Still in Canada, 24 hour delay

Flying over Canada. 26 to 27 May 2019

Several times per year I fly over Canada. Sometimes to visit family on the east coast (Nova Scotia) and sometimes to fly over the Atlantic pond to reach Europe. On WestJet or Air Canada.

I am very aware of the size of this country. Hours and hours in the air high above mountains, farmland, rivers and lakes, cities and town, mostly wide open spaces. Four hours time zone difference between where I live, in VICTORIA on Vancouver Island… to Annapolis Valley on the east coast of Nova Scotia.

Today I have been falling asleep, and now sitting upright and listening to Audible program of Pema Chödrön’s work “Making Friends With Your Mind. The key to contentment.” I have heard this recording from a weekend retreat. I love the title … even if that is all it was! The goodies, the learning, the practices that assist this person to have a contended life. Another favorite from the same author is the recording “Don’t Bite the Hook.”

My life is busy and full. With work, with family and friends, hobbies, reading books, household chores, fitness and thoughts. I can use all the benefits of such teachings to make friends with my own mind, my own life activities and thoughts. I feel a general happiness and contentment.

Today, unplugged from my phone. The last time I was inaccessible by phone was in August 2017, 22 months ago. I am looking forward to relaxing into the void of no-contact. I will have sporadic email / WiFi access. (I just remembered that in Canada we call it wi-fi with hard long “eye” sound. In Europe I think they referred it as wee-fee. Or somewhere I have been, this is my recollection. ). Isn’t it interesting the difference in phrases, working and pronunciation depending on where we live?

I read recently the purpose of travel is to stretch out of the routine, my comfort zone. To change up the stimulus from that of same-same, to new eyes, hearing unfamiliar sounds including accents of speech, touching the textures of trees and textiles, the feel of ancientness under ground on the cobblestone streets and bridges, walking with the ancestors -becoming a part of the global community, leaving behind my very small world of my ordinary day-to-day experience. The architecture, the service industry offering vulnerability and exposure to new ways to doing things. Opportunities to be kinder.

Intense daily chats with girlfriends and feeling connection to women around the world. The below are my intentions for this trip. My travel buddy and I will read these each morning on this trip, committed to being better people on this earth.

Travel Mastery: intentions

1. Plentiful abundance and Ease are flowing through me at all times
2. I walk with health and ease through Europe, along cobblestones, by rivers, taking photos and creating memories
3. 1% more kindness, generosity and positivity every day
4. My body is vibrant, photogenic and full of energy
5. I experience love, joy, peace in all my relationships
6. My written words attract, inspire and illuminate
7. I radiate positive light and goodwill along my path
8. I attract clear skies, sunshine and moonbeams
9. I live in Easy World: Breathe, Relax, Allow, Enjoy
10. World Peace is my ultimate goal. Women Holding Hands Around the World.

Thank you for reading,

“Your Travelling Agent”

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