A Guest Blog from a Friend

Hi Pam:

I wanted to share this Blog post with you.

The people in our day to day live’s really do make a difference. This is a post about the difference my dear friend Pam makes in my life. Pam recently left town for one of her many travel adventures. She has left town many times before, but somehow this time seemed different.

Pam had only been gone a few days and I seemed to get stuck in my head, lost in translation, falling back into old habits – all that stuff. I even forgot to “Put My Oxygen Mask On First”. The day after she left I poured all of my energy into my job and when I left work that day I realized I had no energy left. I worked hard – not smart!

I read some of Pam’s “Travel Blogs” and they inspired me. They helped me get out of my head and to focus on the fact that thoughts do become things.

I also learned from this experience how important it is to chose the right person in your life to share your experiences with. Not everyone in my life that is close to me can relate to my experience. They do not see the world the way I do, they may not have the skills to listen and they may not know how to be a coach or mentor.

Pam and I have been on a journey this last year – a journey we call “The Climb”. It is a process we both find very rewarding and one that we find is evolving. We are both focused on being our authentic selves and becoming our highest and best. We are each other’s coach and mentor. We inspire each other to be all we can be. When we take a courageous step, do something outside our comfort zone or change an old habit we witness the process and the progress each other has made.

It reminded me of a great line from the movie As Good As It Gets – The Actor Jack Nicholson says to Helen Hunt – “You Make Me Want to Be A Better Man”. I have to say to my friend Pam – “You make me want to be a better women” – “a better human being” – “a better Debbie Rachar”.

Who will you inspire to “Be a Better Person?”

I love you, I’m sorry, please forgive me Thank you

Can hardly wait to spend 2-1/2 weeks with you. Woo Hoo. You are the best!


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