Why should I talk to a travel consultant?

Thanks to Jeremy McLeod for these Top 10 Reasons to consult with a Travel Professional:


10 Reasons to Book With A Cruise Professional


1. Travel consultants have been proven in studies to consistently provide their clients with the best value-for-money in their travel spending.
2. Only travel agencies in BC pay into the provincial BC Travel Assurance Fund, so your funds are protected only when you book your travel arrangements with a BC registered travel agency.
3. Travel consultants provide full service and professional advice. We have been to, or had training on the destinations we sell.
4. Travel consultants can help out in a case of an emergency, or disruption of your travel arrangements. A website somewhere in the USA is not going to help. “Without a travel agent, you’re on your own”
5. Most airfares can be booked and held by travel agents for at least a day, sometimes weeks, until payment and ticketing required. With us you can hold seats, confirm or modify your plans, then pay, vs. instant purchase with an online company
6. Travel agents excel at complex itineraries, as well as, expert and detailed land arrangements.
7. Travel Agents can access charter flights, package vacations, tours, etc that are not bookable on the internet.
8. Travel agents handle all your supplemental arrangements, such as travel insurance, advise on passports and visas, foreign entry requirements, assigning seats, requesting special meals, etc
9. Travel Agents strive to provide their clients unbiased advice, and a full range of options, whereas most large, multinational travel websites have corporate backers biasing their options.
10. Doing business with your local travel agent supports the BC economy, as at least a small portion of your travel dollars stay local, vs. large, corporate travel websites based in Eastern Canada or USA.


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