Sea days

Ahoy! Two glorious sea days off the coast of eastern USA en route to Bermuda. This is day one at sea. Sleeping in and a slow start to the day, enjoying the light breeze in through the balcony door and the sounds of gentle movement of the water as it comes in contact with our vessel, the Insignia.
Last night we were dining in the Terrace Cafe with some of our group. In fact there are 13 of us in total on this group, including me, and it was so pleasant to be able to check in with each and talk about the lovely day in Halifax.  
Sea days include enrichment options and down time. Perhaps shopping, reading, and looking for sea life off the balcony. I love sea days, the pace and the pleasure of bobbing off the coast, out of the pace with normal life and the pressures that sometimes arise. At sea, there is nothing to have to do, and enjoying being present to whatever shows up.
I find transatlantic voyages offer these sea days which are ordinary days out of pace with ordinary lives. Truly brilliant and enjoyable for spending with others, or some solitary time.
Time to venture to Terrace Cafe for a decaf cappuccino and some light breakfast …. and to wonder what the day will bring.
May your day be pleasant and spent with ease. Wish you were here enjoying the sea with me.
Ciao ciao, 

One comment on “Sea days

  1. Colleen says:

    Can’t wait to join you in a cruise – sounds wonderful

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