the Rock of Gibraltar

Good morning from Gibraltar port!  Room service as we enjoyed the view from our room balcony.  I had watched the lights along the coast as we sailed to port before the sun rise.  Beautiful, peaceful and magical.  I love this part of cruising, coming to the ports of call in the wee hours.  Fabulous. 

Today I opted to not ascend to the top of Rock of Gibraltar!  I was here for the first time about 4 years ago.  I remember the cable car, the view and the wild monkeys that live on top the rock.  My friend and travel companion this trip, Deb, took an Oceania tour in the afternoon to check it out.
In the morning she and I arranged to head to town, with another couple we met, Bill and Linda from Calgary.  The four of us walked from the ship.  It was a bit blustery but we heard the weather was to get better … Which it did.  Th sun came out, the clouds moved a long … However there was wind most of the day.   I  found the walking warm.
The shopping along  Main Street pretty much was geared to cruise ship passengers .. In particular our two ships in port today.  Oceania Riviera and Azamara Journey.  
High end watches, jewelry, cameras, perfumes, and cheap souvenirs.  Some shoe shops and Marks & Spencer too.  One shop had strings of beautiful pearls, and jewelry made from the precious pearls.  Beautiful.  We found a few antique shops off the alleys.  Coins, silver, and small prices of someone’s treasure, once significant.  
I discovered some large town squares, cobblestone pedestrian streets joining them all a block or so up from the sea Boardwalk.  
I picked up a few cards, post card of the monkeys to send to grandsons, and a few copies of water colour  cards from an artists rendition … Mementos of the area.  And I also purchased a small flag of Gibraltar to take home to Luke and Jack for the collection.  I try to purchase flags from every country I visit and deliver them to the boys  when next I see them.  Not sure if they want them, but maybe someday they will be a nice collection of their Grammys travels.  I hope to take the boys with me one day …
And some little items for my daughters …. Jewelry seems the most likely they will enjoy.
Back to the ship, Azamara loaded and departs.  I enjoy the unobstructed view now from my balcony.  I have room service and time to get ready for the evening,  a small cocktail party and hear how the day went for Deb .. Then dining with friends this evening.
Better go and clean up … See you all soon.  One more sea day and then disembark in Barcelona.  Perhaps we can get off early and have a wee taxi trip around town on way to airport .. Flight out at 1145 am I think.  Perhaps some Desigual designer shopping in the airport?  That would be fun!  
Home home after almost six weeks away, only home two days in the mid.  
I am accustomed to exquisite cruiseship food aboard Oceania.  I will need to adjust both for food and service  when I get home!  Lol
Next trip in six weeks, so some time to prepare and meet up with the gals in the Women’s Travel Club who are coming along.  
Time to do laundry and decide what to pack again!  Coming back to the same ship.  The ship will undergo refurbishment by then …nice!  
My shore excursions are already booked for about four major cities and ports … and I look forward to a few days, in small ports of call to just walk about, taking pictures and enjoying exotic and historic Europe and Africa!  
Bye for now


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