Heading home ….. Rome to Fiumicino

The last night in Italy

Today we woke up in Rome and had a breakfast buffet at the Yes Hotel.  The four of us went for a walk to find Campo di Fiori for some last minute purchases and to explore an area of Rome that most of the gals had not seen before.  As it is near Piazza Navona, and we had seen that a few weeks ago, we trekked through the streets and took some last photos of the magnificent Rome buildings and alleys.

We scattered for 45 minutes of shopping, and sight seeing.   Mary and I found the Grom gluten free sorbet shop so I could have my last gelato in Rome.  Yum.  The server was very pleasant and spoke very good English!

Then we walked back to Yes Hotel to catch our shared cab.  The taxi was to drop off the other two gals to catch their flight to Paris for a few days of fun there on their own.  Mary and I went to the Yellow House, a b and b near the airport that Mary found when she was doing research for the trip.  Delightful little home.  We dropped our bags and headed out for a walk to explore …. And walk ….. and explore…. And walk and explore. Today, over 32,000 steps and 23 kms, we became familiar with Fiumicino!

We saw a lot!  We found where the Tiber River meets the Tyrrhenian Sea of the Mediterranean and marvelled for a few minutes at that spot.  That river starts at the Mount Fumaiolo in Central Italy.  We enjoyed walking along it when in Rome a few weeks ago.

We enjoyed the walkway by the water and then walked back to the hotel spot.  Just after 7 pm we took in a pretty good gluten free pizza at Vera Napoli Pizzeria.  The food was excellent, filling and inexpensive.  Mary was able to get rid of a lot of her Euro change.

We have a taxi picking us up tomorrow morning to take us to the airport for our first flight to London Heathrow and then premium economy flight to Vancouver.  Yay!  

Stay tuned for the last travels.  Here are a few pics from today.

Pamella of Italy

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