Flight of the Angels and Walk of the Gods: Italy

Flight of the Angels and Walk of the Gods: Italy

Making plans for my next trip, five weeks in Europe. Starting with a flight with my partner to London UK, train or bus toSouthampton, to board a Cunard queen cruiseship. We will sail for two weeks in the Baltic and visit amazing and exotic places, StPetersburg, Copenhagen, Helsinki and more. Two glorious weeks of travel in ultimate luxury. Thank you, Cunard!

We then meet up with Sarah and her partner in London for just shy of a week of walking talking and eating of London fare. I am going to Buckingham Palace and will see the Tower of London, and London Bridge, as well as the legendary Big Ben. In mid September I fly to Naples Italy.

I have not yet been to the south of Italy, never south of Rome. So this will all be new territory for me. The famed Napoli, Italian name for Naples. I will explore, with five women from the Womens Travel Club, the Amalfi coast and where the sea meets the shore. I will walk and rest and eat and probably taste the wine of the area. A week with GAdventures, local living in Sorrento at a lemon farm agritourismo. I love that word! Included is the world famous Walk of the Gods.

Italian words, how fabulouso. After that week, we spend another week even further south, rental car and time share week to explore and adventure local living Italy. The Flight of the Angels is like a high wire joining two cities. You should google it.

How lucky am I? I think I say yes, Hell Yes, to opportunities that present themselves. I am delighted with what adventures are around every corner. There is always room for more, so come on along!

Ciao Bella,


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