NAPLES, Napoli Italy, day 1. We arrive!

We pack up after breakfast at the Parnon Hotel in Athens and then head out to pick up a few things, decaf coffee, chargers for the Europe plugs, some of the gals picked up food to nibble on.  I wanted to mail post cards, we found a place to get those mailed.

Our prearranged taxi driver, Petras was on time and seemed happy to see us.  Big hugs all around, packed up the taxi and headed off to the airport in Athens.  We waited and waited.  I walked over 5 kms up and down the airport waiting area C.  By the time the flight arrived we were pretty happy to board, we had ‘priority speedy boarding’.  Seated in row 1 on the plane was pretty nice.  We relaxed and put our luggage in the overhead area.  We arrive 4 hours late on EasyJet … not so easy 

Beautiful sky with blue as far as you can see …. Nice weather.  About an hour and half flight …. “Naples, here we come!” 

Nuevo (9) women in line for the taxi to town, says one of our travelling gals who speaks several languages fluently, Italian is one.  It is beautiful to hear her speak …. A taxi driver says, “yes, of course” come with me. 

Seatbelts for 8. We squished in. No stops at stop signs. He drives us into town. One way streets. Honking horns. He’s on cell phone. Oh. Argh. Sucking in my breath. Moving my legs so we don’t get side swept. (As if that helps, ha ha). His rear view mirror tells the story that he does not always gets through exactly as he thinks.  Many cars, many dents.  Motorcycles do not follow any rules of the road, up and down one way streets and between cars and trucks, more honking.  Oh vey.  Hang on!  It is a wild ride.  I don’t think we take many breaths!  One gal who shares the front seat with me and the driver is able to capture some of the ride on her phone and the commentary is pretty funny after the drive …..  Streets are strewn with ribbons, blue and white.  The town is completely decorated for celebration!  

We are dropped at our hotel, Correa 241.  I have stayed here before and GAdventures uses this hotel so we know it is simple, clean and safe – with breakfast included.  We will stay two nights.  We get one key and drop it off at front desk whenever we go out of the hotel so it is here for our roommate.  Dropping our bags we head out on the search for pizza!

We have a destination in our phones and following the leader through the throngs of people laughing, partying and singing, drinking, eating, smoking and generally celebrating 

So many people in town. Blue and white ribbons on all streets overhead. For soccer celebration Napoli SSC football team.  For European trophy. Last time they won in 1989.  Throngs of people standing, walking, riding motorcycles, beeping, hugging, drinking, celebrating, laughing, eating ….  A few of the alleys are quiet enough from what I can see so I snap a few pictures.  These are in no way an indication of what we are walking through.  We keep an eye, 7 of the women travelling are trying to keep each other in sight as we navigate this wild and crazy city and all the many happy celebrating participants.  A sea of heads we keep moving through ……..  about 20-30 minutes of walking I think ….. we find a destination.  We passed many places but our hotel person had helped us find this one on google maps.  

The ‘pizza bouncer’ at the restaurant hustles a group off the table and quickly resets the table for us all.  We sit and many enjoy the pizza and drinks.  We pay individually and the waiter counts the money.  Off we go …….  On search for gluten free.  Next stop says yes senza glutine however, no take out for that.  We try again and again ….. finally finding a spot that will let me have gf focaccia bread to go.  

We stop to purchase Prosecco and head back to hotel, again through all the mayhem and chaos that is this town, Saturday night.  The gal at the restaurant says Naples is always this way – ha ha.  OK – we keep going.  Out on the square we hear and see 
Fire crackers and fireworks as we leave the populated streets. Probably could see 200 people at any moment. Sea of heads. More than 40 pizza places overflowing with guests.  

We think it is a highlight of the trip. So much adrenaline and yahoo as we walk through the crowds. Keeping an eye out for each other. 7 quiet Canadian women travellers with eyes wide open and laughs.

We sit and enjoy quiet relief with a paper cup of Prosecco in the outside quiet courtyard at the hotel.  Then sleep comes and another day passes on this great adventure.  

One comment on “NAPLES, Napoli Italy, day 1. We arrive!

  1. <

    div dir=”ltr”>Such craziness those Italians and their driving!  Fun but scary. 


    div>I recognize quite a number of those ladies th

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