How to set and achieve your VISION

VISION:  compelling, words, pictures, thoughts, feelings for your future.  Who do you want to be and what do you want to be doing?  With whom?  How does it feel to be there?  (think of athlete preparing for Olympics)  EVERYTHING starts with a fantasy or dream ….  What is yours?  You can keep building.



GOALS:  Simple, measurable, achievable, time limited.  Use numbers, have from 3 to 5 in total.  All fit in with your vision.  If you can’t think of a number, then try using a range from 1-10, measure now and where you want to be in what time period.  You can use amount of money you wish to have, number of countries you want to visit, number of weeks in foreign country, how many friends you want to travel with, number of $ invested, date you want to retire and with what income, etc.



ACTIVITIES or STRATEGIES: you will use to reach each goal.  No more than 2 or 3 strategies for each goal.  Multiple streams of income, start a home based business, invest in real estate market, consult a financial planner, investigate network marketing companies, research travel opportunities, start a meetup group to exchange ideas with others and expand social network, etc.  Consider efficiency, several goals can have the same activity!



MASTERMIND:  Who you hang out with determines to a large part how you see yourself and how supported you are to reach your highest and best.  Select wisely, identify, invite and consult with 5 or more key successful people (alive or not) that you want to live life like.  Write them down, what are the key features of each, what do you want to learn from them.  Do what you need to do based on their advice.


TAKE ACTION:  Daily reminders to take action steps, start with very small steps always toward the goal and in alignment with the vision.  20 seconds of Courage, 10,000 hours to be competent at a new skill (play piano, skilled in a sport, writing, painting, course of study, etc)

EVALUATION and REFOCUS:  When and how often to review the vision, goals and strategies.  Ask yourself “Is this working?” “How do I know if this is effective?”, if not effective toward your goals, then let it go.  “What else can I do that will lead me to the desired end?”.  Ask others to assist by stating 5 words that describe you.  Consider not only how you are seeing yourself and also how others (MM) view you.  Always check your numbers.  Never quit.  Refocus and align.  Do not try to head in different directions at the same time.  Create a visual map, mark your progress and celebrate successes! ReAlign!

One comment on “How to set and achieve your VISION

  1. Great post with some good tips to follow. I like the part about is it effective or not. It’s a good motto to live by. Asking yourself will this get me closer to my goal or not. If not let it go.

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