SAFE TRAVEL to India, Delhi
As the plane lands and is taxiing on the runway, a surge of excitement occurs. We have arrived. The gentleman beside me on the plane states proudly and kindly ” welcome to Delhi”. He is a most pleasant man, who calls Delhi home and was away on business. He is part of a flooring company and was at a trade show. He watched movies and I tried to sleep.  
After two very long flights since departing Vancouver, on lovely carrier Air France, I see blackness outside. Nine degrees outside states the announcement. Lights marking buildings and lane ways for the plane to traverse for safe arrival. 13.5 hours ahead of BC time back home, it is tomorrow.
Ears tender from the decent from high flying altitudes, I am happy to be leaving the seat 20j since Paris. I am grateful for this direct flight schedule and no delays. I am searching the overhead map on the screen for familiarity and find some names of places our tour will take us over the next few weeks.
Welcome to my India vacation. We will meet soon with the other gals on our 17 guest tour group.  
Stay tuned, faithful blog followers, the best is yet to be!
Welcome to India.

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