Stockholm tomorrow

Stockholm and other destinations

Preparing our days in port, we are attending great talks, which are illuminating. They also repeat throughout the day and evening to re listen on the TV Chanel in our room. Not that we spend much time there! And the tv is seldom on.

We have selected the two one day stops in St Petersburg, 6 and 7 September. We do have a stop in old Stockholm first.

Sightseeing will be fun and beautiful with hop on and hop off bus opportunity. 2.5 million people live in Stockholm and it is quite the archipelagos linking 14 islands and the mainland by some fifty bridges. I love bridges and look forward to exploring a few throughout that day. It is the capital city. I am looking forward to this tour. We may need some Swedish Kronor for currency. There is a large modern city and also an old town, which interests me. I expect we might even see an Ikea and ABBA museum …. Lol! I hear the Nobel prizes are awarded here as well.

My eldest daughter came to Sweden to nanny one year about ten years ago and I had wanted to join her then and could not. I look forward to seeing what she once described to me in letters.

We are waiting to see the talk on St Petersburg although we have something now booked for the two days. Day 1 seems like we need to see the Hermitage and get a feel for what the fuss is all about. Second day is a walking exploration for about seven hours, still in a tour. We hope to see many sights and really get a feel for St Petersburg that day for sure.

Helsinki, an old sea port, is the third port of call and visiting Finland sounds wonderful. Hop on hop off I think will get us around, followed by walking and especially a peek in to see the famous unique Rock Church. Otherwise castles, churches and architecture, with walks along the bridges and river areas including old town and some exploration of the open air markets will be the plan. Erottaja is the Center of town and a Cunard shuttle will be provided for us.

Looking forward to being surprised by all the ports of call featured in this itinerary.

Off to breakfast now. We lost an hour last night re time zones adjustment. I am still getting used to the big jet lag from the flight over and feel tired in the mornings more than I like. I prefer at least eight hours of sleep a night and I am falling short trying to fit in all there is, shows, activities and of course the ever important food opportunities …. Lol.

I finished a painting today of a few boats in Talinn. Although our ship is not sopping there, I am pleased with the painting. Today we also were drawing and painting a chipmunk and I did not love that ! So after I finished my marina, I started a sail boat while practicing a new technique with candle wax.

Posting the completed piece of art below.

Ciao and wish you were here.


The Sea

What a Way to See the Sea, Si

I am loving the calm blue and gentle almost not movement of the sea. I know there is life below, I see from time to time some evidence poking through and inviting cameras to capture the moment. We are passing Copenhagen harbour, with towers and spires reaching ever up.

The whispy movement of the air tussles my hair, keeps my skin cool, while the bright heat of the sun is relentlessly shining on those who take a seat on the outside decks for a short while.

There are no tides apparently, however rivers feed the sea. Our vessel is cruising along at this time, through this amazing channel, usually not navigable due to low waters in summer season, according to the Captain. This is a special voyage indeed!

Land and peoples, speaking another language, collecting different currency and yet likely possessing similar thoughts and dreams, just over the horizon. The ship makes us neighbours. We wave at the small boats that come nearby and we can almost make out the desire on their faces. “I wish you could be here too, with us”. One big universal family of travellers. Those that seek to know and are curious about the other. The women who reach put to hold hands with other women around the world.

Thanks for joining me on this and all my travels through this blog, and on Facebook. I enjoy sharing my story and bringing you along with me.


Ti amo,


Ps … I have ordered gluten free vegetarian pizza for tomorrow lunch, yummmm!

Day two at sea, watercolor and wine

Water color painting and wine tasting : Day one and Two at sea

Running late this morning, having slept in, finally. My jet lag is moving on and leaving me with a full cruise itinerary!

Class starts, Brittania dining room, deck 3 promptly at ten am. I thought I read it was for an hour and had planned to grab a wee bite of breakfast at the buffet and perhaps catch a few minutes of class. After all, I have enjoyed two transatlantic crossing, eight total sea days of water color class and of course the first trip to Greece with Penny was on board a Cunard ship, the Queen Elizabeth.

I arrived, late (I found gluten free bread and peanut butter to enjoy at breakfast) and I was asked if I was staying. I replied in the affirmative, and then had to go back to my stateroom for my previously purchased package of paints, paper and brushes.

I drew on white, from a small cherry tomato on a vine. Then painted white on black, then again for completed project in white then color, on thicker black. Cha Cha dance lessons after buffet lunch. Crowded and very fun to practice this upbeat dance step.

More dancing after fabulous dining and some wine ….then a show with a world famous flautist …. Then late night dancing till after midnight. It was a very formal black and white evening, dancing in the Queens Room and following in Hemispheres party lounge.

Today a painting of Talinn marina, on white, with black ink definitions. Then an informative speaker on Helsinki Finland. More food followed for lunch buffet of course.

A speaker, English reporter, talking about Princess Diana and her life, as he witnessed it, having been her trusted photographer at different times in her life.

A very special invitation to Italy wine tasting today, starting with Prosecco in Rose color. Two whites, one from high Sicily region, and then a hearty red similar to Barollo. Italian wine were made for food accompaniment, quite fruity. So special to compliment my Italy adventure.

I see outside we are close to shore and can see buildings glistening in the bright sunshine and blue skies of today. Close enough to see large greenery acreages and beautiful large church steeples. I wonder where we are? Many small boats litter the water around the ship. Red tiled roofs, rocky coastal shore line, and many small Mariana’s can be seen dotting the shoreline between and around groves of trees. It is beautiful here, clean, clear, blue, with many shore birds dancing in the wind. Windmills and lighthouses mark the route.

Wish you were here!


Ti amo,


Lunch, day one…. Let the feast begin

Lunch on board

Greetings dear ones. Jet lag is starting to move through and hopefully I am now acclimatized to this part of the world. My home for the next five weeks.

Complimentary breakfast, English style. They had gluten free toast and looked askance that I asked for what? Peanut butter? Ah, no. Some fruit, mushrooms and beans all meet the gluten free, sugar reduced and vegan options. I am trying to not eat meat, however on the cruise I plan to enjoy seafood and specifically shellfish. It was satisfying and we checked email, packed up and stored our bags behind the office.

We went for a walk through Southampton along the port, and past. Then back, up High St where we came to markets, and we picked up some water to drink. One of the gals found a booth selling pashmina scarves for 2 pounds each. Great find. Walking along the historic rock walls that pepper Southampton downtown area is interesting. Buildings dressed in Tudor style, and old brick and rock. Climbing up, down and over, with intermittent views of the sea and very active port.

Back to the hotel, and we hailed a van, to drive for early embarkation to the ship. I noticed that an English bird, likely a sea gull, shat upon the silk ribbon band, white of course, on my hat. I noticed and said it out loud, the lovely taxi driver commented that this was definitely good luck!

Very short taxi ride to the port for Queen Victoria and no lines. Embarkation of ease, and our rooms ready by 1230. The gal who did our embarkation on board also commented on my good fortune for having been shat upon by a local bird! Time for a lido deck lunch and selection of the wine package for the next 14 days.

I have seen some very familiar crew faces. Our wine steward at dinner is the same we had last January when we were on this ship. Does she remember us? Not likely but she says she recalls me. She has a very familiar and unique voice, name of

One of the maƮtre de staff has gone by me a few times, I noticed his familiar face . He must have been responsible for us last year. This year Eduardo is looking after my high maintenance needs. He is very gracious and accommodating and even seems to have a great sense of humour!

Our dinner companions include four sisters, of seven, from England, who some times get along :). And another British couple. Dinner is like a sit com television program so you will no doubt hear more!

Late for the show, and then dancing in the disco, with the sisters and the four of us (Steve and I, Jan and Joanne) … The dance floor filled and we had a lovely time. I tried melatonin for a more restful sleep, inside stateroom, 8 th floor …. Lovely room. Champagne greeted us and we are unpacked, have attended the life boat drill and now are quite settled in.

Cunard Commodore Club

Commodore club, Cunard cruising

Embarkation was effortless and smooth yesterday. I love the classiness and style of Cunard.

On board. After healthy lunch of salad, veggies and a vegan ratatouille. A lovely glass of water followed by a walk outside in the cool sea breeze. Some people lounging around the pool deck.

What does Cunard offer that is special? They are celebrating 175 years of tradition. They offer history, formality, enrichment in the form of guest lectures and global topics, famous persons, including writers and other artists. They host the only ocean liner in the world, Queen Mary 2 and it virtually cuts through the weather crossing the Atlantic, for which she was designed. She is unique with her depth and speed for a passenger cruise ship.

The “class” system is alive throughout the Cunard line, but what does this mean? For those suite guests who enjoy and more elite service of butlers, concierge and inclusivity this could be the cruise line for them. I personally do not experience any snobbery or sense of difference on my cruise, and this is my fourth cruise with Cunard.

I enjoy the formal dress up evenings, people watching, exquisite personal service and well appointed staterooms on the most beautiful mid size ships at sea. I love Cunard history and enrichment opportunities.

What would groups of people enjoy on Cunard? Fine food and fine dining, fabulous wine selections and sommelier service. There is a cigar room for those who enjoy that specialized space. No longer are people permitted to smoke on balcony staterooms. Excursions to wineries and you can bring wine on board for personal consumption in staterooms. Wine packages are affordable and offer great selection for dining accompaniment. Extra enrichment includes classes for watercolor painting, spa and fitness classes, dancing classes and ample practice opportunities.

People who are passionate about travel and enjoy these extra inclusions may also enjoy the Cunard experience. Those who can’t or don’t want to fly, can still get to Europe on board the famous ocean liner, Queen Mary 2.

Google the cruise line and see if this is for you! I am often in the mood for Cunard and I would love you to join me!

Pamela, Cunard Commodore

Arrival in UK

Long overnight flight straight through from Calgary. We sat next to a nice gentleman who travels to do his work all over the world. I asked him if he knew his career choice would take him to foreign lands. No, he had no idea.

We had been upgraded, in my view, to emergency row seats. All the legroom and more ….. I feel so blessed. Then the arrival of gluten free meals! I guess I made the request when I booked my tickets, I have never really experienced the delivery before, except in my last Air Canada first class experience! So it was great, few mini bottles of red wine and sleep came easily to me.

Next thing I know my breakfast gluten free muffin arrives and we are nearing our destination. I look out the window and am surprised to see the farmlands all higgledy piggeldy, some straight lines but no right angles as far as I can see. No symmetry or consistency to England’s farm fields. Interesting and I ponder my theories of why so different from Canada.

After some more jet lag: good morning dear ones. We had a lovely private transfer upon meeting up at Sheraton Skyline … Jan, Joanne, Steve and I shared the ride in a Mercedes limo van. Comfy. The jet lag feeling is settling in.

Once at the hotel in Southampton I was so excited to see three large cruise ships in port, Steve slept a nap, and the rest of us shopped. We found a Marks and Spencer and bought acrylic champagne glasses and a few bottles of prosecco for the ship boarding tomorrow. Priorities! It was fun to people watch, to see the outfits of locals.

We enjoyed a lovely old English style pub for dinner. Duke of Wellington? I will try to post a pic of the lovely interior. People order at the bar, and then sit and enjoy. When in Rome …. Er …. England! Cheers!

Cin Cin, Salute to my Italian friends.

Ciao love Pamela

The beautiful flight to Calgary

Stunningly beautiful

The flight to Calgary while short and partially interrupted by my quick nap (lol) was breathtaking.

Tiny plane, window seat, very back row. We soar over the water with sunshine sparkling on the sea water below, with what looked like toy boats playing to some distant song that I could not hear. White streaks giving evidence to how fast each was going.Are they in chase, organized or in random patterns? And the sails up on cousin boats, catching the movement of the ocean air with effortless movement through the rocky shores. Still close enough to see sea birds frolicking.

I watched with curiosity as the terrain below came alive with change. Mountains, windy rivers meandering through and distinguishing sides. Small mountain lakes bleeding, with streams down down and sometimes disappearing from view.

Grey, gold, red, browns and black hard edges carved from what once was the flat earth below. Looking to be new and freshly cut from a flat surface that must have once covered the area. Visually I can imagine the large flows of slow moving ice that would have covered the surface and made round some of the ground.

Beautiful and awe inspiring.

And then as if wrapped carefully for gift giving, the carved prairies. How did they create such uniform and straight lines of division? Who was in charge of this visual creation of perfection from the sky. And who lives in those beautiful farm houses there now standing? I can see the fall harvest has taken place and carefully manicured fields of various colours greet my sights.

And arrival, in to Calgary.


This Adventure has Begun 29 August 2014

Hello all dear ones,

Sitting on the other side of security, having dropped our bags and sighed relief. We are here on time and within luggage weight limit.

Does everyone stress about such things? I brought a small checked suitcase…. It seems to be the only way (weigh) I can stay under limit. And so I “shared” some of my items with my travel partner with the little bit of room he had left over. Ha ha.

How will I get home? Scarlett O’Hara would say ….”I will think about that later …” Smile.

A few weeks ago in preparation for this world travel, I purchased a lovely little light weight bag to carry as an international purse. I thought it was so cute. So this morning as I was trying to find a way to bring my gluten free travel convenience food, I found the new cute bag to be lacking in size. While it still wants to come, it just will not do the trick. I ran out of space.

Items of discard gently set aside. I was noticing still small voices of pleading … “Take me, find a way ….. Don’t leave me behind on this very important trip”.

A light bulb moment as I am putting rejected shoes back in their spots …. A bigger bag! Put the small cute one inside a bigger lightweight lulu bag! Yes! Call it a purse! Plenty of room.

Happy with my packing choices, although I can barely remember what went in to the checked suitcase when I closed it almost a week ago, it seems. I don’t have time to review the selection. Just stuff it all in.

Happily we do the last minute sparkle to our condo, leaving it clean and fresh for showing while we are away.

I sent a few texts as we pull out of the underground garage, top down in convertible, stopped of course, for use of cell phone. And away we go … Few selfie pics posted to Facebook.

An hour to craft the first travel blog and enjoy the anticipation of all that is to come in the next five weeks before I arrive back to this spot.

Off to London UK via a stopover in Calgary to visit my friend. Nice.

Stay with me, it is going to be a great trip!


The Climb: Packing for Europe

Good morning dear ones. The days are passing and I am completing some tasks needed to do before I leave on my great Europe adventure.

1. Pack a lot of appropriate clothes and items of convenience in small carry on size suitcase, to satisfy 5 weeks of various romantic and formal dinners, shared accommodations and walking adventure travel with a group of women.

2. Finish up last minute details for travel clients, friends and womens travel club members for trips upcoming for them

3. Keep my condo in good showing shape as it is on the market for sale

4. Enjoy this first month of my retirement from government service, letting go of almost 30 years in social service sector as a probation officer

5. Keep practicing mindfulness, gratitude, inspiration, peaceful communications and love.

6. Write, write and write.

7. Gather up my artist supplies for creative expression

8. Practice speaking Italian. Mondo facile! Grazie and Ti Amo!

I am excited about this adventure … So much I can hardly sleep. And I love to sleep! Packing lists and visualizations of the days to come are dancing in my head.

An exchange is happening between me and my clothes. “Take me, you know I am your favorite! You took that thing last trip, now it is my turn. I can squeeze up small and fit in”. I love to dress up.

I have a wonderful abundant wardrobe of some of the very best clothes gathered from designers and voyages with shopping all around the world. I am not intending to look like a tourist!

How do I want to feel? What is the journey all about? If this is the day my world changes and it is photographed, how will I be portrayed? On this epic world stage, what is my intention? Who am I with and how do I want to inspire them? Who will catch my eye and how will I feel that I showed up dressed as my authentic self? How does my authentic self dress? What to leave behind?

As with the climb of My Everest, it is a dance …. of waves …. What to take and what to leave behind? Decisions … decisions….. To give my self time to reconsider? Be inspired? Second guesses are often helpful in reducing impulsive decisions.

I have the basic formal items, dresses, and sequins all packed, one half of the small carry on suitcase. Scarves are selected and rolled, with air removed, sealed in large plastic reusable freezer bags.

Next is the dance of the shoes and hats! There was a time a few short years ago that I would fill a small carry on suitcase with just shoes! Lol. I have come home from a vacation with four hats stacked one on the other on top of my head for the flight, so none would be crushed in my luggage.

My goals are different now and I have intention to be more selective, de clutter and simplify my choices. The wardrobe options are many as I have perfected the art of shopping for dresses for probably in excess of fifty years! And my mother, a great teacher, is famous in our family for her shopping expertise. She encouraged me to dress with flare and style. She would say “humour me” and send me to the change room with items that I would have overlooked and then subsequently fell madly in love with.

Having witness to our wardrobe is a glimpse into our soul. Welcome to my world of packing and travel!

Just a few more days and I will be scribing with you of my exotic travels in the Baltic region of Europe. Where old places hold ancient and modern energy of women from the past. I will be there soon walking among them and enjoying, and to be forever influenced and inspired by their musings.

Ciao for now!

Bella Pamela

Repost: What if THIS is that day?

Feb 17 2013

Do you remember the day it all began? The day all the questions came at you at once and you were able to see with crystal clarity your life purpose?

I am so inspired and touched by the journey of my life. Today I can visualize the top, my highest and best, my ultimate happy place, my top 1% of my very best day of the best year of the best decade of this life.

My friend interviewed me this morning. We get together by phone and in person several times a week to talk about life and our respective journeys. We share our muses and the latest books we read and the experiences we have had. The ah-hah moments that rock our world.

Today , in the interview, I said with clarity my priorities of livelihood, travel, health, family and to improve the lives of women around the world. I explored verbally in detail how I came to have these priorities and what I do every single day to take steps toward my highest and best: how I visualize and what practices I personally maintain to ensure I am taking daily steps toward the top of my Mt Everest.

I talked about my craft and what I do to log my 10,000 hours of brilliance toward my genius; becoming world class. I honored and witnessed my own journey and then that of my friend. I celebrate my steps in the direction of my desires and dreams: fine tuning and yahoo-ing as I go; singing my song in my own voice. I recorded the words, the message and the dream so I can reflect and review this day, this moment and this step on my life journey.

I have goosebumps and a few tears of emotion as I tell the story I once heard from the first woman, Canadian, who climbed Mt Everest and the lesson of that adventure. I see with some more clarity what I must do for my own journey. I must have witnesses and I surround myself with support and talent and love.

I ask my friend if she is closer to seeing her purpose in this life. She responds with careful thought and I witness the spark. And I wonder, out loud, what if I was there that day Bill Gates or Mother Theresa or Madonna found their song? What if I am witnessing such a global life changing moment right now?

What if this is THAT day?

Sent from my iPad
Pamela MacDonald, your “travelling” cruise, flight and land vacation specialist
Cell 250-857-5518