Packing stress revisited

Packing stress …. Again

Hi there my faithful followers. Time for some packing tips …. Do you have some? Lol

I am heading out in a little over a week for a five week trip to Europe. I have two weeks on a luxury Cunard cruise in the Baltic followed by about four days in the vibrant historic city of London, UK. There are formal evenings for dining almost every second night … And we will be doing day time excursions to Russia, Finland, Sweden, Germany and more.

Then I fly to Naples where I will spend a few days exploring the Amalfi coast, perhaps a quick train ride to Rome, with four additional fabulous women from the Womens Travel Club. Herein after referred to as WTC!

We have been taking Italian lessons and getting to know one another with the assistance of appies, gluten free Mediterranean pizza from The Joint, a gifted bottle of limoncello and more than one bottle of cold sparkling Prosecco from Italian region where we will be visiting.

And then a week on an adventure land tour out of Sorrento with seven women from the WTC, visiting the ruins of Pompeii, eating more gluten free pizza and pasta, and checking out the island of Capri as well as one day Walk of the Gods.

And subsequently we have a car rented for a week even further south of Italy about three hours drive from Naples, around Maratea marina area. Walking, relaxing, and some hot sunny beach time.

The reason I give you all these details, other than I LOVE to talk about my trips …. Is you can imagine my challenge for packing all these various venues, clothes for five weeks in one or two small carry on suitcases.

I have travelled this light before … (See previous blog about going to Greece for two week Cunard luxury cruise and followed by one week more casual cruise where I had to take my luggage on commuter train as I crossed Italy). I intend to use the same luggage pieces. I intend to not expand my suitcase and I intend to take the appropriate clothes suitable for all the venues and possible weather possibilities.

It can be very hot, still in August in the Baltic and even in to October in the very south of Italy. I need to figure this all out. Pictures to follow ….

Ciao for now

Love ….

Ps. I am seriously waiting for your packing tips … Bring it on!

Women Wanted: To travel and explore the world!

“Women Wanted: to travel and explore the world as part of a successful fun supportive club”

That would be the advertisement. Here is the “why”.

My vision is world peace. My mission is to advance world peace by supporting women to hold hands around the world. To look eye to eye, to speak kind and supportive words to each other, to share the common exquisite experience of daughter hood, womanhood, motherhood, sisterhood.

I value fun, authenticity, exploration as a form of curiosity, support, peaceful intention and love.

I am a facilitator of change. I have been on a mission of change all of my life. I am just now clarifying the words to describe my journey.

I am dedicating my life’s work to my mission and I have formed this Womens Travel Club to offer a sense of belonging and acceptance in the global community that supports and values women. Women matter. How we show up, each of us, in our daily experiences matters. Stating a clear intention is key and followed up by steps in the direction of our stated purpose.

Thank you for stepping in to my journey. Thank you for holding hands with me and lending your support to women everywhere. Thanks for your contribution to world peace.

I live in easy world where a river of love and support flows through me.


I was reborn Italiano

I was reborn Italian

Piacere “…….pleasure

Per piacerie … Please …. Per favore

Grazie ….. Thank you
Prego. …… Your welcome

Banio …. Wc

Ciao ciao
Ciao tutti …. Everyone at once

Buon giorno
Buona sera
Buona notte

Arrivaderci or arrivaderla

Andiamo … Let’s go

Permesso … Can I come in? Someone’s house

Allora … Ok, alrighty then

Va bene … It’s all good
Tutto e bene …. Everything is good

A presto …. I will see you soon

Aspetto …. I wait

Basta ….. Enough, I have had enough

Com e va? ….. How are you doing?
E tu? “…..and you?

Pronounce every vowel, / i is pronounced e / E is pronounced a
If talking about yourself, word ends in o

Sono di? …. Where?

Sono Pamela ….. My name is …. Mi chiamo Pamela
Come ti chiama? ….. What is your name?

Sono Canadese
Sono Pensionate
Sono l’agente di viaggi ….. I am a travel agent

Mi piace … I like … Musica, viaggi,

Questa e Mia amica …. This is my friend, …

Parla inglese?
Non parlo Italiano bene
Parlo poco Italiano

Capisce? Capisco! Non capisco

Scusi … Excuse me, I need to get past you

Mi dispiace ….. I am really sorry

Parli lentamente …….. Speak slowly

Anche …. Also

Niente …. None, nothing

112= polizia …… 117= ambulanza

Mannaggia …. Dam, darn, drat or mannag

Cin Cin or Salute


Sent from my iPad
Pamela MacDonald, your “travelling” Cruise, & Land Vacation Specialist
Expedia CruiseShipCenters, Victoria BC Canada
Cell 250-857-5518

I Want What She Is Having!

“I want what she’s having!”

My new slogan, my brand.

Welcome to my life! World travel, great friends and wonderful days! Optimism, positivity and strong sense of belonging.

I have enjoyed being part of the Womens Travel Club in Victoria. Some great friends and lots of fun conversations. I love the sharing of stories, meaningful and warm experiences that feel rich in the re-telling. We get together and bare witness to each other’s life and adventures.

I find a similar sentiment that some women who are less travelled than me, and they seem to look up to what I have to offer. I am intrigued and so curious about other womens’ stories and hear their travel tales.

Let the Womens Travel Club be the collection of wonderful stories quilted together as a rich tapestry.

Thanks so much for showing up and bringing your contribution.

No matter where you live, you are welcome to join in the fun!
Please be in touch,


Your Traveling Companion

Your Travelling Companion

Hi folks and dear blog,

Would you prefer to be traveling the world? Would you like to remember the moments, be more mindful and stretch out of your comfort zone?

I imagine places from books I have read and pictures and paintings I have seen. I have attraction to certain places, and am also open to new experiences.

What is my preferred story of my travel adventures? Luxury, ancient, beautiful views, great gluten free food, exotic fragrances and florals, quality, memorable moments, personal service, sunshiny warm days and glorious sunsets, blue cloudless skies, birdsong, flowy white linen clothing, colourful accents, fashionable hats, fresh juicy fruits, spiced vegetarian entrees, clean modern facilities, cobblestones, high buildings and lazy days.

Traveling in a group of adventurous independent women, we go our separate ways mostly, and get together for evening meals and a glass of local wine to reminisce about the days events and activities.

Sometimes cruising, sometimes organized tours, and always fantastic boutique accommodations.

I am very much looking forward to the next travel event. I invite you to join in the fun and fantastic travel adventures, and live your life to the fullest.

Your travelling companion,


Travel Bucket list: Dreams do come true!

Anticipation and saying Yes, Hell YES!

I am approaching retirement from my government job. The date has been decided and the planning begun. It is no doubt a significant life style change. I have been doing this work as a probation officer for a very very long time. Time now to enjoy a lighter side of life.

Certainly being a travel consultant brings with it many perks. All fun, and very exciting. Contact and meaningful connections with family and new travel friendships. I feel like I am living my dream!

As for my bucket list: The menu of possibilities is endless. I have been part of a Travel Club and am often on the look out for trips that others will enjoy. Cruising is one such option, however, land vacations and terrific excursions, flights and boutique hotels also intrigue me. How to decide? What are the best dates for ultimate travel experiences? Who wants to come with me?

I started out this calendar year with no trips planned. I met and spent some time with an amazing group who started making selections. Turkey and Greece, by cruise, planned for September 2015. Hell yes! I have been before and always wanting to expand the growing list of different Greek Islands. This cruise offers my favourites as well as a few not yet explored by me previously. Special and dear friends, and family joining me on this trip. Check.

So excited, have now also added another 9 day cruise for more Greek sailing after the cruise mentioned above. Planning a week or so on land in a villa in France for the dates in between. Reconnecting with travel buddies I met on Azamara cruise in Italy last year, Barb and Anne. I anticipate some Prosecco to be consumed!

Then the Amazon was suggested as an exotic destination, bucket list dream, by a wonderful world travelling member of the WomensTravelClub here in Victoria, BC. On board the luxurious yet casual Oceania cruise line, Regatta for 21 days repositioning from Rio de Janeiro Brazil to Miami, with a full 6 days touring on the Amazon River. Hell Yes again. Another deposit …. Sailing March 2015.

In April 2015 I am booked for a ten day Pacific Coastal round trip Vancouver, cruise on Princess (of love boat fame) with an overnight in San Francisco, ports of call of Los Angeles, Santa Barbara, Catalina island and more. Hoping to host a group of wonderful friends and family on this closer-to-Home vacation cruise! Hell yes!

Intrigued always by the Baltic, I have also committed to two week son board the fabulous Cunard ship departing end of August this year, 2014. Followed by 4 nits in London to see Tower of London, London Bridge, St Paul’s Cathedral, Covent Garden, Trafalgar Square, Big Ben, Westminster Abbey, Portabello Road, Buckingham Palace, Hampton Court Palace, the artist area of Bloomsbury and to take a stroll in Notting Hill. Places made famous in my mind from movies. I can hardly wait!

I then fly to Naples Italy, to spend a few days exploring that area, followed by a week at an Agritourismo outside Sorrento with seven women members of the WomensTravel Club. We will make pizza, pasta sauce and learn about making and possibly consuming the local product, Limoncello! Oh yah!

Five of us leave there, and in have now acquired my International Drivers License so have rented a car for a week, staying in a time share condo suitable for five Canadian women on the move. We will explore the south south coast of Italy. I have not yet been to this area of the Italy and the world and am already in love as I make plans and research the local lifestyle.

After five weeks in Europe I will come home to rest for a bit, adjust to retirement …and prepare for a fabulous ten day Caribbean cruise aboard Oceania Insignia (small boutique ship that I have spent three weeks on crossing the Atlantic and equator on about four years ago). Ports of call include Martinique, St Kitts, St Bart’s, Grenada, Barbados, Saint Lucia, and the Grenadines! Awesome. Lots of extra perks and I have some group space, inviting friends and family to join me as I celebrate my new traveling life and not returning to public service government work.

In April 2016, I am hoping to again enjoy the Princess ship cruising the Pacific coast, 10 days round trip Vancouver. I hope to return to England that year and walk some of Hadrians Wall … Perhaps travel to Asia with my life time friend Penny… And I am open to more ideas and travel bucket list destinations.

Thankful for every opportunity presented and for all of you for joining me. Please contact me if any or all of these trips entice you to join me.

I love my life and I am truly saying yes, Hell YES, to travel whenever I can.

How about you?

Travel Planning: England, Italy

Planning for England and Italy

The excitement of going to foreign places is high. The stress of making plans is also rising. I am reading about places and trying to plan how I will get around. Where to stay, transfers, food.

I like to cruise, well, actually, I love to cruise. Most of my travels center around cruising because it is luxurious and easy for me. I get to explore new places from the safety and comfort of my cruise ship. I love it.

This trip does start with a lovely and most luxurious two week Cunard cruise through the Baltic. Then several days in London with family to explore a few places I always wanted to see: London bridge, the Tower of London, Buckingham palace and Big Ben.

Then I fly, alone to Naples. I will meet up with four or five, not yet confirmed, ladies from the travel club. I have assisted with their flights and wish we could arrive together.

Then staying at a small hotel we selected, maybe a bed and breakfast. We will check out the area for several days until we move on to see Sorrento, Pompeii and a week discovering the area around Amalfi coast. I have only heard stories, this will be my first time in the south of Italy.

Followed by a week at a time share generously provided by one of the gals, 5 of us will travel the area exploring. And I will be driving standard on the small curvy roads hugging the coast of Southern Italy.

So many plans to make and lists to check off. The dates get closer and closer. I fly out of Victoria at end of August. Much to do between now and then.

Ciao Bella,


10 Mantras for Travel Mastery: Italy

Ten mantras for travel mastery: Italy

1. Plentiful abundance easily flows through me
2. I walk with ease along the coast of Italy, the Walk of the Gods
3. May all travellers experience health and positivity on our journey
4. My body is vibrant, photogenic and full of energy
5. I experience love, joy and peace in all my relationships
6. My written words inspire and illuminate
7. I radiate positive light and goodwill along my path
8. I attract clear skies, sunshine and moonbeams
9. I live in Easy World: breathe, relax, allow, enjoy
10. I am grateful for the happiness I experience

Flight of the Angels and Walk of the Gods: Italy

Flight of the Angels and Walk of the Gods: Italy

Making plans for my next trip, five weeks in Europe. Starting with a flight with my partner to London UK, train or bus toSouthampton, to board a Cunard queen cruiseship. We will sail for two weeks in the Baltic and visit amazing and exotic places, StPetersburg, Copenhagen, Helsinki and more. Two glorious weeks of travel in ultimate luxury. Thank you, Cunard!

We then meet up with Sarah and her partner in London for just shy of a week of walking talking and eating of London fare. I am going to Buckingham Palace and will see the Tower of London, and London Bridge, as well as the legendary Big Ben. In mid September I fly to Naples Italy.

I have not yet been to the south of Italy, never south of Rome. So this will all be new territory for me. The famed Napoli, Italian name for Naples. I will explore, with five women from the Womens Travel Club, the Amalfi coast and where the sea meets the shore. I will walk and rest and eat and probably taste the wine of the area. A week with GAdventures, local living in Sorrento at a lemon farm agritourismo. I love that word! Included is the world famous Walk of the Gods.

Italian words, how fabulouso. After that week, we spend another week even further south, rental car and time share week to explore and adventure local living Italy. The Flight of the Angels is like a high wire joining two cities. You should google it.

How lucky am I? I think I say yes, Hell Yes, to opportunities that present themselves. I am delighted with what adventures are around every corner. There is always room for more, so come on along!

Ciao Bella,


Solo Travel, here are 8 reasons it works

Plan8 – The world as if it was in sections of 8

Hi folks, I have set a table for 8, and invite you to dine with me at my blog.

In recent days I have set my next quarter goals for the year, with 8 sections to measure. 8 walks / runs in a week, 8 meditation retreats in a month etc. You get my drift …

Today I want to offer my top 8 reasons for traveling Solo, with a group. There will be articles in the future on traveling with beloved family and friends. This one is not that one. I offer this to spur you to take your one life and share it with whomever and wherever you please.

1. Selfie pics. For those who have a precious iphone and ipad (and I highly recommend you have both for all travel experiences) you want pictures that make you look exquisitely photogenic. Not somebody else’s shot of how that building behind you should be centered in the picture. Yawn. Take hundreds of selfies, and send a few out to the universe via Facebook or your favorite blog and see how proud you are of how you look in front of whatever it was … J

2. Go where you want, when you want, and see what you want for as long as you want. If you take a lifetime waiting for this place on your bucket list, then enjoy it as you imagined it thousands of times before. Stand in front of that famous piece of art for hours …. or seconds. Walk the Great Wall of China or Hadrian’s Wall and take 5 days ….. or 5 minutes. Enjoy the bridges of Paris, if that is your dream (it was mine) and take the full 9 hours to walk by each one and take those mental pictures of yourself making your own dreams come true.

3. Who do you want to try on? Dress up for the day, donning your favorite (although not the most comfy) shoes you brought, put that exotic hat on your frizzy hair, carefully apply makeup as if this was your photo shoot to sum up your travel life, put on a skirt that is long and flowy and billows in the breeze, purchase that elaborate umbrella that makes a statement about what you love most in your life. Be sophisticated, lazy, exotic, thoughtful, stunningly attractive, and happier than anyone has the right to ….. Pick a feeling, dress for it and “wear” it all day.

4. Write your story. You are the central character in your life, and you want to write it in your language for your memory, and select stories that happen to you. Take time on the steps of an old cathedral, or at a corner café with a glass of French wine or Italian Prosecco. Enjoy the carved marble stones and ancient tree providing shade at Ephesus. Sit among the sunflowers or lavender fields in a meadow in Tuscany. Scribble in a journal bought for this adventure, or make notes on the ipad, or record in your free AudioMemos App on the iphone. Draw; find some water and paint, use color and expression. You will relive this moment for all time!

5. Eat gluten free, vegan dessert for breakfast. Be high maintenance with your food choices. Demand the best and try local foods to get a sense of the culture. Socca made of chick pea flour, fresh cucumber eaten as a baguette and dipped in fresh salsa or tapenade purchased at a market and enjoyed while lying on the beach sand, fruit fresh from the vine or tree local to the area. A whole bottle of a local wine in an artistic wine glass you purchased from an artisan. Is there vegan chocolate? Of course there is, find it and have it gift wrapped and eat it later.

6. Don’t wait or ask what the others are doing. Attend to every vacation with an open mind, and curiosity. I also will suggest that there is a reason you wanted to be in this place. Make a list of 8 items of interest you might want to check out while here. Then also be totally surprised at what you find as you search out those on your list. Best place to eat champagne infused sorbet, attend a free wine tasting and strike up a conversation in a language you don’t speak. Take the train to an exotic place you have never heard of before. Enter small boutique shops and compliment the staff, try on hats and take your own selfie (see item#1 above), laugh out loud.

7. Become confident in your own courage. This is a great opportunity to create a story you will retell in the years to come. Take some comfortable risks and celebrate that which shows up you would not have discovered if you had stayed on the well trodden path. I am not talking about danger here, rather, I am saying that the more you listen to your inner guide and follow to the edge of your comfort zone; the pleasure you will discover in your own abilities of navigation may astound and delight you. Even when traveling as a group, someone always suggests the outrageous (skinny dipping in the Aegean?) and you may never pass this way again J

8. Answer to no one. No whining, complaining, no ridicule or apology. This is your trip, your dollar or pound, your time and you get to love it just the way you create it. No one, not even you, is going to be critical of how you get to enjoy your very life.

Ps. You might want to remind yourself to live your life with these rules EVERYDAY!!

Pamela MacDonald
I am living my dream by connecting to others ….
My website is open 24/7

Travel Dreams come true …

My blog: