17 Lindos and Rhodes


Entry 17. The landscape of Lindos 

We started our day with a tour we selected at the last minute, to include Rhodes and Lindor on the island of Rhodes.  We met up with our group, green 7, and loaded in to a tour bus, with 37 others from our ship.  We began driving by the fortress in old ancient Rhodes I what used to be the moat!  We headed north on the island for 55 kms to the sw tip if the island to see the ancient acropolis.  Rhodes is the largest of the Dodecanese Islands of Greece.  Population of Rhodes is 45,000.
We drove past a huge Greek cemetery that was stunningly beautiful with very closely placed white crosses and statues.  It looked very well kept and full.  There was a lot of talk about Collosus, a statue that used to be in the harbor, standing over 10 stories high!  Many imitations were seen along the way, in the ceramics, in front of Greek restaurants and other businesses.  Lovely views of beaches and the very blue sea.  Many luxurious hotels are dotted along the coastline as well.  There is not much water on the island, even the golf course is brown.  Festivals and celebrations were once had for the gods including Zeus and Apollo.  Dowrys for women included ceramics and land.

On the way to Lindos we stopped at a family owned and operated ceramic business.  Bell tower and fortress on the hill around the town aside the sea.  Arid landscape, some olive trees which will be ripe in November.  Some will become table olives and some pressed for oils.  Also oranges and mandarins, golden apples also grown on this island.  On the other side of the island are grape vines and a few wineries.  
Slow driving around the island along the scenic coast.  Penny and I scored front seat on the bus so I have a table that works for my iPad.  Scenic and fabulous views.  Many signs indicating public beaches.  Stories being told weaving very ancient myths and current economic situations.  
14 century small white washed church we pass, quaint, small and very beautiful.  On summit of mountains temple for Zeus.  Apollo is appreciated here in history as well.  We listen to the list of 7 wonders of the ancient world.  Rental accommodations for people to travel around the island, so traveling is slow here, says our guide.  
The heat of the day is settling in on us, at 10 am.  Today promises to be very warm and dry.  
We walked and took pictures in Lindor and climbed higher and higher, some 356 steps, they say.  I did not count but we made it to the top.  Donkeys were available to assist with the climb.  Penny and I decided we would enjoy the donkey ride back to town.  We did a little looking around and realized we were now late for the tour bus.  We stopped to assist one elderly woman from our tour and the three of us were the last to get on the bus.  Oh well.
Then the drive back to Rhodes, a quick lunch and change in to our swimsuits.  Penny and I walked to a public beach close by and took a cool refreshing swim.  Then we walked through the old city behind the walls of the fortress.  Back to the ship, showers, laundry and very soon for our dinner.  Elegant casual again tonight for dress code.
The ship is preparing to Pull away from the pier and it is 545 pm local time.  This was a favorite spot so far.  The island was such a mix of all that Greece offers.  It is so lovely, relaxed and warm.  I am enjoying the ports of call very much.  All I expected and more.
Wish you were here, 
Love  Pam 

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