First day enroute to South Africa

The first day did not start out at all as planned.  Already.  And even more now it feels a bit surreal.  

A while back, before Covid was a word in the international vocabulary…. A very good friend of mine (referred to hereafter as C) suggested we plan a trip to Africa.  Her dream …. The animals, the wild wide open spaces … she is a beautiful spirit of the land, of nature, the soil, growing things.  We have travelled together on past trips.

I am a travel agent but even more importantly, her friend.  We planned and dreamt of a trip.  The sweet wild haunting noises of the night from a safari tent, the taste of unique wine blends of South Africa.  Hot sun on desert land and lush green jungles.  

Time plugged along, interrupted by illness and cancelled – postponed vacation plans.   C is not with me on this trip.  Oh how I long for her to be.  Her health has other plans … the medical system has taken over her itinerary.  I am afraid she won’t get to experience this …. So …. My part now …. Is to do it for both of us.  I travel with the intention to write as if I am telling her of my experiences and hopeful, ever hopeful she will be healthy enough to accompany me again one day.  It is all I have to give her … my stories.  

Dear C, I love you.  This is for you.

Another sweet travelling friend and member of the Women’s Travel Club (I host a meetup for Women’s travel and have for 14 years now, I think) who had been previously to South Africa,had a dream….  Let’s call her G …. She wants to experience an eye to eye, moment with mountain gorillas.  She heard about the possibility through a guest speaker of GAdventures a few years back.  Her dream is to do this before her health steps in her way.

We are all senior women, meaning we are wise, sage and on the retiring end of a woman’s life.  

As this blog continues you will hear how the trip comes together.  For now, in brief …. This is what is in store ….

I left Victoria BC by walk on ferry to Vancouver, stayed overnight at my dear friend and Soroptimist sister Darlene and her wonderful husband, Matt.  Up before morning … 3 a.m. local time and at YVR to catch the first flight to Seattle, on route to Johannesburg through Amsterdam.

My first GAdventures tour will commence 21 August 2023 out of Johannesburg and I will experience Kruger in Depth.  Flying then to Zanzibar for four glorious fun filled friend nights exploring beaches and relaxing with G and 3 other women travel club gals …. 5 of us together living this dream.  On 1 September we fly to Nairobi to begin16 night East Africa in Depth safari tour and then I begin this long reverse trek home.  

I am packed with no checked bags, for the second time in my travel life …. This time two backpacks.  Phew.  It is hard to pack this way for me,having spent a fortune on beautiful clothes to travel with and now finding they won’t fit in carry on bags or not suitable for safari intense in-tents travel.  

Here we go … I intended to tell you about my day yesterday and already that moment is past.  My iwatch a reminder to take some quiet reflective time to live in this moment.  This.  Just this.

Stay tuned dear C for travel stories.  Climb with me dear Debra as my tensing norguay ….  Can you see me from here?  I am taking the next step ….

For my family,mother, brother, daughters, grand people and all the other very important family members I have the privilege to live and love with …. For my precious friends and helpers along the way …. Rachel, Marni, Mary, Christa, the Leah’s, Darlene, Terry, Rosemarie, Jenni, Gail, Chelle, Janie, Penny, Anita, Tana, Elaine and countless others who impact and inspire me … for the cold water addicts community I proudly belong to.  I am so glad you are joining me on this journey and support me in my life …. Thank you.  Thank you. So very grateful.  

4 comments on “First day enroute to South Africa

  1. 🥰❤️…we are going to have an amazing experience my friend 😁

  2. Kathy Powell says:

    Enjoy your adventure! I look forward to seeing Africa through your eyes. Safe travels.
    Kathy, another one of the cold water swimming group 🏊‍♀️

  3. Debra says:

    Thank you for sharing your thoughts, feelings and plans for your trip. I look forward to reading all your wonderful experiences and stories.

  4. Rosemarie Painter says:

    I am there with you too. Thank you

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