Personal Growth while in the Queue

Because of the cloud delay this morning, we are now in possession of the tender ticket 21. They are loading 9 and 10 so far. Lol. How do we spend our time in queue? It is always a choice, isn’t it? Of course it is. Let life keep driving my bus, and or I can step up, grab the wheel and the fuel, and drive myself?

I am looking at a few of the books I have purchased in the past on my iPhone/iPad and notice I am always in possession of inspiration from my mentors. I can listen to audible version or let my eyes glance for wisdom in the printed word. Here goes ….

1. What is my existing culture? if and in what way does my way of life support and or violate my values and what it would take to become more congruent? … What steps am I taking now and what further ones will I put into practice?

2. When am I an opinion leader? Describe how this keeps me from further developing my own sharper sense of moral responsibility? What must I do to be the leader that I would follow? How do I continue to stand out in front?

Similar types of values questions popped up in the current page of the first book I opened this morning. Here are my thoughts …. My existing culture includes how I eat, what I say, what messages I receive. How I spend every moment of my waking day is my politics. Each choice I make for spending is a dollar toward my belief system. How will I sharpen these behaviours to match my values? How I spend my time, my money and what foods I eat, choices I make …. I can take steps to be more mindful. A few strategies include taking a deep breath before I make a choice. Followed by writing down decisions I make in a little book or my iPhone so there is an accountability to myself. And follow up with a review and perhaps setting goals to revise.

Three columns: 1. plans / choices I make for myself 2. Food I eat. 3. Money I spend

My creativity in the form of writing and painting, quilting and travel stand out as needing my attention in order for me to stand out as a leader. Walking and other forms of fitness, eating healthy, are important to me and my life goals. Not engaging in television programs including the so called news …. I keep up on relevant happenings and am able to stay positive and upbeat.

Keeping a vision board current with indicators of what I now believe would be my lifetime highest and best. Of course regular and constant revisions are necessary as how would I ever know what I a truly capable of, from here. Revisions, clear the focus and continuously taking steps in that general direction, re calibrating and re focus, more steps. Write it, paint it, quilt it, weave the stories of success and dreams of the future. Continuous reflection and refocus, revision, repeat.

To do this climb of My Everest is best achieved in partnership with a team, who can witness, challenge when necessary, and help me truly see the potential that I sometimes can’t see from my stand.

World travel, world peace, support for women everywhere and personal growth are cornerstones to my daily practice. Mindfulness is key.

One comment on “Personal Growth while in the Queue

  1. Debbie Rachar says:

    Brilliant! Action while waiting in Queue. I’m very proud of you!

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