Entry 19 more Santorini


Entry 19. Just a few steps short of heaven

This is my favorite spot.  A bucket list destination come true.  Stunning.  Breathtaking.  Santorini in the hot sun.  If you ever wondered about this place, then take the leap of faith and make it happen.  I feel like I have filled a chapter in my travel book, just today alone!
We have heard about the white wine of Santorini and have picked up a few bottles for our room and leisurely consumption.  This has been my favorite stop.  Total luxury. 
We met a few women spending a week here shopping and laying by the pool.  Perhaps this is a women’s place?  
Paradise, plus, and beyond.  Peaceful waters, views for miles, mountainous rocky cliffs all around as far as we can see, jutting out from the teal blue waters.  The buildings and roads are old, whitewashed and adorn the cliff tops. Little shops and b and b’s, cafe’s and homes all checkered on the path that climbs ever higher.  Toward that hot Santorini sun.  It must be scorching hot in the summer months!  Today is near end of September.  One woman told us it was Gypsy Summer.  We are seeing the best of the best.  If I never pass this way again, I will be happy that I was here on this day.
When we began the ascent down the cliff on the cable car to sea level, a beautiful young woman sitting next to me started to sing ” some people wait a lifetime for a moment like this”. Turns out she works on the ship!  Lucky us!  She also said when she looks up at the doors in Santorini she wants to sing ” knocking on heavens door.”. She obviously loves this place.
The wine is lovely, dressed semi formal in turquoise and ready for early dining followed by an invitation to the Commodore reception at 7:45 pm.  
I am so in love with Greece and all the memories and experiences I am having in this place.  I thought I knew the beauty and now it has become part of me and will stay with me for the rest of my lifetime.
I so wish you were all here with me.  Much love from Santorini, 

18 Santorini!


Entry 18. Stunningly beautiful Santorini

Everything I  have heard about Santorini is true, and beyond my expectations.  I anticipated this view and yet have never experienced anything like it.  I could stay here for a while.  Today we have no tour.  Walking about this magical place at our own pace.
The center of what used to be a volcano top.  As far as I can see, white buildings high atop cliffs, steep rocky mountain sides to the water.  We tendered in and then took a cable car to the top to see the city.  We have walked higher and higher and taking many photos of the quaint little hotels, bed and breakfast and cafe’s.  All built for tourism and spotlessly clean.  We walked climbing higher and higher …  Looking down on blue roofs and white painted buildings.  We are now in a coffee shop looking over the water, using facilities and enjoying the breathtaking view.  
What an amazing place.  Local artisans in their yards, painting, making jewellery … It is so hot.  
This coffee shop is part of an old windmill, round in shape, all glass with a view everywhere we look.  

17 Lindos and Rhodes


Entry 17. The landscape of Lindos 

We started our day with a tour we selected at the last minute, to include Rhodes and Lindor on the island of Rhodes.  We met up with our group, green 7, and loaded in to a tour bus, with 37 others from our ship.  We began driving by the fortress in old ancient Rhodes I what used to be the moat!  We headed north on the island for 55 kms to the sw tip if the island to see the ancient acropolis.  Rhodes is the largest of the Dodecanese Islands of Greece.  Population of Rhodes is 45,000.
We drove past a huge Greek cemetery that was stunningly beautiful with very closely placed white crosses and statues.  It looked very well kept and full.  There was a lot of talk about Collosus, a statue that used to be in the harbor, standing over 10 stories high!  Many imitations were seen along the way, in the ceramics, in front of Greek restaurants and other businesses.  Lovely views of beaches and the very blue sea.  Many luxurious hotels are dotted along the coastline as well.  There is not much water on the island, even the golf course is brown.  Festivals and celebrations were once had for the gods including Zeus and Apollo.  Dowrys for women included ceramics and land.

On the way to Lindos we stopped at a family owned and operated ceramic business.  Bell tower and fortress on the hill around the town aside the sea.  Arid landscape, some olive trees which will be ripe in November.  Some will become table olives and some pressed for oils.  Also oranges and mandarins, golden apples also grown on this island.  On the other side of the island are grape vines and a few wineries.  
Slow driving around the island along the scenic coast.  Penny and I scored front seat on the bus so I have a table that works for my iPad.  Scenic and fabulous views.  Many signs indicating public beaches.  Stories being told weaving very ancient myths and current economic situations.  
14 century small white washed church we pass, quaint, small and very beautiful.  On summit of mountains temple for Zeus.  Apollo is appreciated here in history as well.  We listen to the list of 7 wonders of the ancient world.  Rental accommodations for people to travel around the island, so traveling is slow here, says our guide.  
The heat of the day is settling in on us, at 10 am.  Today promises to be very warm and dry.  
We walked and took pictures in Lindor and climbed higher and higher, some 356 steps, they say.  I did not count but we made it to the top.  Donkeys were available to assist with the climb.  Penny and I decided we would enjoy the donkey ride back to town.  We did a little looking around and realized we were now late for the tour bus.  We stopped to assist one elderly woman from our tour and the three of us were the last to get on the bus.  Oh well.
Then the drive back to Rhodes, a quick lunch and change in to our swimsuits.  Penny and I walked to a public beach close by and took a cool refreshing swim.  Then we walked through the old city behind the walls of the fortress.  Back to the ship, showers, laundry and very soon for our dinner.  Elegant casual again tonight for dress code.
The ship is preparing to Pull away from the pier and it is 545 pm local time.  This was a favorite spot so far.  The island was such a mix of all that Greece offers.  It is so lovely, relaxed and warm.  I am enjoying the ports of call very much.  All I expected and more.
Wish you were here, 
Love  Pam 

Mamma Mia 16


Mamma Mia, here I go again!  Entry 16

Back to Greece!  Today our great Greek adventure is on Rhodes.  We have done some reading and decided a tour to take us to Lindos and some ruins (acropolis) and the ancient towns.  Greece is rich in tradition and seems to be the pace I love …  Quiet small old towns with cobblestones, whitewashed buildings and blue domes.  Shopping is small quaint shops featuring local artisans and bright colors.  
The wine from Turkey, Villa Doluca, was rich and dry.  Flavorful and smooth.  A great recommendation from the shop owner in Izmir.  
The sunrise this morning is breathtaking.  Oranges, peach, yellow over the grey blue sea in the birth of day light.  Time for another photo on my iPad.  The crispness and full color of the iPad is remarkable.
Taking our bathing suits today in case we stumble upon beach.  Maybe umbrella too?  We have not booked our excursion yet so we are going to show up and see if there is room for us.  So looking forward to this day.  
Trying to stay present in the moment is always a practice, otherwise all days become one and non are memorable.  How much do I want out of this experience is decided by how strong my will to breathe in and out the present.  Take the time and focus on this day, this moment in time, this breath.
Pilot boat is here and it is time to grab some breakfast and head on out to the day on shore in the dreamland of Greece.  

15 Turkish Delight



15 entry Turkish Delight

We love the new additions to our stateroom….. Two beautiful carpets purchased in Izmir.  I admire Penny and her courage and adventurous spirit.  A man met us on the street and encouraged us to enter his souvenir shop.  I was reluctant and Penny was stepping into the fun.  I tagged along, holding back a bit.  Further invited upstairs to see leather goods, handbags, clothing and more.  I was not going up there!  I waited by the door trying to assess an escape route.
The same guy invites us to visit his uncles carpet store.  Down a few alleys … Argh… Alarm bells going off in my head and for no reason but fear.  Inside we go, up up stairs to a musty room completely filled with carpets floor to ceiling as if a warehouse.  Www.the carpet museum.  Once there and more people also shopping there I was able to relax and get into the process.  Penny was delightful to watch.  
Once the purchasing decision was complete, we had to get to a bank machine.  The salesman accompanied us with the two carpets rolled and wrapped in brown paper.  He even gave Penny a functional black bag to carry the carpets, complimentary.  We saw some very lovely silk carpets as well…such a selection.
We found a delightful lunch spot with free wifi and Penny had lunch as I worked on posting blogs and writing emails.  We had been at an Internet cafe much earlier in the day but could not get in to most of our sites.  No rush as we sat enjoying the weather and the sights.  We even sat at a table and who walked up to us, from a neighboring table?  You guessed it, the uncle and several of his male buddies.
I don’t quite get it, but noticed the over representation of males traveling together on the streets of Izmir.  Men groups of 4 to 6 seems the norm.  Traveling in age cohorts, finely dressed and quite handsome.  We were being watched from many angles.  
We found next door a store that sold Turkey made wine, and beer.  We selected a few and started a leisurely walk to the ship.  I pulled out my phone and noticed it was almost 10 minutes after 3. We have to be boarded on the ship by 4!  We know we are miles from the ship as we had walked the distance earlier in the day.  I kicked my walking speed in to high gear, as did Penny.  By some miracle of time and space bending we arrived at the ship at 5 minutes to 4!!!  
Thirsty and happy we are back in our room ready to leave Turkey.  What a fun day and one we won’t soon forget.  We made our collage of purchased items, business cards, two flags (when we tried to buy one flag, the store owner gave us each one for no purchase.  We were thrilled.  I think mine will go to my grandsons.  In fact it will be fun to find flags from all my journeys for them!
My feet are a bit sore, and feeling a bit tired from the quick walk back, however the sun was shining high in the very blue cloudless sky with a strong breeze along the water.  We had seen local Starbucks and the clock tower, thousands of pigeons in a city square being fed by locals.  This is a very busy harbor town even on a Sunday.
I am glad we had this day.  Tonight dining is elegant casual dress.  We will try to stay up late dancing in to the night with our table mates.  3 couples who all enjoy dancing.  Some the age of my parents even!

14, day in Izmir

14, day in Izmir Turkey.
Penny’s new mantra is “I love Turkey!”. The people, the buzz, the shopping, the friendliness, the carpets, the wine, the music, the coffee, the food, the smiles, the adventure. We have walked today along the sea wall maybe 5 miles each way. We are still in a cafe.
We found a Starbucks and had a time getting on Internet. The girl had no idea how to assist and did not speak English. We shopped even though 80 percent of shops are not open today, Sunday. Many were happy to offer us leather goods, carpets and food.
There appears to an inordinate number of men between ages 20 and 35 wandering around in packs or herds. They seem to be chatting up street vendors, and no women except tourists. We definitely get lots of looks! Leisure is a word that describes sitting in a cafe writing notes and Penny drinking turkish coffee.
What an experience! I am much more cautious of a traveler but am enjoying the richness of our differences.

Lucky 13 sea day ….GGA

Entry 13. Ode to toes

Saturday 22 September, sea day. Only one sea day on this cruise and we filled it with self satisfying endulgences.
Pedicure at 815 am for Pam. Lovely, soft and relaxing overlooking the sea out the spa window. Feeling pampered being exfoliated, massaged, wrapped in hot towels, more massage with oils, nails sculpted and paint applied. Closed eyes and relaxing. Taking it all in. Are we getting pampered too much, she asks. Pam responds, is there ever too much? Pam also scores complimentary white flip flops, and enjoys wearing them throughout the rest of the day.
Then breakfast on the lido deck for omelet and other tasty treats. Penny headed off for her pedicure and Pam took in a 1 and half watercolor painting class… Sailboats in water. After the class we went to the lido deck and laid in the hot beautiful sun, by the pool. A slight breeze kept it from getting too warm.
Penny found the outdoor barbecue and brought back burgers for us both. Pam headed back to another watercolor class painting the famous blue dome that can be seen of Santorini. Fun to draw and imagining we will see this site in just a few days. Blue skies, blue sea and stark white painted as if bleached, buildings with blue domes.
Last night we ventured off ship to purchase some needed wine. It was dark and way out of Pam’s comfort zone. Penny is always encouraging. The duty free was closed. We stumbled upon a small outdoor restaurant and could see some wine and beer inside. Wondering if they would sell to us … Are you kidding? I am beginning to think everything is for sale in Istanbul.
The owner did not speak very good English however he got up on a chair and recommended a spectacular red wine. He only had one of those. Forty lyra translated to about $20 USD so that was a deal. He also had a cheaper bottle, and we needed two. I also purchased two local beer for Penny to have in our room.
We came on board and to our delight, celebrated the lovely red wine choice. We seem to be not too interested in the late shows of dancing and singing. Rather hanging out on our amazing balcony enjoying the cool breeze and warm air, and listening to the water sloshing below us. Dark black night sky and sometimes lights off in to the distance.
We contine to blog in the evenings and have established a ritual of comfort in this extraordinary luxury. We design a collage for the day of our adventures, and capture a moment in time on pictures taken with our iPads.
Tonight was formal night, one of many. Dressed in our bling and stunning wardrobe pieces we have early dining at a table for 10 but only 8 have every been present. 3 other lovely couples bring unique personalities and great stimulating conversation to the table. It is fun and rewarding and very enjoyable.

Entry 12 the Great Turkey days


Entry 12, the great Greek goes to Turkey

Today up early and watched us arrive in the port in Istanbul.  What a sight!  This is the largest city in Europe.  The last few days were so hot so planning what to wear seemed easy, and ensure covering for shoulders and head.  We gathered our cameras and money to exchange as this is Turkey and we have an excursion booked.  Up for breakfast at the lido deck, egg white omelet and crispy bacon.  The clouds look like we might have some cooler weather so we change clothes.
We are advised we may have rain.  I don’t have my hat or hood on my jacket that I brought.  I put a scarf round my neck and wonder how cool it might get.  I had no idea.  It rained buckets on me!  Eventually I purchased a lovely clear see through umbrella to keep me out of the elements a bit but I was soaked and chilled.  
We boarded the Mercedes Benz bus and headed out to see the hippodrome lwhich is second largest only to the one in Rome.  7 times longer than a football field.  Wow … Few monuments in the center, one made from the shields and swords from conquering the Persions.  The 3 headed snake was woven in 3 snakes.  The heads are scattered, one in Turkey museum and one in London museum and one went missing.  One of the monuments, the obilisk that came from Egypt had depictions carved in marble of how it was raised so many centuries ago.
We walked to the Blue Mosque and took our shoes off before entering, women covering their heads.  By this time we were donning our umbrellas and workIng our way through the crowds.  Breathtaking blue tiles adorned the walls. Lovely mosque.
After we walked a way to the St Sophia, we were in the presence of the largest and most copied mosque.  Our guide told story after story for our enjoyment.  He obviously lived and breathed this very special place and the history.  He suggested we watch the 47 minute National Geographic study on how the building was constructed.  
Then back to the bus for a ride to the Grand Bazaar.  I was very nervous at first to be set free on a marketplace of over 4,000 stores.  Penny, being the great friend she is, stayed close by and said things that comforted me until I could relax.  We ended up staying for several hours.  We saw carpets, jewellery, fabric, beads for making jewellery, leather  goods, light fixtures, ceramic and scarves, silk and wool.  Hats and shoes /slippers.  Every store clerk trying for our attention and dollars.  Great sense of humor and many laughs were had.  Crazy, chaotic and marvelous.  The choices overwhelming and helped me keep a tight hold on my money!
We found a few Starbucks and few brand name eat joints.  We walked down toward the sea and then spied our ship.  We passed over a bridge, followed a tram, cars bumper to bumper.  No one paid attention to passenger cross walks.  Our guide advised us not to take a taxi as they are sure to get lost in traffic and it taking hours to get to where we are headed.  We were unable to find a liquor store and decided to search out some after we have some food.  It has been a long since breakfast.  
Quick change and off to dinner then walked out to the wild dark streets of Istanbul in search of a bottle of wine for the stateroom and the day at sea.  We stop and ask people but alas, they did not understand our request.  Then we spied a small restaurant and saw they sold beer.  We had a chat and finally negotiated to use USD and got what we came for.  Back through security and to the ship for the evening.  
We made pedicure appointments for tomorrow sea day.  We also reviewed the activities for tomorrow, some enrichment activities to be followed by formal night and a masked ball!  This will be our only sea day on this cruise.  We have great stops yet to come.  Penny is keeping a diary and is able to capture the details of the history we have learned.
It seems my blog is more emotional stories?.
Wish you were here.
Love love love

Entry 11 GGA continues


Entry 11 of the Great Greek Adventure

I am not sure what day of the week -I have lost track. I do know that it was the 20th September 2012. 
As with most of the cruises I go on, the days start to flow together.  I sometimes think a world cruise might not be the best to see the world because by the time it was over, I would have trouble remembering where we started!  
Today the lovely island of Lesvos.  Perfect weather, very clear blue sky and a very good pace.  We found washrooms and Internet when we wanted coffee or a water bottle.  Very affordable resting places.  A very leisurely stroll through the streets of foreign towns.
We came home, took some pictures, had a taste of ouzo and sat watching while the ship sailed out to sea.  Then we attended a free course on tablets and specifically featuring the iPad. There will be more great courses while on this ship.  Then off to dinner with our new friends, all 3 couples that sit at our table.  There is room for two more but they have never joined us.
We have a beautiful table in the window at the back so we can see out to sea.  
Today we arranged and paid for two itineraries, one for Istanbul tomorrow to see the special mosks and Grand Bazaar.  Apparently we don’t have the correct currency as we only brought USD and Euros.  
Tomorrow night the ship stays docked until 11:30 in this city.  The largest, they say, in Europe.  We will need to be more careful tomorrow.  
All is very well on this trip.  I miss my family, however having lots of fun.  I look forward to meeting up with Steve and his family and my friends in Rome.  
For tonight, I wish you all a very good day and hope you are enjoying the blog journal of the Great Greek Adventure.
Much love to all, 

Entry 10 Great Greek Adventure in Turkey

Entry 10, breaking all the rules

First we took a tender, Penny’s first. A very short ride in the morning sun to this exciting island, Lesvos. We popped in to a tourist info building, received a map and some directions for walking and seeing the sights. We enquired about heading to the ouzo place we learned about but the return bus would have made us miss our ship. Plan B.
Sometimes I have to be encouraged to do what is unfamiliar to my past experiences. I love traveling with friends who encourage my courage and adventurist spirit. This is one such trip with my best buds from high school and now reunited for this exploration of friendship, the past and ancient sites in Greece, Turkey and Venice.
We walked through the streets of stores, old market and lots of people delivering something or other for their small trucks. Also scooters and motor cycles. Pedestrians are of secondary concern and have to keep a sharp eye. No purchases but a few hours in we stopped for Penny to have a sweetened Greek coffee, I purchased a bottle of water and we enjoyed the free Internet from Fame Coffee.
We have been traveling with the iPads and iPhones. I seem to be technically challenged with posting pics to my blog … Once I figure it out I will have many to share. In the meantime, we are posting a few to Facebook and my journal is part of the blog.
Up and up we walked toward the Byzantine church … Added coverings for our shoulders and stepped into the culture. We took a few pictures and then set our sights on the castle fortress. Penny treated 2 Euros each to enter the ancient stone walls. The castle of Mytilene on the isand of Lesvos.
Up close and personal we entered the fortress and enjoyed small stone part buildings, imagining stories of a a time BC, many hundreds of years before BC to be closer. What was it like? And then some discussions on our youthful exploring stage of life. Singing and dancing to familiar tunes from our youth when we found some cool shady area ….few laughs were had … We found a sign that said taking pictures prohibited but we were already heading down toward town by then.
Hoping to find a secluded beach. Some place to cool down. Acknowledging we made a choice to not bring bathing suits …. Crystal clear waters of the North Aegean beckons us. We could see the stones, coral and bright red sea anemone below. Up on the road a dark man stopped his scooter, watched us for a bit while, no doubt, enjoying his cigarette!
Dried off in the hot sun and much refreshed we walked to the part of town to catch the tender. Picking up some souvenir bottles of Ouzo to share with loved ones back home and one little bottle to share on board.
Back to the ship and a fter a wee bite of salad, 3 pm….Listening to Jimmy Buffet tunes and sipping on my first taste of authentic ouzo from this island. Sitting out on the balcony marveling at my life … And
Wondering about all of the seemingly small decisions that lead me to this place.
To do yet, Pam to get a pedicure. Later today we have an iPad instruction on the ship and then semi formal for dinner.