A travel journalist talks about being an Ambassador

HI folks, a dear friend posted this  on my Facebook site and I thought you might like to check it out.

She speaks about travel as a way to practice being an Ambassador, a peace maker and a story teller.  Travel educates us and makes us richer.

Join me  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GErjagMyrYk

Pamela MacDonald
Your “travelling” Cruise and Land Travel Specialist
office (250) 381 7447
Cell (250)857-5518
Manulife Insurance  is always recommended for your travel protection https://www.igoinsured.com/TravelWeb/auth/mlwd/forms/MWTakeOne.pdf
Check out & ‘follow’ me at www.og7tkr.com
Join me at the http://meetup.com/Womens-Travel-Club and or
This is a great resource for Travelling Women:  http://travel.gc.ca/docs/publications/her_own_way-en.pdf

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