Sea Day, Azamara Journey 29 May 2019

Bonjour, Bonsoir

Yesterday we were so exhausted from being up for almost two whole days getting from Victoria BC to the ship in Barcelona. Our last flight from Toronto to Barcelona was cancelled and reschedule for 24 hours.

It is our first full day on the ship, after an interrupted night sleep, 9 hours ahead of our home town time-zone. Mary took in the small art gallery, we both visited Internet Cafe and I booked just a 60 minute internet package so I could check for any messages through facebook or email. Several other guests were playing cards, and dominoes in the “The Living Room”. Mary found a very comfortable couch and seating area on 10th floor, great for people watching!

Mary tried a margarita yesterday, today says Pina Colada was more for her. We have found the best decaf coffee on deck 9 in the buffet area, “Windows Cafe”, so we lingered for another one ….

I attended Seminar at Sea this morning for travel agents to be immersed in the Azamara brand. As this is my 5th Azamara cruise, I am catching up on the current trends and changes that Azamara is and will be offering to the guests. One of the other agents on the cruise works in Berwick Nova Scotia, and another in Kentville! The gal from Berwick lived in the yellow building, second residence of apartments where my mother lives on Woodman Road …. incredible coincidence, it is their first Azamara tour and they are delighted.

Mary, my lovely roommate has Virgin phone plan and is able to receive text messages. Nothing happening on my incoming, so decided to purchase an internet package and check my three accounts associated with my two business and my gmail account. If you are writing to me and don’t hear back it is because I am conserving my wifi minutes. Perhaps on shore days, in ports of call, I will find a Starbucks to connect and try to write you back :). I will take my phone and check facebook also, and post if I get the chance.

One of the people I met this morning was in Barcelona for a day pre-cruise and a stranger came up from behind her (she was with her husband and a few other people), grabbed the cell phone out of her hand, ran off and disappeared. Other people had purse snatch experiences as well and shared. We were supposed to visit Barcelona but due to the flight cancellation we only had time to bring taxi to ship from airport. I have stayed in Barcelona in the past.

It is beautiful outside today, sunshine, some white caps, deep blue sea. Mary and I are sitting outside on the veranda, enjoying a cocktail drink, it is after lunch. We are looking for whales or dolphins, I saw one jump three times this morning, magnificent and enjoyable to view. Three dolphins just entertained us, slapping their bodies on the water, as they land on the sea surface. Another pod of 5 dolphins just breached and danced in the waves, waving at us? The constant wave sounds as they dance in rhythm hosting on the silver-blue with white definitions, long tall cargo ships always at the distance. It feels like heaven to me.

We are starting to plan for tomorrow. Port city of Cadiz Spain is the closest port city for Seville. Mary and I will plan to walk around Cadiz. We found a copy of a map (legend in Spanish) of Cadiz, and Azamara tips for traveling in Cadiz. The “Mappa di Cadice: prepared by Ayuntamiento de Cadiz, Delegacion Municipal de Turismo”. Looks like lots of old churches and beaches dot the shore line and it appears there is a promenade to follow around walking. Beaches called “Le spiagge-Praias “. It will be nice to do some walking and exploring. We will search for an Internet cafe or hopefully a Starbucks to take a rest, post this blog, check email and check-in with facebook. Tonight at dinner we met two lovely women, Rachel and Monica, a mother daughter couple who live in Alaska. They will join us tomorrow to walk around town.

We talked about meaningful issues tonight at dinner in Discoveries, main dining venue on the ship. The food was great and the new friends, delightful.

Reading some on this trip. Chapter 57 “Rock of Ages: Le Mont Saint Michel, Normandy” from the ebook 100 Places in France Every Woman Should Go, by author Marcia deSanctis. This is the second trip to France where I have read and re-read some chapters to guide my travels. Her writing is sublime, easy to read and descriptive, like a taste experience of a glorious meal. France comes alive in her narrative choice of words and phrases that excites every part of the woman for whom this collection was written. She writes about France, “France is diverse, sprawling, magnificent, flush with architecture, culture, style, royalty and religion, soaked in sauce Béarnaise and Bordeaux reds.” Oui!

Still in Canada, 24 hour delay

Flying over Canada. 26 to 27 May 2019

Several times per year I fly over Canada. Sometimes to visit family on the east coast (Nova Scotia) and sometimes to fly over the Atlantic pond to reach Europe. On WestJet or Air Canada.

I am very aware of the size of this country. Hours and hours in the air high above mountains, farmland, rivers and lakes, cities and town, mostly wide open spaces. Four hours time zone difference between where I live, in VICTORIA on Vancouver Island… to Annapolis Valley on the east coast of Nova Scotia.

Today I have been falling asleep, and now sitting upright and listening to Audible program of Pema Chödrön’s work “Making Friends With Your Mind. The key to contentment.” I have heard this recording from a weekend retreat. I love the title … even if that is all it was! The goodies, the learning, the practices that assist this person to have a contended life. Another favorite from the same author is the recording “Don’t Bite the Hook.”

My life is busy and full. With work, with family and friends, hobbies, reading books, household chores, fitness and thoughts. I can use all the benefits of such teachings to make friends with my own mind, my own life activities and thoughts. I feel a general happiness and contentment.

Today, unplugged from my phone. The last time I was inaccessible by phone was in August 2017, 22 months ago. I am looking forward to relaxing into the void of no-contact. I will have sporadic email / WiFi access. (I just remembered that in Canada we call it wi-fi with hard long “eye” sound. In Europe I think they referred it as wee-fee. Or somewhere I have been, this is my recollection. ). Isn’t it interesting the difference in phrases, working and pronunciation depending on where we live?

I read recently the purpose of travel is to stretch out of the routine, my comfort zone. To change up the stimulus from that of same-same, to new eyes, hearing unfamiliar sounds including accents of speech, touching the textures of trees and textiles, the feel of ancientness under ground on the cobblestone streets and bridges, walking with the ancestors -becoming a part of the global community, leaving behind my very small world of my ordinary day-to-day experience. The architecture, the service industry offering vulnerability and exposure to new ways to doing things. Opportunities to be kinder.

Intense daily chats with girlfriends and feeling connection to women around the world. The below are my intentions for this trip. My travel buddy and I will read these each morning on this trip, committed to being better people on this earth.

Travel Mastery: intentions

1. Plentiful abundance and Ease are flowing through me at all times
2. I walk with health and ease through Europe, along cobblestones, by rivers, taking photos and creating memories
3. 1% more kindness, generosity and positivity every day
4. My body is vibrant, photogenic and full of energy
5. I experience love, joy, peace in all my relationships
6. My written words attract, inspire and illuminate
7. I radiate positive light and goodwill along my path
8. I attract clear skies, sunshine and moonbeams
9. I live in Easy World: Breathe, Relax, Allow, Enjoy
10. World Peace is my ultimate goal. Women Holding Hands Around the World.

Thank you for reading,

“Your Travelling Agent”

Azamara Journey, here I come again

Good afternoon fair blog, it is Saturday 25 May 2019, Victoria BC, Canada.

I have neglected writing in this blog, mostly because this is a TRAVEL BLOG and quite frankly, I have not been traveling since August 2017 ……

I am leaving in the morning, 26 May 2019 on a Westjet flight to Barcelona, Spain. On 28 May 2019 I will be boarding Azamara Journey for a 14 night cruise. This will be my fifth cruise on this fabulous boutique ship, 684 guests and I hear it is completely full! I tried to get an upgrade but alas only the Owner Suite is available now! I have a balcony room booked and that will be amazing.

Ports of call will include Cadiz, Spain (Seville?), then two days and overnight in Lisbon, and an Azamazing Evening experience (my 4th!!) on to Porto Portugal …. and several stops in France. St. Malo, Cherbourg, Honfleur, and Rouen (overnight so we can spend time in Paris!), ending in Greenwich England and flying home from London Heathrow on 11 June 2019.

Small carry-on size suitcase is packed, I have made final decisions on shoes and other necessities for this cruise. This suitcase I purchased many years ago, it is an Italian brand and showing a bit of wear …. may have to purchase a new suitcase in Europe and bring it home! Carpisa is the brand, made in Italy, with a turtle logo.

Shoes in new IT black carry on bag with a strap on the back so it will hang on tight to my suitcase handle, carry my flats comfy shoes and computer, iPad and chargers etc. And trying out a new look for a purse, also has a strap on the back, and can hold iPad and computer ….. I think I am set.

I purchased a very small Microsoft computer that is lightweight so I can check on my work emails, if I need to on the trip. Knowing I have at least 4 trips planned for this year and portability is what I am looking for. “Surface Go. Performs like a laptop, travels like a tablet”. I will take both the Surface Go and ipad, am still an ipad lover so typing on my ipad right now. It has my photos on it also. With my phone on airplane mode and my “out-of-office” on, I am unplugging for the first time in 22 months!!! Woo hoo!

OK – going to do some last minute things, and see if I can remember how to post on the Blog!

Stay tuned my friends and family …… here we go again!!

Hugs, Pamela
“Your travelling agent”

Highlights of Cruise and stay, eastern North America

Highlights, East Coast Cruise 2017 September
The most significant highlight of this trip for me, was the travel companions. Travelling with my mom is so very special. I am so fortunate to have these opportunities to include her in my journey.
A reunion and two lovely weeks with a lifelong friend I met forty years ago, Rosemarie. She and I met in University and have stayed close all these years. She has supported me in every way every year since. What a delight to share time with her again.
Travelling with other great friends and new friends on this trip was also fantastic and made this trip a success. We dined and toured and shared laughs together. Hugs to all of you!  
Halifax is always a favourite stop for me. Shoe shopping at John David Shoes! Fantastic! Walking the boardwalk, enjoying the sights of eastern Canada and all its history. Eating gluten free pizza with a bevy (prosecco) with Lesley and my mom. Great time!
I love to travel when it is warm. Summer travel is great for this type of trip. New York City is a wonderful stop. I love the lights, skyline, excitement, anticipation, bridges, bright lights of Time Square, high buildings, Broadway theatre productions, great food, and busy-ness and this trip I got to spend some time in the amazing Central Park. A highlight! The greenery of the many varieties of trees, interesting bridges, vital energy, people enjoying this green space, the pedicab and stories …. sharing it with the people I love …. yup. Fabulous!  
Cruising with Oceania is always special, on board Insignia, 11 nights on board, balcony stateroom, specialty dining, ship board credits, room service, enrichment, exciting ports of call, fantastic food and wonderful service. I love the comfy beds, salt water pool, Canyon Ranch spa services and familiarity of the ship! Welcome Home! I think my 9th cruise with this company. This time, I hosted a nice size group … captains parties, wine package to share and new friends and so much more.  
We embarked in New York City and sailed out past the Statue of Liberty and under those magnificent bridges ….. on to Bar Harbor, Boston, Newport, Bermuda (again)for a few nights and days, Halifax and back to New York … great relaxing itinerary including lighthouses, beaches, swimming in the sea, hop on busses, walking cliffs, sunshine, walking and shopping. I really enjoyed the pace!  
It was a delightful trip and I am almost home.  
It has been a busy year of travel.  
Time to relax and enjoy my home town and family as well as friends in Victoria. Drop by if you get the chance, and keep in touch.
Ciao ciao for now!  

Day in NYC

Full day in NYC
I started the month, 1 September, in the city that never sleeps, New York. We met for complimentary breakfast in the lobby area to plan the day. We went to catch the hop on bus, Rosemarie, my mom and I. We did two complete tours and enjoyed the sunny scenery and great stories told by the commentators.  
Back to the hotel around five pm to prepare for our night out and Broadway production of Hello Dolly with Bette Midler at Schubert Theatre. David Hyde Pierce was also starring in this award winning stage production. We were high in the balcony and I managed an end row. It was amazing and so very different from Come From Away that we enjoyed the previous evening. Fantastic entertainment.  
Today we visit Central Park and get a few last minute purchases, perhaps the Empire State Building and maybe a matinee? Then we will be packed up to move to New Jersey location near the airport to fly home in the wee hours.  
As the trip draws close to an end, we continue to enjoy all that New York offers.  

Land again, New York City, day one

New York, New York. 
We arrived a little later than planned from the cruise ship yesterday due to crazy storm at sea for two nights … it slowed down the speed the ship could safely travel.  
Now on dry land and happy. Six of us shared a hired vehicle to our hotel Manhattan on Times Square. I have stayed here on previous trip to New York and it is centrally located and fun. We are on the 14 th floor with a view of the city streets and taller buildings that surround.
We spent the afternoon wandering after we lunched at Ellen’s Stardust Diner (where the wait staff sing and perform Broadway hits as we eat :). Then we checked out the gigantic three story M and M store with huge green m and m created into Statue of Liberty. Very cool. Onward to the Times Square ball drop site and some watching of people and feeling the city vibe. New York Yankee paraphernalia … and ticket booth, NYPD everywhere. 
We got tickets to see Come From Away on Broadway at Schubert theatre. We returned to our hotel, prepared for dinner, found fabulous gluten free pizza place near the theatre, Johns of Times Square, pizzeria. The inside is like a converted theatre with one large wall of black and white drawing of New York City from the air. It is beautiful and great huge brick oven, thin crust pizza …. yummm. In shifts we ate, then we enjoyed the show. We were all proud Canadians and entertained by this wonderful creation of artistic expression of a difficult time in North American history. Highly recommended.  
On the walk home to the hotel, we noticed how bright it was on the street. Lit up by the super large video screens stacked high and wide along the strip. The only way to know it is nighttime is to look straight up and see the black sky above. Hoards of people, streets are packed with locals and tourists alike. Fantastic really. 

Departing our last port of call, Bermuda

Sea day, depart Bermuda
Good morning. We have departed early from the port of St George’s in Bermuda as the prediction of a storm coming on our path. The sun is bright and the seas calm and beautiful colour as we depart the last port before New York.  
Last evening was a deck party with music and dancing after a lovely dining experience at Terrace Cafe.  
Today we have relaxing and enrichment planned. Learn about New York City, and enjoy the ship and pool area, and spend time with family and friends. As well, a few of us have been invited to model some fabulous jewelry at a fashion show this afternoon, so that will be so fun. Beautiful designs and a very good cause, Wild Jewels.

Bermuda, sailing 

Up early and sailing along coast of Bermuda from Hamilton to St George’s. The sight of the pastel coloured homes, white roofs, surrounded by dense greenery. It is unique and beautiful. 
This cruise has been special as I am travelling with family and friends, and visiting eastern North America ports. It feels different than Europe and other parts of the world where I have travelled.  
Relaxing with some sea days and not too focused on the excursions. We did take a tour around the South Island of Bermuda yesterday morning. We learned a lot about the island and its people. Many of the sights I had seen before, now the stories. The weather was on and off again rain with cloudy periods, although we did not get rained on when we were out of the vehicle … phew.
Today we are sailing this morning to another port of call on still Bermuda. No tours, we plan to wander and maybe find a beach for a swim. 
Not many days left on the cruise, tonight and then sea day tomorrow and overnight, ending in New York City. Six of us are staying on for some time in NYC before returning home on the long weekend.
It is peaceful and beautiful out today. Thanks for joining the blog and following along.

Bermuda Day 1

Bermuda, a contrast from what we expect.
There are famous beautiful pink sand beaches on the island of Bermuda. Sand never gets hot. Because limestone base. Water same temp as air. Bermudians don’t go to beach. We saw housing empty, locals prefer to live on the marina side of the island.  
The lower income levels in Bermuda make Up to $70,000 per year income, and their rent is subsidized 25%.
The next income level to $120,000 receive Govt housing mortgage. Upward of that for income purchase their own homes. Housing starts at 1.1 million for mortgage. 
Colour of the paint on the house matters. Yellow means party, welcome. Pink or purple, same sex marriage support, and white colonial with tea service at 4 pm. Green for environmental. Orange, combination oriental and colonialism. Although not always true, generally it is Understood. Blue are folks who are connected to the sea.
We stop to view the Beautiful fairmont golf course. And the famous Gibbs lighthouse. We see beaches, homes and a few residential areas.  
The income of the island is represented by 15% tourism. Rest is trademarks and re-insurance. 
After the tour we went walking. It is a Sunday and most everything is closed until tomorrow. Tomorrow we will dock at St George’s.  
Maybe some beach time ….

Sea days

Ahoy! Two glorious sea days off the coast of eastern USA en route to Bermuda. This is day one at sea. Sleeping in and a slow start to the day, enjoying the light breeze in through the balcony door and the sounds of gentle movement of the water as it comes in contact with our vessel, the Insignia.
Last night we were dining in the Terrace Cafe with some of our group. In fact there are 13 of us in total on this group, including me, and it was so pleasant to be able to check in with each and talk about the lovely day in Halifax.  
Sea days include enrichment options and down time. Perhaps shopping, reading, and looking for sea life off the balcony. I love sea days, the pace and the pleasure of bobbing off the coast, out of the pace with normal life and the pressures that sometimes arise. At sea, there is nothing to have to do, and enjoying being present to whatever shows up.
I find transatlantic voyages offer these sea days which are ordinary days out of pace with ordinary lives. Truly brilliant and enjoyable for spending with others, or some solitary time.
Time to venture to Terrace Cafe for a decaf cappuccino and some light breakfast …. and to wonder what the day will bring.
May your day be pleasant and spent with ease. Wish you were here enjoying the sea with me.
Ciao ciao, 