Avignon and Pont du Gard

October 22 2015 was a great day.  
Five of us up in the morning and on our way to Avignon, France. I drove, as I have done every day so far on this amazing trip through.
Such a great day in the sunshine, and cool wind. We took the highway both ways, tolls a few times and 130 km an hour mostly.
We found underground parking, using gps and road signs and a few u turns … lol. When we climbed up the stairs from our 4th floor underground spot we were inside the fort walls.
Avignon was the temporary ? (for about 3 hundred years!) residence of the Pope many moons ago. So we wandered about the city, stopping so my travel companions could sample the local wares, crepes, glaces, chocolate, baguettes etc. Nothing gluten free so I had water – however it was enchanting to check out the sights, walk on the old cobblestone streets and window shop the designer outfits.  
People watching revealed local Europe travellers in high heeled boots and very trendy outfits, (camel colored wrap coats, matching scarves, sun glasses, hats and bags) perhaps from Paris? And of course “other” tourists in comfortable walking shoes and warm duffle and down coats. Fun!
After the town we walked to find the Pont d’Avignon and did a little dancing under the bridge. Reference to the song we learned as wee people in school music class! it was delightful!  
Off to Pont du Gard … a huge roman made aqueduct from around 900 AD. Lots of pictures and wondering just how they did the construction so many years ago – and it still stands today! The stones used were massive! It was a beautiful sight and awe inspiring.
Back to the car, and the villa, dinner at home and some wine consumption followed by a few hands of Euchre with the girls. Anne and Barb played partners, as did my mom and I. Fun.
Ciao for now, off to Lagrasse today and hopefully some beach time in the sun.  
On Sunday the plan is Aix en Provence and L’Isle-sur-La-Sorgue. Market Sunday and to see the spectacular sights. Then two gals arrive in Montpellier airport and are coming to stay at the villa for the remainder of the month. I will be here another 5 days and then I head to Nice to meet 3 gal friends and off on a fantastic Azamara cruise through south of France, and on to Spain for 10 glorious days in the sunshine and on this fantastic coast.
I fly home on 10 November. Wooo hooo …. what a trip!
Au revoir for now, mes amies et familles
Pamela in France


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