Last post from Napoli – as we depart for Pompeii and Sorrento

It’s a new day here we go to Napoli and Pompeii. I am trying to see if I can record this message today and it types out as I walk around. Never done this before …. Kind of fun and much faster! Spellcheck seems to come up with interesting thoughts also.

We are packed, had breakfast and ready for check out at the Correra 241 by 845. On walking tour by Sylvia, our GAdventures tour guide for the week. Here are a few snippets and trivia from that walk:

Piazza Dante, where the writer, Dante, is celebrated. There is a huge statue and behind him many many statues of all of the moods that he writes about in his book – probably Dantes inferno, etc.. It’s beautiful square we came here yesterday and the day before but I didn’t know the details. The stories fill in the blanks as described by our guide today.

Men’s clothing stores as we walk along – we see pale green suits, and penny loafers for the men. We were laughing at the comparative difference between back home, such as Birkenstocks, pants that zip off to make shorts, plaid shirts and jean jackets … quite the difference! 

Marni and I talked about the benefits and privilege really of doing a gratitude practice every day and sharing it with each other, sharing it with others. Commenting on how it makes the whole gratefulness practice expand bigger, more powerful, more strong.

Going into the oldest church in Naples in the migrant district. It was built in 13th century. It was a hospital at one time also. I lean against old pillars, marvelling. Old frescos still partially visible on ceilings. 

As we walk out of the church, the bells toll. It feels like a significant sign. Another sign today ….. was the name of a shop. It was called ‘Blessings’. We are thinking about being open to receiving whatever the messages are today. Yay! Grateful!!

I’m going into the ‘Church of the black Virgin Mary’ and it’s right inside the old fortress walls down by the sea. Santa Maria del Carmine. When migrant people first came to this country via the port, they would come to this church and there’s a register in the back of the church with the names of the people that came. I believe she said it was built in the 13 century. It is worth a look!

We head to the oldest market area of Naples to see where the migrant people help each other to get established with work, clothes, food – to settle in the area as a safe stable start in this new country.

Several other churches are in the district. One is now a hospital helping battered women and one to assist migrants to get papers and medical assistance.

She took us to a small cafe with ‘the best coffee in Italy’ and she treated us to a small shot of espresso in very tiny cups and saucers, also provided a sweet snack local to the area. Our guide left us there and we were walked back to the Correra to have a quick lunch and rest as we prepare to depart for Pompeii stop this afternoon on route to the lemon farm. The adventure continues!

Pamella of Italy

Weefee is weak so will post pics later

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