What does your fate look like?

Janis, new beginnings, new year, new hope … The bridge between yesterday’s and tomorrow’s 
The artist in residence in the ship is unique. He brings his love of art, history and sculpture to our voyage. He is a guest lecturer and speaks on some very interesting topics. He seems quite entertaining, smart and humorous. I am enjoying his energy.

He has placed his Janis sculpture, neither or both male and female energy, huge balloon type sculpture of a head … Travelling around the world. It carries a kind of message of connection between the past and future. He says “art, where you least expect to find it.”  

A few more quotes from his talk …. “Jerusalem is nothing. That nothing is everything”. I found that interesting to ponder. He shared why he feels that way. He describes himself as a generalist and provocateur. He speaks, he offers a thought and an idea. No wrong or right and no agreement required. Intriguing!  

Art, he says, is part of the process of creating and inspiring dreams. I agree. From beginning of time, written word, artistic expression not only educates us on what is and a conversation of how the artist interprets it …. And also leaves with is each a thought, an inquiry and an inspiration of what could be and …. So our future is inspired.

More to come as my day fills up with other provocative speakers and conversations.

I love,the enrichment offered on Oceania! History never felt so fun before! Looking forward to hearing from Dan this afternoon. I was introduced to Dan through our mutual friend Jane by email before we travelled on this cruise.  

Interestingly coincidentally we met around the huge sculpture of Janis in the lobby on the first or second night of the cruise. We have eaten together and I look forward to more fun and getting to know of Dan and his travel companion, Jane. Woo hoooo.

Wish you were here …. What does your Janis look like?…..

Love p


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