today a sea day, appreciation

Today is a sea day … Phew!
This has been a whirl of a trip so far. Kind of hard to keep up and today is the first day at sea. So far I have been to two lectures, made a collage, had breakfast with mom and Jim, and Jeanette, sent text messages to the travel gals about today’s plans …. Stood in line at Reception, completed my initial feedback questionnaire … And arranged refunds to all the gals travelling for their new tours booked in Cyprus and or Turkey, replacing Egypt. I also gave quick assistance to my mom with Facebook messenger so we can send text messages at sea. I enjoyed art collating with Janet, Gerry, Jeanette and many others who filled the room inspired to learn a new artistic expression. How fun!  
I am back in my room for a quick minute and then for lunch and some pool time.  
Here is my plan for the day …. Hope to see you around! 

945 lecture in lounge

11 collage in artist loft

Pool and lunch noon to 2

2 line dancing

230 artist loft

3 enrichment lecture with Dan

4 tea in Horizons

5 happy hour in Horizons
Dinner 630 polo grill
Show 945 pm

Dancing horizons at 1030-12 midnight to the live band, who are fabulous!
Tomorrow is an early start and a long 12-13 hour tour of Jerusalem.  
Before I get to that, let me say that last nights dining in the main dining room and the show that followed in the lounge were the best on this ship and maybe any ship … In terms of service, food selection and presentation, then entertainment and talent at the show. Amazing really. I am sorry some people missed any of it. Extraordinary!  Maybe the best on any ship of any cruise or even better.  It was a world premiere of their show for singing and the voices, selection and the result brought down a standing ovation and strong applause to a full audience.  WOW!  
I have completed my feedback and discussed with Jim who has a suggestion that staff have a pocket of their name on cards to hand out … So when we give feedback we can give credit to the right person. Great idea Jim and I have walked around today asking people their names so I can respect and recommend them to the feedback survey which gets read in detail.
Giving credit for an exceptional service is my personal responsibility and I think the staff and officers on this ship remember me because I do it freely and often. I don’t wait for the survey, although I always sing praises in any questionnaire, I also try to give immediate feedback of a positive nature in the moment I receive it.  
Hugs, words of affirmation, note cards, tips, and speaking to a supervisor or manager on behalf of a great service are all ways we can honour each other.  
Why not? Don’t we all love to be appreciated? Seen and witnessed as well as celebrated for our efforts. Of course we do and it makes us strive harder to succeed and to love our job even more!  
Join me in the great celebration of these fantastic staff who are so far from home and their loved ones sometimes for six months or more at a time.  
I know how it is to travel and be away from my main supports. Sometimes it looks easy to be me, however, I too appreciate words of kindness from my friends and family who do travel with me on trips. 
 I believe I work hard to cover the details that are background and many people never notice …. Just sayin …… I think we can do more to support each other every day in as many ways as we can.
Off to lunch and then I will write more later, with stories of travel destinations and happy memorable moments of this incredible cruise and stay in the Mediterranean region.
I miss you all, sending big love, 
Thanks for witnessing my journeys and for being my support system. Wish you were here with me!  
Love Pamela 

2 comments on “today a sea day, appreciation

  1. Hello
    So love to see your updates! Right on with your positive feedback or staff on the ships! Always at the end of a cruise if I have not remembered to catch a certain person’s name I attempt to find them to make sure they get their positive review. It means so much!! Traveling right there with you;) Hugs to y’all!!

    • Thanks Jane. It is so important to feel that what we do matters in a positive way. I so value your friendship and your knowledge of this business. I look forward to great adventures as we journey together from time to time! Thanks for following the journey and joining in! Ciao Bella, Pamela

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