September 16 2019, Best of Greece continues

Since my last post we spent a night and two half days in scenic Nafplion. Spelled a few different ways. We walked to the stone beach and did not partake, we enjoyed a cool breeze from our balcony with view of the mountains and sea. Beautiful bright pink bougainvilleas throughout the old town. It was nice down time.

Chania town yesterday, we arrived early about 630 am after the overnight ferry from Piraeus. Four to a room, bunk beds, with dining on board. Some of the passengers of this overnight cruise have bed rolls set up in the hallways staking their claim for the night ride.

No time for shower or cleaning up, we went for an orientation walk. It’s one of my fave places, Xania, Chania, on Crete in Greece. We see the Main Street, have a great breakfast together …. then went out for the day strolling around. Some shops opened at ten, it’s Sunday here.

Xamam, clothing store opened at 11 ish, Greek It has expanded some since my last visit. Sandali is a shoe / boot store across the walkway. I think I have been to Crete maybe 4-5 times previously. Always leave some money here when I am lucky to stop in Chania. In November 2019 on the cruise we will stop in Heraklion, however I am arranging a taxi to bring me along the coast to Chania for more shopping experience and to see the coastline of this island.

We spent 4 hours in the Xamam shopping store, and had a wonderful time playing dress up. Just next door was an amazing one of a kind Greek designer jewellery shop. There are lots of tourist places and shops of every kind. The lighthouse is iconic, the stone walls and fortresses. I opted not to goin search of the beach this time. We all met for dinner as a group, authentic Cretan cuisine. Very satisfying. I am eating Greek salad every day,sometimes 2-3 meals. My belly feels good, no worry about celiac response or cross contamination of food that way.

Dining together last evening after our big shopping day in Chania. Up this morning depart the Arkadi hotel, picked up by a van big enough for us and luggage – 18 of us including driver. The front seat is broken, I am in row two. Popping ginger, with patch behind my ear and Travel gum at the ready we head to the other side of Crete. I have never been to this side before, nor have many others by the feel of the intensely windy and narrow roads, hairpin switchbacks. Rocking from side to side. We arrive safely. Bags unloaded and driver leaves us. We drag our bags down stairs and to catch ferry to take us to our next stop. Tiny village, maybe 200 population. We drove over the mountain range to get here, now we take a ferry to our destination today.

It’s cool here by the water, clear, clean and mostly tourist free. Few folks and cars coming off the ferry. Maybe locals? It’s an interesting and peaceful stop on itinerary. Many grab coffee while we wait a few minutes and then carry our bags and load up for hour ferry ride.

On the ferry, crystal clear water, sparkling in the hot Grecian September sun. Ferry makes a stop at Loutro where we will stay tomorrow night for two nights. Tiny village, seems to be all small boutique hotels. Beautiful clear blue-green sea and beaches. Kayaks dot the bay and along the journey, turquoise with purple hue, yellow / white sparkle on the water. Fabulous stony rock formations. A Greek Orthodox Church on the red stone rock. Picture perfect, not a cloud in the clear blue sky, a little breeze. It’s going to be relaxing and an opportunity for beach swims. Lucky us! Most of the tour group will do some hiking in the gorge today.

Today we stay, arrive atTerra Hotel at Agia Roumeli, Stakia, on this west side of Crete. Hot day, nice breeze. Cool sea swim after lunch. The town filled up, mostly young people it seems, couples, some restaurants and bars, hotels and apartments. Very basic stay, but adequate. The views and experience of the sea, from our balcony, iconic white painted hotel with blue shutters and doors. Actually some of us staying at Calypso, seems to be the same owners, just one side of the road or the other. Dinner tonight at 730.

Tomorrow back to ferry and two nights in Loutro.

Stay tuned for more Best of Greece! Photos on facebook
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