Arrival in UK

Long overnight flight straight through from Calgary. We sat next to a nice gentleman who travels to do his work all over the world. I asked him if he knew his career choice would take him to foreign lands. No, he had no idea.

We had been upgraded, in my view, to emergency row seats. All the legroom and more ….. I feel so blessed. Then the arrival of gluten free meals! I guess I made the request when I booked my tickets, I have never really experienced the delivery before, except in my last Air Canada first class experience! So it was great, few mini bottles of red wine and sleep came easily to me.

Next thing I know my breakfast gluten free muffin arrives and we are nearing our destination. I look out the window and am surprised to see the farmlands all higgledy piggeldy, some straight lines but no right angles as far as I can see. No symmetry or consistency to England’s farm fields. Interesting and I ponder my theories of why so different from Canada.

After some more jet lag: good morning dear ones. We had a lovely private transfer upon meeting up at Sheraton Skyline … Jan, Joanne, Steve and I shared the ride in a Mercedes limo van. Comfy. The jet lag feeling is settling in.

Once at the hotel in Southampton I was so excited to see three large cruise ships in port, Steve slept a nap, and the rest of us shopped. We found a Marks and Spencer and bought acrylic champagne glasses and a few bottles of prosecco for the ship boarding tomorrow. Priorities! It was fun to people watch, to see the outfits of locals.

We enjoyed a lovely old English style pub for dinner. Duke of Wellington? I will try to post a pic of the lovely interior. People order at the bar, and then sit and enjoy. When in Rome …. Er …. England! Cheers!

Cin Cin, Salute to my Italian friends.

Ciao love Pamela

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