September 17 2019, Agia Roumeli

Agia Roumeli, on west side of Crete. 17 September 2019

The clear green-blue color and gentle cool sensation of the salty sea, combines to make this destination one of relaxation and sensory magic. The taste and smell of salt, the buoyancy laying motionless on the gentle waves this morning, enrich my second swim in this part of the sea. The water is so clear, although I can see the contours and details of each rock and stone below, I can’t touch, rapid drop off. Not silty sand, simple clarity. It’s amazing, tranquil and so incredibly beautiful and relaxing. I could bob around all day in the gentle surf.

I believe it is referred to as the Libyan sea and we can barely make out the African coast from here. Wow!

Sand and pebbles on the beach, protection with beach shoes allow me to walk along in relative comfort, in meditative trance of the sounds of the waves gently acknowledging the shore, pebbles dancing next to each other with the undertow. Rocky coastline sandwiches both sides of the coastal town where we stayed only one night. Peaceful slumber listening to the waves lap and sway.

I am presently sitting on the balcony, painted traditional white as one sees in Greece, with Santorini-blue painted shutters. Magical, magnificent, relaxing, inspiring. It’s already 28 degrees by 10 am local time. Almost no breeze can be felt now. Not a single fluffy white cloud in the sky. Only blue as far as I can see.

The power was out last night in the whole town. Generators working to ensure coffee and breakfast will be served.

On the balcony, my feet and toes in the sun and warmth, little bit of sea sand hanging on for the ride. Happy feet. Happy me!

One comment on “September 17 2019, Agia Roumeli

  1. I remember how amazingly clear the water is! The colours of Greece…..of the white, the blue, the magenta….you’ve brought me back. Thank you Pamela!

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