Who I Intend to Become



Self confident / Believe in myself / Positive to everyone I encounter

Successful and secure, financially, spiritually, physically, emotionally

Healthy and Strong / Safe and Protected

Giving and Generous

Interested and interesting / genuinely curious and lifelong learning / innovative / creative

Inspired and inspiring, supportive, loving and empowering

Peaceful and happy, content with what is, mindful of my actions and their impact

Zero debt and donating generously to support and empower women of all ages, globally

World traveler with over 100 others

Travel at least 3 times a year, each year.  Take my family with me at no cost to them

Supportive and loving mother, daughter, grandmother, wife, friend

Best selling author of significant book.  Successful blogger of travel stories

Founder of HerWay Travel International, global resource community for the world of women

Strive for Highest and Best in all I do

Live in Easy World, My life lived joyfully and with ease

To love myself exactly as I am




“To think well of myself and to proclaim that to the whole world, not in loud words, but in great deeds”


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