Awe-some day

Who was that person and what was the lesson?  Why do I put myself out there?  And when did it start?  Great questions.  Not sure I need to spend much time on the answers.  Let the questions hang in the air like an unfinished sentence…..

I met a man today who was raised on Anthony Robbins from childhood!  What a start in life that would be …. What potential is awake when that is your early life support.  What a gift he will be as a father and partner and friend.  He will change the world by his impact on this new generation.  He is a brilliant, sensitive and strong man with a vision.

By putting myself out there I get to experience and practice my higher self.  My skills become more honed and my vision more clear; my message and my presence influencing others.  Was I of any assistance to this person in search of answers?  I believe in my core that I had a premonition of him today and my day was in preparation for our meeting.

After talking about Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction, “Don’t Bite the Hook” cd by Pema Chodron, and Zero Limits book authored by Joe Vitale … I pulled out of my bag two identical blue pages with the words I had written this morning in my blog.  So perfect the synchronicity and yet how basic the skill to connect, listen, ask questions and lend support.

I am in awe of my day.  I walked through a grove of old gnarly oak trees around Cedar Hill Golf Course and truly saw the beauty in them.  So much to learn and experience.

“I love you.  I am sorry.  Please forgive me.  Thank you.” Ho’oponopono.

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