Intentions for my upcoming vacation

My intentions for the next vacation starting in just a few days:
Calm seas

Incredible memorable moments of bliss

Fantastic views and vistas every day finding me (almost) speechless!

New and renewed friendships with the fabulous women with whom I share the journey

Abundance, enough money for the exciting and unique purchases

Sunshine and warmth every day and clear skies with stars and moon beams at night

Safety, good news and good health for all travellers 

Fun and laughter, great times together dancing, singing, eating, sharing the joy

New ship connections … Captain, ambassador, lecturer, artist in residence, director

Grateful, graceful, inspired, brilliant, exuberant, womenholdinghandsaroundtheworld

Fantastic blogs, mindful moments and words of wisdom, spoken and written

Artistic and creative expression through photography, painting and language

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