Day 3. Great greek adventure

Day 3 of great Greek adventure. At Vancouver airport. Bit of traffic coming in this morning from chilliwack. But deb and Joanne and I practicing ho’oponopono cleared the way and bent time so no problems. Clear sailing and short lines in airport, no delays going through the lines and security. I am now sItting looking out the large window, sunshine and airplanes.
I love the airport. All airports actually. I am friendly and happy. Grateful and optimistic about my flight and the journey of love. Ebook to read on flight. I don’t see any power plug outlets to boost the iPad and kobo reader. I believe all is well however. How did I do this before technology? Meditation and happy thoughts. Maybe a movie? I have ebooks to read and audible is full of books for my listening pleasure. Inspiration is just a click away.
Love to all who helped me arrive to this day … Family friends, loved ones all. Wish you were here. Ttfn

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