Entry 9. tend…

Entry 9. tender to Mytiline

We had a delightful breakfast with a lovely Australian couple who talked about a shore excursion they have booked for tomorrow in Istanbul. We took some time to get back to our spacious stateroom and a further consultation about the benefits of going on organized tour. Especially in Turkish ports. So we booked to attend the Blue Mosque, St Sophia and the Grand Bazaar which has over 4,000 booths. Wow, shopping Mecca! Can hardly wait … That is tomorrow. We also booked a lovely excursion for next week to see a winery, olive press and ancient processes. Lots of tasting is in store for us!
Today Plomari is the destination of choice. Birthplace of the very best ouzo. One of the oldest and first producer of Greece for this fine liquor. We will have to sample, to find out if their claim is in fact true. Penny and I are prepared to do this!

Entry 8. Mykonos memories

Entry 8. Mykonos memories

First day on Greek soil into the cruise. Wow, the town was lovely. Penny and I choose not to take an excursion in to Mykonos. We began with complimentary shuttle in to a parking lot along the sea. There were several groups forming for walking tours and buses … We started by claiming up. Up. Up. Steps and cobblestone narrow pathways …up toward the windmills that appear to not be in use anymore. The windmills are the hallmark card of this town. They stand solitary and about 5 stand together lining the top area with view of the sea.
Several times my breath catches in my chest, deep breath and take it in. We took pics on iPads and iPhones as we would find eye watering scenes of beauty. Whitewashed buildings, blue shutters and hanging vines heavy with fragrant flowers and bright colored plants. Steps with no railings almost too small for even child feet to use. Curious. Little shops dotted the back roads as if a market place.
We arrived early enough to be there before all the shops were open. And then as if by magic the areas that looked residential sprang forth to sell their wares for us, the one cruise ship to be docked this day. White linen and cotton clothing displayed proudly. Jewels adorned window glass, hats, shoes, scarves, gelato, souvenirs and artwork …. Dotted with some by upscale Louis Vitton, Chanel …. No real pattern. We wonder if the owners live in the back or upstairs? Very small grocery stores selling the bare necessities and wine .. Ouzo, bottled water, candy and other treats. Some veggies and flower kiosk type stores as well. Along the coast linked together as if all one, cafe, restaurants, pubs and eateries. Some seafood can be bought and it must be fresh.
We stop to watch a small local fisherman as he rinses clean his catch of the day and then hustles it off the a kitchen or two in the vicinity for enjoyment of the tourists, no doubt. We see a man early in the day walking with a dustpan and broom cleaning up debris, empty water bottles. We see him again and again and again as if he must be stalking us all day. He also drove a small scooter like truck which had on the back an area for him to place the recyclables and garbage. A very clean town for the most part, cleaner and so much smaller than Athens. This town is designed for tourism. The cobblestone streets and all the Buildings are painted in white, with spots of grey marble or painted colored shutters and doors. Many ornate doorknobs and tiny steps as if to nowhere. Stunning, uniquely Greek and so pleasant as an experience.
About 2 pm we stop by the sea in a cafe, Rouvera, where we have a small beverage and get the code for free wifi. We enjoy the pictures we took of the sights.
Highlights of the day included free beach combing with finding tiny treasures of brightly colored sea glass. This is apparently an locally overlooked richness and gift from the sea. We also made a purchase of a multi use cotton knit sweater wrap from Athens designer Joanna kourbela. Gold tan in color we each buy the same one, after a fun demonstration by a lovely polite and stunningly beautiful sales angel dressed all in white (the name of the store).
We came back to the ship to grab a wee lunch and donned our bathing suits and hit the pool deck. Yes, now we are enjoying all that cruising in the heat has to offer. It was not a scorcher day due to winds from the sea, howev, today I feel a slight color change on my face and arms.
Love to all, wish you were here!

entry 7. Mykonos

Entry 7. Sailing toward Mykonos
As Sheena once wrote to me from Sweden: let me set the stage….
Muggy grey skies. Sweet gentle sound of water being displaced by this majestic ship, Queen Elizabeth. Sitting on my balcony and seeing the whitewashed homes on steep slopes of the rugged island. Terraced land and dry vegetation as far as I can see. Another photo op on iPad. Dreams really do come true. Wish you were here!
Almost time for breakfast and going ashore. Penny slept in longer than me. I was up before 4 am so was writing and reading and then downstairs to check out Internet cafe.
Blue skies overhead promise great weather for the day. I have been cold as air conditioner is blowing in the room. Of course, I am always cold so I will layer for the day’s adventure on land. Today we will walk and explore a bit.
Mykonos looks just like the pictures. Peaceful and scenic. Flat top roofs, sandy beaches, yachts in the marina. I am excited to go on land and check out local culture of this Greek Island.
A lot of locals getting about with scooters and motorcycles, no helmets, and whizzing in and around where other small cars and larger work vans are stopping at lights. Several with extra passengers hanging on the back, or large packages getting ready for delivery. This was the scene in Athens. So now I get to see the similarities between the two cities. I see in the distance some scooters taking their drivers to destinations, likely the start of work day for many here at the port.

Entry 6. GGA. Cunard Service

Entry 6 GGA Cunard Service
I will be looking forward to more of the same fabulous quality I have learned in my on line training with Cunard line. We are part of the emergency drill with life jackets in the dining room. Then back to our rooms to partake of that sparkling gift as we dress for dinner.
Our bags arrive and Penny comments a few times on how impressed she is with how little luggage I have! Once again I am grateful for having had the time and courage to downsize. It is a new packing exercise for me and I feel I have graduated to the next level. Well done, me!
We meet our new dinner mates in a large oval table in the window. A table for 10 is delightfully prepared and we meet the waiter and m’aitre d who will look after all of my special dietary needs and more. One couple are residents of Texas and I am delighted to swap stories of cruises past and future. They are also dancers and are on the search for the best wooden dance floor. Later in the evening we take a moment to stop and watch their expertise and flowing movements as they spin and glide in graceful beauty.
Penny talks more to a couple celebrating 52 years of marriage. Our waiter and several more join in singing ‘let me call you sweetheart’ as the couple hold hands. Not a dry eye in the house. What a lovely experience to behold. Note to self, always have a special celebration party organized for people who book their vacations with me. Such a value added service of emotion and thoughtfulness. I am moved by the scene!

Entry 5. Gga

Entry 5 of the GGA (Great Greek Advenutre)
Off the plane and met by Cunard represent tatives for the transfer to the ship. A 45 minute drive by highway and through some of the city sights in Athens on route to the ship pier in Pireas.
Ships in the harbor NCL Jade, Ruby Princess and MSC Armonia as well as some local and regional ferries that no doubt connect the fabulous ports in Greece. The alphabet in Greek is unique and always had the comfort of English spelling for us tourists!
Penny was waiting when I arrived at the pier where cunard’s beautiful and newest ship was docked waiting for our arrival and embarkation. The process was not too onerous and within minutes we were boarding Penny’s first cruise. Although I have cruised many times, I am thrilled to be anticipating this great adventure aboard Cunard for my first time. Luxurious and very classy describe the decor.
The man who checks us in at the desk enquiries, “are you sisters?”. We laugh as this is the first time we had that question posed to us since we met sOme 43 years ago!
In our spacious balcony stateroom(we were upgraded a few times from our initial investment for an inside stateroom), was a lovely bottle of French champagne on ice. We learned to use our room keys to turn lights on. Our room steward Edwin is super helpful and seems keenly interested in making our stay extraordinary. Cruising is really about service. Cunard offers remarkable and understated, ever present service.

Entry 4 great Greek adventure


Entry 4 the great Greek adventure
Many gracious thanks to Joanne for the few days pre flight.  she picked me up from ferry and we had a super fun time preparing for my trip.  We ate out a Greek restaurant in preparation of what come next.  We re-packed my bags and downsized my items of need on the trip.  We enjoyed a great belly laugh.  Then she got me to the airport on time. I am so grateful!  
I recommend a book, Zero Limits by Joe Vitale for a life changing practice for every moment of living.  I love you. I am sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you.
The first leg of the flight to Montreal was uneventful.  The folks sitting next to me did not speak english.  A mother and daughter team, both stunning beauties. The second leg from Montreal to Athens was a great adventure unto itself.
I met a fabulous and soulful man, Rick  S.  He is a world traveler and we shared story after great story of past experiences, great books to read, life long learning and encouragement for a future full of deep relationships.  I was so impressed and inspired with his knowledge, courage, success, willingness and straight honesty.  I do hope we keep in touch.  I would love to be in business or something with Rick.  I am so grateful for this heart communication and meeting a new friend.

Day 3. Great greek adventure

Day 3 of great Greek adventure. At Vancouver airport. Bit of traffic coming in this morning from chilliwack. But deb and Joanne and I practicing ho’oponopono cleared the way and bent time so no problems. Clear sailing and short lines in airport, no delays going through the lines and security. I am now sItting looking out the large window, sunshine and airplanes.
I love the airport. All airports actually. I am friendly and happy. Grateful and optimistic about my flight and the journey of love. Ebook to read on flight. I don’t see any power plug outlets to boost the iPad and kobo reader. I believe all is well however. How did I do this before technology? Meditation and happy thoughts. Maybe a movie? I have ebooks to read and audible is full of books for my listening pleasure. Inspiration is just a click away.
Love to all who helped me arrive to this day … Family friends, loved ones all. Wish you were here. Ttfn

Vancouver Airport, eh Dec 1 2010

Blog entry 1 Dec, 2010. Vancouver Airport

My mother, my husband and I. Sitting in Starbucks plugged in to the wall with my lap top. Seems they have a shortage of plugs here, so the Christmas tree decorations will stay unlit till I move on.

The plane is late due to weather. Darlene and Joan are also traveling with us on the great adventure starting in Vancouver, then British Airways flight to Barcelona via London Heathrow airport. (Apparently London is having a snow storm, which is why we are not yet on our plane on the way there ). We will arrive there and pray to the luggage gods for safe transport on to the next flight direct to Barcelona. Ahhhhhh. Just the sound of Barcelona is inspiring.

I love the sound of exotic words – and exotic places. Everyone I have talked to loves Barcelona but that is not why I love it. I love how the syllables roll off the tongue. The way the “r” rolls around the roof of my mouth. And the extra “a” that all Canadians like at the end. Eh!!

Surrounded by foreign speaking folk, at the International departure area of the Vancouver airport …. Why don’t we have a fancy name for our airport?? I did a small survey with my mother and she suggested an appropriate name might be “Vancouver” or alternatively “large”. Hmmm she might have been on the committee that settled on “Vancouver International Airport”.

Interesting lighting here. Very high ceilings and long narrow light fixtures give the illusion of light but it is very subtle and soft … almost like being in the corner of an intimate living room with low lighting. Although strangely enough, every person has a spot light affect above them, allowing reading of novels and bloggers like me on computer. Perhaps if I unplug my lap top and plug back in the Christmas tree decoration and wreath that is above my station, I might enjoy yet more lighting and the festive feeling that comes with Christmas season generally.

I plan to do some writing about what makes this journey and this time of year, this particular year so noteworthy for me. For my family and very close friends the reasons will be more obvious. Ahhhhhhhh, yes. An important year indeed and important to reflect on the past 12 months and 52 years of my life. The significant changes and one very substantial loss.




8-9 May 2010

What a stroke of brilliance …….. the ONE DAY cruise!

I have a good friend who knew this even before I did. Last year she booked a one day cruise from Vancouver to Seattle with a girl friend … the shopped all day in Seattle and then took the AMTRAK train back to Vancouver.

This year, the dates came out, she sent me a note and I started thinking about the benefits of going on a one day cruise.

Not a huge time commitment. Do it on a weekend. No time off work. Not very expensive. Feels like a real treat. Get a way from it all. Get to see Seattle (Pike St Market, take in a Starbucks coffee, see the flowers). Treat myself to a Mothers Day event. Go with friends. Return to Victoria on the Victoria Clipper on Sunday. It is all possible.

So I spoke to my partner, who, by the way, seldom gets to go on my work related cruises and gets left behind when I travel with my mom and friends ……. and he was so happy to be invited to go with me that he jumped at the idea of a weekend cruise. We spoke to another couple, really good friends of ours who also live in Victoria. They also jumped on the idea. We did a little research and I booked the cruise, we paid and also booked the Clipper return to Victoria.

John, our friend, knew the city bus routes and checked out the schedules. We left in the morning and walked to the city bus stop and took an express bus out to Schwartz Bay ferry terminal. We arrived in Tswassen about 100 minutes later, and back on a Bee line city bus headed for Bridgeport station.

It was early still and sunny and gorgeous in Vancouver. The bus trip was uneventful except for the creeping excitement of getting on a cruise ship. There is just something about that anticipation. We all had our lightly packed shoulder back packs with toothbrushes and overnight items (I brought 4 scarves to wear and to offer a change of look to my limited wardrobe). I don’t think I have ever packed so lightly in all my life, and certainly not for a cruise!! Donned in cruise-wear, I was pretty happy to be looking and feeling special.

From the sky train station to Waterfront downtown Vancouver is mostly underground so we did not get the lovely tour of the big city … however, it is a most efficient and fast way to travel in the city, and especially on a Saturday when the cost is ½ what it would have been on a weekday. All was just going our way. Bit of a line up as three cruise ships were to be loaded up from Vancouver pier. We were in a long snake like line up for quite a while. People budging in line to get their faster (??) is just a bit annoying …….. but we ended up about 10 couples back from Christa and John and kept seeing them on the corners as we snaked around. It was fun though, people watching at its finest, for sure.

What kind of people cruise? People going to Alaska, people who are just going (like us) for a get a way, people with children, older people who have cruised many many many times before. People who dress up, people who did not. People in hats, some with hair pieces and some with no hair at all. It was fun for me to check them out as we rounded corners and could over hear snippets of conversations. It is all so intriguing really and funny, sometimes. We got through the gates, the paths, the line ups and the staff guiding us along. We got our pictures taken and our new key card and off to the ship.

We got our picture taken, the 4 of us and a few of just the women. Later we were to discover that these pictures were very good …. but as with a lot of things on a one day cruise …. you either get it now, or let it go. We let the moment pass.

On to the ship, off to our staterooms to get rid of our bags. And meet for our first cruise meal. Due to the line ups we missed the lunch in the dining room. Ah well, the Lido is always good for great food and lots of it. We ate our fill and checked out the ship. Walking, sitting, checking out the city sky line on this warm May day. It feels so special to be aboard and waiting to go out to sea.

It was exciting and relaxing, and fulfilling. All that you want from a vacation, and it was an ordinary weekend with extraordinary itinerary. I am thrilled even in the re-telling of it.

We laid out on the wooden deck chairs. How luxurious. Steve got a glass of champagne for me and we set sail for Seattle. We went back to the staterooms and I threw on a different scarf, brushed my hair and away we adventured for meal number two …… the feeding frenzy had begun.

Our stateroom was lovely, our friends had a balcony and we were upgraded to a full window floor to ceiling but a tender life boat was in our view. Beautiful never the less, ice in the bucket and spacious floor plan.

We had a lovely dinner with another couple, the 6 of us at a window. One of the things I have learned from any time dining on a cruise ship, is to always ask for a window table. It is a good idea if the cruise is longer than one day <smile> to reserve the table you want for dinner, first thing in the morning while you think of it …….. so when it is time to eat, your spot is ready.

Lovely meal, plenty of dessert and off to the show. Glitz and glamor. Stage and Screen was the singing and dancing theme for the show. It was high energy and the costumes were beautiful. After that we walked through the art gallery and “shopped” for things that were pleasing. We found the shops and wandered through them as well, looking for tidbits and ideas, enjoying the shiny stuff. Steve and I went dancing in about 3 lounges and enjoyed the music and the dancing that we have been away from for a while. It was a romantic and beautiful evening. We went up on the top deck and enjoyed the scenery … Is that Victoria we see off in the distance, in the dark?? Can it be Beacon Hill park, the lighthouse, Dallas Drive??? Time for a tea, and a little of the late night buffet.

Back to the stateroom for a wee nap. Plans to meet our friends by 7 am for breakfast in the dining room and off to a day in Seattle. The sun shone brightly and warmly all day. What a treat. Seattle at its very best ….. Mothers Day Sunday, sunshine, Pike St Market, the ocean, the sea wall, the shops, the people, the colors of the flowers, the fish throwing, the crowds …… the quilt store. The unique gifts, postcards and pictures, paintings and drawings by local artists. Seattle is lovely. Starbucks on every corner. The guys headed off to the Space Needle and some museums to fill their day.

We met up again, made our way to the Clipper pier, had a bite to eat in a fish shop along the waterfront. Sat outside in the warm sun and enjoyed the sensations that come when a restful sit follows a busy walk. On the Clipper (a catamaran that holds a few hundred people) and a few hours later, home to our lovely Victoria.

Exhausted and satisfied as if a big meal — a turkey dinner feast — the weekend adventure at sea.