Napoli, day 2 – one more sleep till we leave Naples

Hot sunny, crowded Sunday on the streets of Naples and out we went for a morning walk. Did some sight seeing on back streets for a few kilometres this morning, taking pics then stopping for Gluten free pizza for lunch at Vesi restaurant. Satisfying.

We came back to the hotel and made a plan to do a long walk down to the Tyrrhenian sea, through the Spanish quarter. We walked again through the huge gathering crowds of people who filled the main artery streets and little alleys. Hundreds, thousands? Of people Honking noise makers and waving flags. Small children in strollers and some walking along holding hands with parents. Dog walkers. Solo folks. Young couples.

We kept together, wondering, watching – just us three constantly keeping an eye out for each other. We walked on cobblestones and larger surface which likely would be slippery when wet. Big brand name stores lined the Main Street where most of the action and people were walking.

Museums, churches and old buildings. Lots of apartments still decorated in blue and white ribbons, and many hanging this weeks laundry out the windows. Some residents lowered buckets We walked to the water and spent some time watching people, taking pictures. We walked back on back streets taking stairs and guessing – well, Mary and Eileen were very good at keeping us moving in the correct direction. We found our way back to the hotel. 6 kms total round trip.

Tonight we meet the GAdventures tour leader (Silvia) and learn a bit about the upcoming week and activities we can expect. Out for dinner and for some, more Napoli pizza. The street party continues – I can hear the fireworks and honking, shouts from the crowds that fill the streets.

Tomorrow orientation walk then on to Pompeii and arrival at Lemon Farm in Sorrento. Yay!

For now, I will sign off, Pamella of Italy.

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