging flights for tomorrow for the last leg of the tour. Flights tomorrow afternoon. 

Take care all. 

Wish you were here

Love p 


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