Heaven … I’m in Heaven

Lost in no thoughts!  
A perfect picture frame of honeysuckle branches and pink flowerlettes.
Even the birds are happy today…. singing wild song. The same, no doubt song, that is buzzing in my own head … “heaven …. I’m in heaven … and my heart beats so that I can hardly speak ….”

Heaven, I’m in heaven

And my heart beats so that I can hardly speak

And I seem to find the happiness I seek

When we’re out together dancing cheek to cheek
Heaven, I’m in heaven

And the cares that hung around me through the week

Seem to vanish like a gambler’s lucky streak

When we’re out together dancing (swinging) cheek to cheek
Oh I love to climb a mountain

And reach the highest peak

But it doesn’t thrill (boot) me half as much

As dancing cheek to cheek
Oh I love to go out fishing

In a river or a creek

But I don’t enjoy it half as much

As dancing cheek to cheek
(Come on and) dance with me

I want my arms about you

That those charms about you

Will carry me through
(Right up) to heaven, I’m in heaven

And my heart beats so that I can hardly speak

And I seem to find the happiness I seek

When we’re out together dancing, out together dancing (swinging)
Out together dancing cheek to cheek

The Bees are Busy in Sud de France!

The bees are busy this morning … flitting from radiant red floral petals of the few roses around the pool, to the fragrant pale pink honeysuckle vine on the arbour around the door way … to the left over grapes that cling to the vine against the stone wall of the villa attracting sweet seekers. Olive trees bearing older fruit now turning black from bright green olives on the same tree, even sharing the same branch.
I am taking the precious time this sun shiny morning to sit at the mosaic table with Apple keyboard and ipad to write to you. Most days have been filled with activity and travel plans for the next and the next and the next moment here in the South of France.  
The invitation to come here came from a new friend I met a few years ago. She and another gal who live in Toronto, were also joining a cruise on same day, to same ship out of Monte Carlo for an Italian Riviera experience on Azamara. We had some challenges hailing a cab on a Sunday morning from the train station to the ship pier. Together, 4 of us became friends on the route we took to the embarkation port of call.
Thereafter we have been friends, first spending each day together for 10 days on the cruise and since, Facebook friends chatting when we saw each other on line. And then one of the gals rented a villa in south of France for six months and invited me to come and share some time here.
Just the sweet sound of a month at a villa in south of France makes me swoon. Is there a more spectacular place on the earth? more illustrated and talked about?  
The weather has been spectacular for this fall season. Cool evenings move along the foliage and fruit to hasten the colour changes for coming winter chill. The sunshine bright during the day beckon the bees and birds (and people) to dance and sing in the festivity of harvest and change of season festivities. Still warm enough for shirt sleeves and walking for miles out of doors, I am moved almost speechless every day by the vistas outside my own front door.
I would do this again, I find myself saying outloud and to myself several days in a row this last week. Yes, I have become part of this place and it has woven its soul into my heart.
It is peaceful and gentle here. Small pale yellow butterflies flit by on their way to some destination or just playing, like me, in the sunshine with joy. Ants and small crawly bugs are busy storing and collecting and wandering with endless energy, it seems. I can hear the click click of my keyboard in the stillness. Not even a small wind through the tree branches this day can be heard to break the still soundless moments framing the natural dialogue of nature. (thanks Jackie, for the words that escape me).
Church bells from a distant town and car tires on a blacktop asphalt add sounds to the natural rhythm from time to time. And now the gals are up and having some breakfast so I can hear those sounds … beckoning me to join the fun of travel with a group of fabulous friends.
More later, have a wonderful day wherever you are.
Pamela in France!! 🙂


A day in Narbonne
Little historic town, city really and not so small. We drove here this morning and parked in the historical part of town, underground. We came up to the street with cobblestones, a canal or river running through the center, cafes and shops lined both sides with rows of the fabulous plane trees! So beautiful.
Despite the windy morning and gloominess of the sky, we had lovely weather and it was very pleasant walking around. up to 21 degrees.  
We strolled around the town, arriving around 130 pm. There is a piece of roman road, original, that once was part of the much larger road used back in the day. It was spectacular to be able to walk on the onld stones and to imagine a time so very long ago. I took lots of pictures of this sight and the surrounding river, tree lined walkway along the river bank. We found a place to stop for lunch after an hour or so of touring around taking pictures of buildings and the scenic river running through it.  
One of the gals notice gluten free crepe type foods … so inside we went. The inside very nicely decorated with large full life size replicas of old tapestries, old lamp and lighting fixtures … all giving an ancient atmosphere. It was busy yet quiet and very tastefully done. She put tables together to accommodate five of us in front of the window for ease of watching the passers by. We ordered drinks and then our meal and I think everyone had one of the best french meals of our trips … four of the gals in our group have been on cruises leading up to this time together and tried many places for lunches off the ships. I have been here for three weeks and this was a spectacular lunch time meal for me. I am so grateful for the find. The flavours stay with me now as I close my eyes and recal the rich food and warmth of having made to order meal that my food allergies and preferences allow. Very highly recommended for lunch!! The restaurant closed while we were there and we did not feel rushed. We had pictures taken with our waitress and with our whole group. Creperie d’Oc http://www.narbonne-tourisme.com/organiser/se-restaurer/118698-creperie-doc
Then a wee bit of shopping as we continued to walk around the town.
I found an adult colouring book, art therapy, anti stress kind of mandala and repetitive colouring …. for my youngest daughter. They had only one and Star Wars theme. Fantastic find, but heavy! I think she will love it. Hard cover and quite thick. It will be heavy to cart around from here, but I bought it anyway, knowing she will love it. Purchased at a book store called “Librairie”.
Also we found a hat store and all tried on beaucoups de chapeaux!!! Berets, and rimmed hats, beautiful store with fabulous exotic scarves and lovely accessories. ” Chapellerie Emona, Boutique de Luxe et accessoires”
It was a lovely day, we are back at the villa now and one of the other gals has prepared a fantastic dinner meal for all of us – mine separate and without meat. I am looking forward to however it tastes. I love how special I feel that people take the time and effort to accommodate my needs and wishes.  
thanks for reading, have a wonderful day doing whatever, wherever you are!
Pamela in France

The villa sights and sounds

Egg yolk yellow walls, lilac metal shutters folded back but still in the picture. Fabric furniture covers of lilac, greens and same yellow in sunroom. The furniture mostly patio couches with soft cushions face the scenic wall to all window facing out to the valley.
This is one of the scenes from the villa in south of France. The flooring is stone and cool to walk on, rustic Browns, tans and beige natural stone color through the common areas. Throw carpets of colourful accents and straight back white wooden chairs with pastel seat cushions are placed throughout. Little white wicker tables and French magazines such as Vent Sud, Bbb-midi… A French English magazine for Languedoc region, and many of them! Enticing me to take time to read through and savour the photos and invitations to return one day.  
Outside the sun has started to rise, I can see a great distance now in the almost white sky over the greens, golds and dark brown foliage of a distance and sandy stony roads … Maybe it is raining somewhere off in the far away. Shiny horizon. A few cars go by the sleepy country road that stretches between Nefies and Roujan in south of France.
A bit of wind draws my attention to the tall beautiful grasses and greenery around the house. Pinky purple pale flowers are growing around the door and window near the eating area where we sit to do most activities in this villa. Drink wine, play cards and eat wonderful local foods as a group.  
I can hear the air blowing through the olive trees also in the yard. I see black llamas with white accent patches in a neighbouring field within my view.  
The house is quiet and the gals are still sleeping off the nights activities of late card playing and wine and water consumption. It was fun. You can really enjoy the company of new friends around a card table!  
I will go get dressed now and perhaps make toast, gluten free, with perhaps some lavender honey or sweet preserves of figues noire or cerise …. The options are endless in this country of gastronomique delights!  
Au revoir for now, mes amies and familles!
Pamela of France


Women and Wine in South of France

Wine for Five Women
Our first day together, the five women of France. My mom, husband and Jim have left a big hole in my holiday when they went home …. However two women have arrived in the villa so we are five fabulous women about the same age-ish and open to adventures in France. I told them of our wine tasting so we plan the day: wine tasting about eleven ish, then to Pezenas for a wee walk around town and some shopping local boutique stores and old streets … Then groceries as a group. Home for snacks as supper, or pasta?  
Off we go:
Back to Domaine Moulin de Lene …. Frankie greeted us, big smile and so welcoming.  
Family estate, six employees, Frayssinet is local family name. 55 hectares. Fouzilhon is a town close by.  
Huge underground aqueduct 35 km from Romans. They have found parts of it under their vineyards. Huge stones, grew grains . .. The mill on Lene River means exactly. Late 19 century family planted the vines. Not great quality but high quantity … lol.
Owner bought abandoned, house falling apart, chicken house is now office …. 1997 expanded and updated buildings. Some parts 4-5 areas not growing. Not organic. But have controls, part… Have to use organic products. Have to wait and test for disease and use organic products to treat. Really important for us. Maybe have sheep next year to eat grass.  
Produce 300,000 bottles annually. 12 wines. 1-8 am harvest, cooler, less oxidation, better aromas. More and more people do it that way. Independent and sort grapes by hand. Vibrating table, get rid of stems etc. Has olive trees and some harvesting … But not full business yet. 17 litres last year oil. Previous year 300 litres.. Up and down. Sell only to locals.  
Hire people to trim vines. We own our own tractors and harvesters.  
Main market is domestic. We export to Canada, Quebec. Justine, Romanus and Reserve. Also England, Sweden, Czechoslovakia and Germany.  
A dozen wines lined up for our tasting.  
Start with white wine. Crunchy, fresh, crispy. With Caesar salad and goat cheese. Claire de Lene. Vermentino. Citrus.
Floral Zanzibar… Easy drinking. Goes with everything.  
Whites continued: Justine. And mademoiselle same … Chardonnay 70% and Petit Manseng 25% and Muscat 5%. One in stainless steel tank, other is oak barrel. Justine 2014, Mademoiselle is oak. Scallop, fresh, fresh creme. Plum, Brie and creme cheese. Buttery taste. Justine, toasted bread, blue cheese with honey, scallops with saffron creme.  
Rose Claire de Lene … Cab sav and marselan, fruity buttery, round.  One of my personal favourites.  The rose wines in this region are very good drinking wines.  Especially afternoon bevy. …. 
Ready for Red. First two stainless steel tank. Fish, meat any cheese. Alphonse. Syrah, marselan, and Mourvèd. Fruitie. 2014 vanilla note, stone fruit. Light tannins, easy drinking. Gooseberry.  
Romanus .. Cabernet sav, merlot, Syrah, petit Verdot. With tapas, earthy. Camembert, love this taste. Big chewy wine.  
Reve de Marie. Pure Cabernet franc. Omg, six months aged in oak barrels. 2013. Bit chilled with fish, creamy cheese and meat. Licorice note on back of throat. Nose and legs great. One of the gals says “what about what’s in between?”. Excellent. Snorting, laughing … What fun! Photo op! Folles for ladies, means “crazy”. Named for brother and sister of Romanus.  
Attend de deguster les trois en prochains. Wait for the next THREEE!  
Reserve de la famille. Fifty percent merlot and Syrah. Fifty fifty. “Pure happiness.” Smooth. Like a syrup. This is a definite favorite. I remember this for my family. “Hot flash”. Un coup de chaud! Lol
“I like” and she clicks her tongue. Wine-o-pause …. Lol
I love the structure of this wine. Sweaters are coming off … Lol and scarves cast aside. One of the gals wrote to her husband and spell check says it is nude today, instead of is really nice here today.  
Cesar. Top range wine. Cousin of Marie and Romanus. Brother of Justine. Blend Syrah, merlot, Grenache, cab sav, marselan and petit Verdot. Nickname is THE BOMB. A lot of work. We take grapes more ripe, sort by hand. Opens lid of barrel, grapes in side, Crush grapes by feet … Aged a year. And skin for certain length of time. Bottle with cork. No labels. We turn them, flavours are melting. 2011. Pure happiness. Christmas Day. Plumb, black currant and black cherry. Coffee, apricot, strawberry, espresso hint. Licorice notes. Like Ribena but much better. This is the best wine. I remember tasting it with Steve and family over the previous week.  
We have had white, rose, red. Now orange wine. Late harvest yellow, orange wine. Not sweet though. Round buttery wine. Same as Romans did it. Master of cellar … Apicius. From Vermintino grapes … Crush fruit and leave fruit with juice five months. Project. White wine. But after red. Same taste red but fresh like white. Cleanse and refresh pallet and glass with white wine. Freshness of Flowers. Shellfish. Blue cheese. It is some thing else. Different. Not dessert wine. Not sweet. Stainless steel tank. Different flavour. Oysters, Tuna tartar, blue cheese.  
A recipe for every wine …. 
This time I am scribe and partaking in the wine choices and fully enjoying the full tasting experience. Lovely! We have many laughs and one of the women, Jackie, is very knowledgable about wines, has a great nose for details and sits beside me so I have running commentary and helpful insights as we go.
Later .. As promised, a walk in Pezenas with a little wine glow. Lol. And then we settle on lunch in that town. Not a lot of people to watch today, we sit inside. Most have pizza in Yucca, I think the name, Italian place. Nothing gluten free really … We enjoy wine together, local red.
Then grocery shop. Home and a little prosecco with limoncello …. Thanks Mom and Steve for your contributions! Love you both! Then red wines next …. Phew!  
And we played cards, contract rummy until the wee hours and fairly even game … So we have to finish tomorrow morning. Plans for new day … Narbonne the town ….
Au revoir and good night, morning …. Or whatever it is wherever you are …..
Pamela in France

Pezanas Saturday Market

At Saturday market in Pezanas. 23 October 2015.  
Two vehicles and six of us travellers in total. We found parking almost effortlessly for the busy Saturday market. By ten we were wandering the stalls looking at culture and keeping an eye out for that special something.  
Today was the last day for shopping and outings for Steve, Jim and mom. They head home tomorrow. They had fun poking around at stuff and trying on hats! So fun … Food to taste, flowers to look at, sounds of the local musicians playing some great music,mixed with voices speaking French.  
Men in berets or leather hats. Scarves keeping necks warm, men and women, or just for style. Even some very young children here have scarves around their tiny necks. In fact everyone is wearing scarves! Both men and women adorned in Slim jeans and leather shoes or boots.  
Many of the locals and usual market goers had straw baskets to carry their treasures, baguettes poking out the top, or long stem flowers or both:). No doubt beautiful fresh produce, perhaps some other food treasures to be tasted this week.
In seats around small round tables in the square there are delights being served. Coffee. Bieres. Waiters hopping. Musicians playing to enjoyment of the locals and tourists. 
The market is alive with activity, sounds, smells, textures of a small French countryside village. C’est fantastique!  

Lagrasse and Narbonne Plages

our 4th Les Plus Beaux Village: Lagrasse and a sea quick dip
We got up at a leisurely pace and with two vehicles headed off to Lagrasse. This is our fourth Les Plus Beaux Villages on this trip and one that Anne had not been to previously. We parked on the outskirts and walked in to the Mid-evil Cite.  
Small boutique shops, cobblestones, scenic and old. Old stone buildings, well kept with wooden shutters, fabulous old doors, and little flower boxes with bursts of color. The sun shone bright all day, brilliant blue sky and temperatures up around 24 degrees at least …. it was hot and really lovely. All my layers of sweaters, jackets and scarves cast aside.  
After a lovely lunch and the non drivers shared a bottle of chilled white house wine, local to the region …. served in a clear plastic square wine holder half full with ice and cold water to keep the wine at a lovely served temperature. We sat outside and I was able to keep in the sun for the leisurely lunch. Nice!
After we walked through town, to the Abbey and around the surrounding grounds, crossed a few bridges and took pics on my ipad. A few hours later we headed for the Narbonne Plage, the beach.
The beach was beautiful and huge, nice soft sand, and rolling waves of deep blue waters of the Mediterranean. Well worth the extra time to drive there, a drop of 5 degrees near the shore and in the water I went. I had my bathing suit on all day for this occasion. The water was chilly and the surf strong enough to pull me off my footing and down I went into the crystal clear water. It seemed sandy bottom all the way out – lovely for sure and I am delighted I got to do it!
Having a lovely time – my family is about to leave tomorrow and that makes me a bit sad. So I won’t think about that now – I will try to not think about it till tomorrow.  
ciao all, au revoir for now
Pamela in France

Avignon and Pont du Gard

October 22 2015 was a great day.  
Five of us up in the morning and on our way to Avignon, France. I drove, as I have done every day so far on this amazing trip through.
Such a great day in the sunshine, and cool wind. We took the highway both ways, tolls a few times and 130 km an hour mostly.
We found underground parking, using gps and road signs and a few u turns … lol. When we climbed up the stairs from our 4th floor underground spot we were inside the fort walls.
Avignon was the temporary ? (for about 3 hundred years!) residence of the Pope many moons ago. So we wandered about the city, stopping so my travel companions could sample the local wares, crepes, glaces, chocolate, baguettes etc. Nothing gluten free so I had water – however it was enchanting to check out the sights, walk on the old cobblestone streets and window shop the designer outfits.  
People watching revealed local Europe travellers in high heeled boots and very trendy outfits, (camel colored wrap coats, matching scarves, sun glasses, hats and bags) perhaps from Paris? And of course “other” tourists in comfortable walking shoes and warm duffle and down coats. Fun!
After the town we walked to find the Pont d’Avignon and did a little dancing under the bridge. Reference to the song we learned as wee people in school music class! it was delightful!  
Off to Pont du Gard … a huge roman made aqueduct from around 900 AD. Lots of pictures and wondering just how they did the construction so many years ago – and it still stands today! The stones used were massive! It was a beautiful sight and awe inspiring.
Back to the car, and the villa, dinner at home and some wine consumption followed by a few hands of Euchre with the girls. Anne and Barb played partners, as did my mom and I. Fun.
Ciao for now, off to Lagrasse today and hopefully some beach time in the sun.  
On Sunday the plan is Aix en Provence and L’Isle-sur-La-Sorgue. Market Sunday and to see the spectacular sights. Then two gals arrive in Montpellier airport and are coming to stay at the villa for the remainder of the month. I will be here another 5 days and then I head to Nice to meet 3 gal friends and off on a fantastic Azamara cruise through south of France, and on to Spain for 10 glorious days in the sunshine and on this fantastic coast.
I fly home on 10 November. Wooo hooo …. what a trip!
Au revoir for now, mes amies et familles
Pamela in France


Sunrise and planning for France, Back to the Future ….

This morning I woke up watching the sun rise. Right outside my room, is a large palm tree, and the leaves and branches are silhouetted against the most spectacular sunrise.
All colours of the vibrant rainbow are against the black background. Purples, reds, oranges, pinky peach, yellow gold, added to the dark blue and the range is complete. Wow, fantastic sight.
The plan tomorrow is Saturday morning Pezanas market and maybe out for dinner. We will have an early evening as mom, Jim and Steve all leave the next morning very early from Montpellier to fly home. Their vacation is finished and the trek home begins for them. I will be returning the rental car. It has been an awesome vehicle, automatic and roomy for all of us to tour around in.  
Today we plan to check out another Les Plus Beaux Villages, in this area, Legrasse. Perhaps we will also check out some beach close by. The temperature looks like 21 degrees today so that will be awesome. Still windy this morning but hopefully that will calm down as the day goes on.
Anne and Barb are up and reviewing some internet sites that celebrate the Back to the Future movie famed day 21 October 2015! It is not what the movie predicted …. interesting concepts and entertaining to consider what we thought life might be like and how it actually looks. A virtual selfie of progress in entertainment time travel through the eyes of Doc Emmett Brown and Marty McFly! lol. Fun….
Have a wonderful day wherever you are in the world.