The Bees are Busy in Sud de France!

The bees are busy this morning … flitting from radiant red floral petals of the few roses around the pool, to the fragrant pale pink honeysuckle vine on the arbour around the door way … to the left over grapes that cling to the vine against the stone wall of the villa attracting sweet seekers. Olive trees bearing older fruit now turning black from bright green olives on the same tree, even sharing the same branch.
I am taking the precious time this sun shiny morning to sit at the mosaic table with Apple keyboard and ipad to write to you. Most days have been filled with activity and travel plans for the next and the next and the next moment here in the South of France.  
The invitation to come here came from a new friend I met a few years ago. She and another gal who live in Toronto, were also joining a cruise on same day, to same ship out of Monte Carlo for an Italian Riviera experience on Azamara. We had some challenges hailing a cab on a Sunday morning from the train station to the ship pier. Together, 4 of us became friends on the route we took to the embarkation port of call.
Thereafter we have been friends, first spending each day together for 10 days on the cruise and since, Facebook friends chatting when we saw each other on line. And then one of the gals rented a villa in south of France for six months and invited me to come and share some time here.
Just the sweet sound of a month at a villa in south of France makes me swoon. Is there a more spectacular place on the earth? more illustrated and talked about?  
The weather has been spectacular for this fall season. Cool evenings move along the foliage and fruit to hasten the colour changes for coming winter chill. The sunshine bright during the day beckon the bees and birds (and people) to dance and sing in the festivity of harvest and change of season festivities. Still warm enough for shirt sleeves and walking for miles out of doors, I am moved almost speechless every day by the vistas outside my own front door.
I would do this again, I find myself saying outloud and to myself several days in a row this last week. Yes, I have become part of this place and it has woven its soul into my heart.
It is peaceful and gentle here. Small pale yellow butterflies flit by on their way to some destination or just playing, like me, in the sunshine with joy. Ants and small crawly bugs are busy storing and collecting and wandering with endless energy, it seems. I can hear the click click of my keyboard in the stillness. Not even a small wind through the tree branches this day can be heard to break the still soundless moments framing the natural dialogue of nature. (thanks Jackie, for the words that escape me).
Church bells from a distant town and car tires on a blacktop asphalt add sounds to the natural rhythm from time to time. And now the gals are up and having some breakfast so I can hear those sounds … beckoning me to join the fun of travel with a group of fabulous friends.
More later, have a wonderful day wherever you are.
Pamela in France!! 🙂

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