Packing and Planning my next adventure

Random thoughts on travel this week

I am excited yet experiencing a sense of calm and like everything is as it is supposed to be. Lists have been made, consulted and marked off. Last minute purchases have been made. Foreign currency purchased, exchanged for Canadian dollars.

New packing ritual of setting out the small carry on size suitcase, making piles of things I might want to take, then sorting as to what fits in the luggage. Finally, one half of suitcase for day time wear and one half for evening or more dressy wear. I found it helpful this time to make a paper and pen list of what goes in to the suitcase as I place it in.

By the time I have filled the suitcase, I know what I have in there and approximately where I can find it (on the top side or bottom side of suitcase – day or night. And then as my items have auditioned for this specific trip, some don’t make the cut and are taken out of the bag and crossed off the list.  

This provides several purposes, I can more accurately select the items I need to take, versus what would be preferred but not absolutely necessary and also it gives me an up to date list so when I travel again, I can use the list as a place to start again with the packing planning.

It is good to have a few weeks to lay out items, audition and try on outfits, ensure they resemble the look I am going for, the comfort given the weather expected and the fit in case I have lost or gained weight or redistributed it since the last time I had the item on my body.

Enjoying my packing this time, I feel confident I am ready to proceed to the last and final audition and repacking and hopefully, again, simplifying the items that will make the final selection and be taken on the next trip of a lifetime!

When I travel I love to shop for the latest fashion, unique items that I likely can’t find at home. When I travel, I like to take those special purchases with me.

For me, travel is about stepping out of my ordinary life and routines and into the glamorous world of exotic destinations and meeting new people, enjoying new experiences. I want to dress up for the occasions! I want to feel like each day is special and I showed up in the best outfit I could find.
Accessories can make the ordinary seem extraordinary. The bright and colourful scarf or hat, the clunky metal shape hanging on a black leather string and or my lovely new long string of fresh water pearls take me to beautiful. Whether day or night, day one or the last day of vacation, I want to feel like I made a statement.  

I also always like to leave room for the new purchases I might make on this next trip. New bracelets, bangles, neck decorations, hats for style or fabric flowers of bright colors. And I suppose my famous advice is, you can always wear it home if it won’t fit in the bag!

I have been known to wear three hats nestled neatly inside each other, on top of my head on a trip home from Europe. Hats are critical to my shopping and travel experience. I love hat shops and I love how they offer a sense of occasion to every outfit. Hat shopping is always a good idea, especially if you are not looking for anything in particular. A hat finds me, I don’t have to search for a hat.

Sometimes if I shop with a friend, we try on hats and take pictures of each other and then decide we did not need that purchase anyway. What fun awaits me on this next trip ??

Stay tuned as I prepare for a fabulous cruise and land stay in the Mediterranean area with stops in Italy, Sicily, Greece, Malta, Egypt, Israel and more. I am travelling with 12 friends and including my mother on this trip. I plan on enjoying my gluten free and almost vegetarian cuisine every where we go. We will have great escorted tours and plan to have a fabulous time exploring new places and feeling pampered on the way staying on the stunningly beautiful and boutique Oceania Riviera ship.  

Upgraded, again, to Concierge level service with a full veranda stateroom, we will enjoy the spa extras and amazing service not to mention the best food EVER. The beds are made especially for Oceania and sleep aboard an Oceania ship while being rocked by the subtle movement of the sea is one of my favourite things. This being my fifth Oceania adventure, it feels almost like home.

Follow me and enjoy the journey as we set sail from Rome in just a few short days. Pictures and blog notes will be shared.

Ciao ciao

Intentions for my upcoming vacation

My intentions for the next vacation starting in just a few days:
Calm seas

Incredible memorable moments of bliss

Fantastic views and vistas every day finding me (almost) speechless!

New and renewed friendships with the fabulous women with whom I share the journey

Abundance, enough money for the exciting and unique purchases

Sunshine and warmth every day and clear skies with stars and moon beams at night

Safety, good news and good health for all travellers 

Fun and laughter, great times together dancing, singing, eating, sharing the joy

New ship connections … Captain, ambassador, lecturer, artist in residence, director

Grateful, graceful, inspired, brilliant, exuberant, womenholdinghandsaroundtheworld

Fantastic blogs, mindful moments and words of wisdom, spoken and written

Artistic and creative expression through photography, painting and language

intention and expression: my life is a work in progress 

Todays Blog intention: Reconnect to my WHY
What defines my Journey and What is the fuel that drives my purpose driven life?
Da Vinci said: “Fix your course to a star then you can navigate any storm.” 

Mike Dooley affirms that indeed my thoughts become the things of my life.
My intention is to move ahead the status and safety of women all over the globe.  
I take action daily toward this movement.  
 I inspire and travel with women to discover and enjoy that which matters most to them.
My actions support health and love in my life and the world around me. I listen to my heart and I feed my soul so that I make decisions in life that propel my unique journey. 
 I focus my attention on kindness, ethical eating, mindful meditation, creativity and world travel in my conversations with myself and others.
I believe that every person of all ages, backgrounds and orientations, will benefit from women holding hands around the world.
Inspiration is my vision, the Universe my partner. I practice and play at being focused, productive, creative, graceful, grateful, inspired and inspirational. I attract abundance, opportunities and experiences that fill my heart with positivity and joy.
I am moved by and so grateful for my Sweet Life full of spectacular heart touching moments, precious family and friends who support and witness my Easy World climb of My Everest and the circle of fabulous inspiriting influences who have planted seeds and nourished my growth.  
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
My life is a work in progress.  Thanks for standing by …
Onward …..

An interlude for France

Villa in the south of France: more than just a dream

Yup, I am going to live the oft dreamt about ultimate vacation: staying three weeks in a beautiful villa in the south of France.  Languedoc region to be precise.  My flights are booked, departing Victoria 4 October and returning 25 October 2015.  Want to come along with me?  You are invited ….
What to do while I am there?  I had no idea I would ever have to pose this question!  I am thinking a day or two in grand Paris … Same in exotic and romantic Venice and perhaps a shopping day to drool in the boutique shopping Mecca of the world, Milan.  I have never been to Avignon, Marseille or Provence and all intrigue me by the names that I have heard about in songs and stories all my life. 
I am thinking of wine tours, gluten free baguettes, cheese, olives … Prosecco and perhaps limoncello.  Fine wines are made in this region so partaking of those grape varietals and aging cellars will be definitely on the list!
Checking out Arles, Nimes, Nice and the Promenade des anglais  as well as the Côte d’Azur.  We will rent a car for tootling around the local area and do the rest by fast train perhaps from Montpellier.  Perhaps flights even? 
Aix en Provence to discover beauty and the past.  The markets of Isle-sur-Sorgue   and the Luberon Villages, the hilltop villages of Gordes and Roussillon. The charming fishing port of Cassis and perhaps some beaches near Les Saintes-Marie’s-de-la-Mar.
Walking along river banks, investigating bridges, popping in to local shops and tasting the wares.  Artists through time were inspired in France.  I am as well and looking forward to even more inspiration and self discipline to follow up when I get home bringing this timeless area of the world and sensational memories with me.
Did I mention wine bars?  And local markets for fresh produce and local treats.  I am presently researching food tours for gluten free folks in Europe and hoping to find lists of places sympathetic in France.  Stopping for impromptu wine tours and tastings will be a lovely treat to write about another day.
Fragrant Lavender fields and vibrant yellow sunflowers.  Green as far as the eye can imagine.  Blue sky and fluffy white clouds holding back moisture till after I depart the exciting and vibrant France.  
As I have tours to investigate in Italy and an exciting cruise to plan in the meantime, I will wrap up this blog for today.  
Perhaps enough said and dreams of this dream vacation of a lifetime will dance in your head tonight and you will find my email in the morrow to plan and join me on this exquisite 3 week venture to heaven on earth, Bonne France!
Au revoir, mes amies.  Je t’aime

Packing for Europe!

I have fallen in love with my clothes, again

Packing and planning to travel is a great time to explore the details of my closest.  What is hanging about unloved and undiscovered this past while?  What could I spruce up and invite on my next trip?
I have decided to let go of my packing stress … Partly because I don’t have time to give it anymore space In my life and partly that it does not serve me well.  I loose sleep and make lists and exhaustion is not my friend.  So….. 
Last night, without wine, I entered that sacred space of clothes in my new walk in closet.  I have traveled so much in the past three months that I forgot what treasures lurked there!  
I changed clothes, made discard piles, imagined with this and added that, invited scarves to become the flourish and excitement to the basic black … And tried to see myself in a positive light.
I enjoyed myself so much … Me, my wardrobe and a full length mirror.  Time to myself is rare and yet so precious.  I had such a grand time!  Woke up this morning feeling totally satisfied.  
And I know I need to drop a few items from the pile, Un-invite them, so to speak .. In order to continue to use my small carry on size bag for this next extravagant trip to Europe, Italy, Greece, Egypt, Israel, and more Italy .. Punctuating a fabulous Oceania cruise for fifteen days in the med … On board the lovely (again) Riviera!  
Just a month away .. Counting the days.
Wish you were coming too …. There is another chance to join me in Europe, this fall .. October to the glorious and scenic south of France … Staying in a villa for three fun and wine filled weeks!  
Ti amo 
Pamelllllla, I was reborn Italiano!
Ps I found some great gluten free walking food tour in Rome …. Oh yah baby!  

Articles on travel 

Articles on travel

One day I ponder if I want to be a travel writer, the next day I am shaking my head at the idea.  I love what I do and I can write about it however I want, when no one is paying me!
I just read reviews, several of them, written about books written by a few different male travel writers-gone-rogue.  I am not sure if I should call them travel journalists, because as of yet, I am not sure I know if there is a difference?  
I suppose travel writing is pretty much like any form of news story …” I did this, saw this and now … My story is this”. Yup, that pretty much sums up the news, the sports, the weather (actually it is hard to mess with the weather, after the fact) and so it is with travel.
What I love or hate about a destination, touristy or otherwise, is simply not the same as anyone else might enjoy or despise the exact same experience or location.
What is significant is this … Why would I plan my precious vacation with the “lowest bidder” as my guide?  Someone who charges the least?  Someone who advertises a low-ball offer to get my business but has not ever been there, or even read about being there? …. Helping me make a choice on what is the best decision for me?
I want to do some research, check out a few sites … Google … Then read, and even talk to a number of people and sources who might know about that place or that ship … And then I consult with an expert and finally make a decision and pay my money to someone I trust.  Makes sense, right?  
Why would I go on line, research only based on the words written by any one I have never met and perhaps, would not value their opinion even if I did meet them … And then enter my credit card on line only to find that I booked the wrong flight at a time that does not work, to a place I don’t want to go … All to maybe save a buck?
We work hard for our money.  All of us!  This is our story.  We value two things, maybe three above all else … Our time, our money and our favourite people ( friends or family or both).  How we enjoy these factors … We should and do give careful consideration to.
I am an expert and a professional.  If I don’t know the answer, I will tell you I don’t know the answer and I will help you get the answer you need.    Mostly I will help you make the best informed decision you can because only you know how you value those three factors … Your time, your money and the people you love.  You get to decide how you spend that precious money … On a vacation to spend precious time, with those precious loved ones.  
I am here to help. One of the most noble tasks I can think of doing as a second career.
Call me anytime, or write to me.  Read my blog … It is free.  You can see I am not a writer for money … I write here so you can decide if I am a person you want to help you with your next vacation.
Thanks for reading and many many thanks for being one of my friends or family!  
Ti amo, 

Planning for next cruise with Women’s Travel Club!

Tours for next trip: Jerusalem 

Down to the research, now that I am home from my last two cruises.  I am going on another Oceania cruise, onboard Riviera again, and I fly out on 30 May 2015. I will be enjoying Europe with a dozen others, cruise and land stay.
One of the lessons learned on the last two cruises is that tours offered by Oceania often sell out.  And so for those who wait till they get on board to book tours, sometimes they don’t get what they want.  I am going to book ahead this time.
Also if a person books a minimum number of excursions, the cost is reduced by 25%, but only if booked in advance.  So here goes.  The planning has begun.
I have been trying to coordinate with travel buddies, people who are interested in similar tours as I am, or might be.  Also family and friends who I have travelled with previously are being consulted and we have been emailing, calling and meeting in person.  
I am selecting the first tours based on ports of call that I don’t want to roam around on my own without a tour guide, Israel and Egypt for example.  Then I looked at all the tours for all the ports and decided on one for every port that I might want should I book the “unlimited package” which allows for at least one tour on every port day.  And lastly I look at  each port and decide if I really would prefer just to walk about and see the sights of the town, for example, or the beach!  Yeah for the beaches!
We are two days in Israel and I have been two days in Israel a few years ago.  I made some decisions then on tours I would like and ruled out ones like the Dead Sea.  I talked to people and read some reviews and so those results seem still valid to me now.  Last time I toured Tel Aviv and Jaffa one day and attended a fabulous concert in a 3000 year old theatre in the evening.  Neither of those two options are available this time.
I have selected a long tour on day 1, a panoramic tour of Jerusalem.  The price is good, not a lot of exertion anticipated, and a good overview of a very interesting place that takes a while to get there.  Last time I seem to recall that was only available as an overnight tour, so this time it seems much more manageable.  I prefer no overnight tours when I am cruising and relying on the ship chef for my diet.  
On 6 June 2015 you will likely read about my day of eleven hours offering an excellent overview of Jerusalem as I learn about the age old story of Judaism and Christianity.  We will ascend into the Judean hills on way to Mt Scopus.  We will arrive at the summit of the amount of Olives where we will enjoy a breathtaking view of the old city.  We will find the Garden of Gethsemane, site of an ancient olive oil press that is surrounded by 1,000 year old trees!  We will visit the Church of All Nations.  Also in the morning we will check out some city gates, a few tombs, and see a view of King David’s City and then walk to the famous Western Wailing Wall.  This wall is considered the holiest site of the Jewish world, believing it is on the site where the Holy Ark once stood.
We will have a buffet lunch, and after head to West Jerusalem.  Probably only a few hours of walking, this promises to be a tour that takes in a lot of area and I am looking forward to interesting stories!
Day two, 7 June will take is to Acre (pronounced Akko) and the crusaders kingdom.  A five hour tour starts at the northernmost point of Haifa Bay, the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Acre.  Expecting a medieval atmosphere and an underground city including Hospitaler Quarter and a Crypt and long underground passage that is thought to once be an escape tunnel built by Crusaders.  I know very little about this storyline so am expecting to learn much!  
We will then come back to the surface and enjoy a lively marketplace with exotic and intoxicating scents, I am told.  A photo stop at Mt Carmel on the way back to the ship where I will photograph the famed golden globe dome of Haifa’s Baha’i Shrine and Acre in the distance.  This tour will include some two hours of walking on uneven surfaces with a tunnel and steps to navigate.  
By early afternoon we will be back to the ship getting cleaned up and ready for happy hour, dinner and a sail away party out of this amazing harbour by about six pm.
To be continued …..

On my way, at London Heathrow airport

  At London Heathrow

On my way home.  A very long day when I start at six am in Barcelona and it is afternoon now waiting for 9 plus hue flight to Seattle … Which seems to be delayed.  When the flights are heading toward home the time zone gets me home today but is exhausting for sure.  Hoping for a good sleep and perhaps gluten free food aboard British Airways.  
Sunshine every step of the way so far starting when I got up on the ship in Barcelona port … Now in sunny London.  What a huge airport … Very spacious and bright with the blue sky and sunshine.  Big sky …
I do love international travel and while I am excited to get home, I already feel the anticipation building for the next trip to Europe this year in six weeks and the next one to south of France in early October.  What a fabulous year for travel!  
I have many other opportunities to travel this year and I shall see what else pops up.  I am hopeful that the Womens Travel Club gals come on along wherever I go!  Travelling with friends and family is so very fun.
Boarding has begun, time to go ……

On my way home, again

Barcelona and the flight home

The last day at sea was lovely.  Full of events, lecture on highlights of Barcelona, eating (of course) and packing.  Saying good bye to friends and crew and staff, planning for the trip home and trying out those things I neglected, like the bath salts from the Himalayas!  And shopping in the boutiques.  
With all the ship board credits, and purchasing wine on outings to ports of call, the amount owingt on the final billing was a nice reasonable amount.  Very reasonable indeed!  Internet was included this time, so that helped out $350!  And a little shopping was nice in hose spacious and in boutiques … As well as spa items I could not live without … Lol!
Our friends secured one more dining in the favourite Red Ginger, which made an even ten  times out of 15 evenings we ate in specialty restaurants!  Awesome!  While there we saw some of our other friends … Also taking advantage of the last night cancellations for dinner.  What spectacular food we had on this ship, and the service was fabulous!
Packing was easier than expected, and took up less room than when I I arrived …. ?
Suitcases outside our room by ten pm, we even made it to the show after dinner!  
Difficulty sleeping, I guess, anxious about going home …
Early morning in-room breakfast as I enjoy the sun rise on Barcelona!  Clear blue sky peaks out between the ships and sights of the city.  Wow … What a grand voyage, for sure!
Excited to be going home … For at least six weeks before I come back to Europe again … I am ready for this trip to be over.  Flight check in completed and gluten free food ordered for the long flight London Heathrow to Seattle.  We head out just after seven am to get our luggage and arrange a taxi to the airport.
He showed us some highlights …. And he only spoke Spanish …. But easy enough to understand.  
Shopping at the airport after getting our boarding passes and going through security without incident.  First leg of flight almost over, arriving in London on time and with all our luggage … Of course!  And a glass of white wine from Spain was a nice touch!  Thanks British Airways!
  I Love this trip!
See you soon, all!
Big love
Pamela!  Your travelling agent!  


the Rock of Gibraltar

Good morning from Gibraltar port!  Room service as we enjoyed the view from our room balcony.  I had watched the lights along the coast as we sailed to port before the sun rise.  Beautiful, peaceful and magical.  I love this part of cruising, coming to the ports of call in the wee hours.  Fabulous. 

Today I opted to not ascend to the top of Rock of Gibraltar!  I was here for the first time about 4 years ago.  I remember the cable car, the view and the wild monkeys that live on top the rock.  My friend and travel companion this trip, Deb, took an Oceania tour in the afternoon to check it out.
In the morning she and I arranged to head to town, with another couple we met, Bill and Linda from Calgary.  The four of us walked from the ship.  It was a bit blustery but we heard the weather was to get better … Which it did.  Th sun came out, the clouds moved a long … However there was wind most of the day.   I  found the walking warm.
The shopping along  Main Street pretty much was geared to cruise ship passengers .. In particular our two ships in port today.  Oceania Riviera and Azamara Journey.  
High end watches, jewelry, cameras, perfumes, and cheap souvenirs.  Some shoe shops and Marks & Spencer too.  One shop had strings of beautiful pearls, and jewelry made from the precious pearls.  Beautiful.  We found a few antique shops off the alleys.  Coins, silver, and small prices of someone’s treasure, once significant.  
I discovered some large town squares, cobblestone pedestrian streets joining them all a block or so up from the sea Boardwalk.  
I picked up a few cards, post card of the monkeys to send to grandsons, and a few copies of water colour  cards from an artists rendition … Mementos of the area.  And I also purchased a small flag of Gibraltar to take home to Luke and Jack for the collection.  I try to purchase flags from every country I visit and deliver them to the boys  when next I see them.  Not sure if they want them, but maybe someday they will be a nice collection of their Grammys travels.  I hope to take the boys with me one day …
And some little items for my daughters …. Jewelry seems the most likely they will enjoy.
Back to the ship, Azamara loaded and departs.  I enjoy the unobstructed view now from my balcony.  I have room service and time to get ready for the evening,  a small cocktail party and hear how the day went for Deb .. Then dining with friends this evening.
Better go and clean up … See you all soon.  One more sea day and then disembark in Barcelona.  Perhaps we can get off early and have a wee taxi trip around town on way to airport .. Flight out at 1145 am I think.  Perhaps some Desigual designer shopping in the airport?  That would be fun!  
Home home after almost six weeks away, only home two days in the mid.  
I am accustomed to exquisite cruiseship food aboard Oceania.  I will need to adjust both for food and service  when I get home!  Lol
Next trip in six weeks, so some time to prepare and meet up with the gals in the Women’s Travel Club who are coming along.  
Time to do laundry and decide what to pack again!  Coming back to the same ship.  The ship will undergo refurbishment by then …nice!  
My shore excursions are already booked for about four major cities and ports … and I look forward to a few days, in small ports of call to just walk about, taking pictures and enjoying exotic and historic Europe and Africa!  
Bye for now