Bus Riders Blog

On my way home. Bus riders blog

Same wonderful driver, Debbie R for greyhound. Talking the whole way. Coquihalla highway is closed so detour to Spences Bridge, back roads to Vancouver. Beautiful sunshine, mostly drive or snow packed roads.

An old bridge in the distance about two kilometres outside Vancouver. Scenic and rustic, I can see in rear view mirror.

We have talked about my new proposed career as a Greyhound bus driver and travel, domestic and exotic. Fast friends. We are talking about Italy, and great destinations, life, relationships, dreams. What an amazing gift.

I can’t say enough about this woman’s positivity and attitude toward customer service, as well as being a genuinely warm and intelligent person. Like a gem that was overlooked, but so precious. She has totally changed my view of driving bus, and even being a passenger. Now I know how pleasant a bus ride can be. The books I was going to listen to have to wait.

We are in Hope, Bc now, and I will try to save this note to the blog. Thanks Debbie R and all my friends and fellow travellers on life’s highways!

Be safe, take care and always strive to be kinder.

Love Pamela


Grammielog love date 20140208. Wow! Living my dream. On a greyhound bus from the coast to Revelstoke BC to visit my lovely daughter and her precious family, two grand sons. I am excited and thrilled to be on this ride. Woman bus driver who is so terrific. The most pleasant bus ride ever.

The sun has shone with dry roads, cold temperatures and clear crisp mountain vistas. It has been at times breathtaking and live changing.

Listening to Audible on my iPhone. First Mike Dooley, I finished the Infinite Possibilities audible book. Whoa! So inspirational I had to keep stopping and taking notes. I feel transformed by his message. I put him on 1.25 speed so got to listen to more in less time. Really condensing yet getting the messages he shares. I highly recommend Mike’s work, including his brilliant daily Notes From The Universe that deliver to my gmail for free every morning. They are inspiring and help me focus and enjoy my days, my moments and my life even more every time I receive the message.

I started listening to Joe Vitale, his next book about the sacred Hawaiian spiritual traditional teaching

For lunch I picked up a wonderful warm salad with brown basmati rice with spinach, chick peas, dried cranberries, carrots and some seeds and nuts. It was a healthy place, Chopped Greens I think. Yum. Got it to go in a box and ate it on the bus, vegan gluten free, sugar free. I love my new healthy lifestyle.

Talking a lot to the fabulous woman bus driver about her hopes and dreams, travel, and her career. I think it might be fun to be a bus driver. On a day like this anyway!

Travel Vision Board

Travel Vision Board

HI again. In 2012 I had my walls in one corner of my dining room completely covered in vision boards. My desk was located in that area of the house and I had hosted some vision board events, as well as worked on some of my own in the quiet inspiration of my travel booklets. I had beautiful pictures of England (stone henge), Italy, France, Greece, Turkey, Nova Scotia and even New York.

They say, “thoughts become things”. When I look back on the travel events from fall 2012 through to fall 2013 I can honestly say, I am a believer! Maybe one or two pictures of places still on my bucket list, but I went to places my heart was calling me. I cruised in luxury and style to some of the most fabulous places I had desired to attend.

Last year I took down those vision boards, and staged my condo for sale. Although I am still living very comfortably, I was advised that items of a personal nature do not belong on the walls of a place for viewing by complete strangers looking to decide if they want to move in!

I am also aware that I am not presently, for the first time in several years, booked for any cruises in any time to come. My vision boards now are smaller and put away in discrete hiding places for my viewing eyes only.

I know this next year will be full of life changing surprises. I hold out for at least one drive from Vancouver Island across this vast country of Canada as I relocate for a while to the east coast, Nova Scotia. After that, I am open to return trips to include more France, more Italy and still more Greece. I want to return at least every year to explore the Mediterranean. I also have a few trips in mind, on east coast of United States. I look forward to being surprised as life offers me up opportunities to see the world in luxury and convenience.

My vision board is daily added to on my facebook page (you are welcome to join me) https://www.facebook.com/pmacdonaldtravel

As well I am always cutting pictures and imagining my trips into the future, to warm locations, hot sun, blue skies, old cobble stone streets, bridges and more bridges, beautiful meandering rivers with stories bubbling up the shore lines, fabulous gluten free vegan foods spiced with exotic and fresh ingredients, and glasses of wine fragrant and delightful from the region of the visit. I visualize my family and friends joining me in the evenings sharing a story or two of what we felt about that day. Displaying the new items purchased from busy markets and or local designer shops. My suitcase is almost always ready packed …. Ipad at the ready for storing pictures to last me a life time, or at least until I get home and paint the essence on watercolor sheets, now sitting white and waiting.

Music and dancing are in my future, visits to foreign places and romance on walkways of history. My travel treasure map seems to be internal for now and as powerful as any dream I have ever had.

What’s on your list?

Love and safe travels, in time and space,

Spider in the Meditation Hall

I am inspired to share this blog, for lots of various reasons, mostly to do with my climb. You might recall last year or the year before I wrote (what I think is one of my very best pieces of blogwork) a story on my climb of Mt Everest. Thanks to my friend Deb, this is now affectionately referred to as ‘My Everest’. She is brilliant!

Back to my story, and my reasons to share. This year entered with a few magnificent obsession plans ( thanks Robin Sharma for the phrase and inspiration). It boils up to three areas of extreme and epic focus: writing, meditation and radiant fitness.

Today the page turned in the year, February, the shortest and most powerful month of the year, especially for romance! I am not among the many who have long since forgotten their resolutions from just 31 precious days ago. I am building on and entering the next phase, the second month, and with it, my new habits.

I started reminding myself of my focus for attention using my iPhone, iPad, blue index cards and even notes on my white board at work.

Being more mindful includes focus and dedication to a meditation practice, or at least, for me. Something non religious. Time spent in the stillness of the present, not wishing for more tomorrow or regretting the past. While I have many CDs and DVDs as well as countless downloads within every possible moments grasp, I love the activity and intention of a meditation sit with strangers.

When I moved to the most beautiful city in Canada, Victoria BC, I had never done it and had no inkling in my “thoughts become things” repertoire. In fact I don’t think it was even in a library of activities I had any idea about. I am now proud and inspired by my actions in this vein. I have taken many courses, sat on weekend retreats, attended meetup events and even thoroughly enjoyed five days of silence in a little retreat centre called Bethlehem. I have walked virtually going nowhere in the circles of labyrinth. I have read countless books of bound paper as well as on my Kindle ereader. I have driven my car to the wisdom of “don’t bite the hook” instructions by Pema Chodron. By the way, I strongly recommend everyone get that cd and listen to it thirty or forty times 🙂

Ok, so today my plan was to attend the Shambhala Meditation Center near my home for their free offering of a three hour drop in, come and go as you like, alternating sitting and walking meditations every Saturday morning. Donned with my shawl, and out for a walk in the crisp morning air I arrived in plenty of time and listened to some Mike Dooley audio book en route.

I found a lovely place to sit near some white orchids, by the window so I can also enjoy bird song provided by some very fat little brown birds perched and chattering on the ledge from the upstairs meditation hall.

The singing bowl has been struck and the sound still resonates in the ear long after the room is silent. Ahhhhhhhh, how I love that sound! Sit, walk, sit, walk, breathe, relax, stay awake and repeat. The last sit, my relaxed gaze follows a movement out the corner of my eye. A very pale coloured, and quite petite sized eight legged creature is coming. He moves at a rapid pace and seems to have me his sights. Breathe. Relax. Softly I think, “well, universe, I would sure appreciate sharing the space with mr. Spider, if he stays where I can see him.” The full width of the lovely window that gave me refuge and entertainment, is now the focus of my heretofore meditative relaxed gaze. Little spider gets his message from me, I assume, and takes up his spot at the very end of the window ledge, closest to me. He and I are going to share this spot, or I will let him have it to himself. I sit, I breathe and focus on my breath. In, out, one, in, out, two, in, out, three, …. You get the picture. I have no longer any urge to close my eyes or fall softly asleep. I am alert and present to this moment, this space. Time passed, as it always does.

The sound of the Tibetan bowl rings relief to my ears, I gather my coat and belongings, and head off, ready to spend my day creating progress in the other areas of my life, eating vegan sugar-free, gluten-free and no fat nutritional meals, exercise and writing to the universe.

Thanks for listening, reading and breathing along with me.

All my love,


Travel Dreams and Positivity


I have been reading some books, inspired by my life, Positivity and Love 2.0 by Barbara Frederickson. While scientific, they are also educational and thought provoking.

Ten words of Positivity: Joy; serenity; inspiration; awe; hope; gratitude; interest; amusement; pride; and love.

Without exception, these ten words are present in my travels past and future.

I enjoy the beauty and discovery of the unknown. As I prepare for world travel, I am joyous in anticipation.

I am in awe of physical surroundings, the natural and the ancient preserved, and architecture visible in cities from cobblestone streets; bird song, flowers on the window sill brightly contrasting to old stone entranceways, large clay pots and vistas of deep blue seas.

I experience heartfelt gratitude for the plentiful opportunities to spend precious time aboard amazing luxurious and stylish cruise ships with my close family, friends and women travel club members.

The serenity I feel when watching ocean waves, as I stand, much like a lighthouse, illuminating and soaking in the fresh cool salty air.

Inspired by stories and the felt sense of being one with the universe, walking where world leaders, women, have stepped out and taken action before me.

I witness hope, evident in the eyes and exquisite dance of foreign and friendly people, who have found their freedom song and joyously share like no one is watching.

With curiosity and interest I explore and experience adventure in exotic locations, finding myself in the culture and story of greatness.

Laughing out loud in amusement, I can’t help but smile back at the experiences of soulful happiness.

Getting up, dressing up and showing up with pride for my own contribution to the global community, leaving gifts of kindness and grace in my wake.

I wait in anticipation of my next travel adventure! What will it be in 2014? A drive across the country in search of a new home and exploration of the great country I live in?

My travel dreams are always in motion.

With love,


Message to Self

“Love yourself”

Someone asked on facebook, if I (or you) could go back to early life and leave two words to my (your) younger self, what would they be? I glossed over the question. I could not immediately come to two words that I thought were worthy of response.

Second question, “really? Not even two little words to make your life easier? What were the early years like? What did I struggle with?”. Returning to facebook this morning I read the eloquent and perfect answer from Elizabeth Gilbert (author of Eat Pray Love and a few other brilliant books). She goes through and writes about three choices of words. Phew, she too struggled!

The most brilliant life statement to me now, is the one I would give me then. “love yourself”. When all days seem dark and gloomy and when the sun shines bright, the one positive thought that leads to a happy feeling, confidence, and assurance, guaranteeing success is “love myself”. Just this year I have been working with my mastermind group to create a magnificent obsession, complete with goals, strategies and ultimate success story to live up to. At the end, in the middle and the part I need and want to keep reminding myself is “I love me”.

When I read about mindfulness and metta practice … the phrase “may I love myself exactly as I am” comes up. That same phrase for others “may all beings love themselves exactly as they are.” I am one of the “all beings”.

Well, younger self, here goes. I offer you two words that will sit in your heart, to say everyday in to the mirror. In fact, I am going to change the rules and make it three little words, and yet the biggest ones to live up to ……

Repeat after me, “I love me!”

(for your information, this took more than 20 seconds of courage to write!!)

With love for me,


Quenching my Thirst

Just keep writing.

I have found Elizabeth Gilbert’s strategy about writing to be inspiring. Just keep putting it out there, write more and when you have something to say (as anyone who knows me can tell you, I ALWAYS have something to say), then write.

This little ditty poured out of me this week. Not sure why … And in keeping with my goal to stretch my comfort zone, engage in the practice of 20 seconds of courage, and also to not pre reject my own creativity as “not good enough”, I offer this freely and hope you will be kind.

What I mean is, to quote my mom, “if you can’t find something nice to say, don’t say anything at all”. I am not looking for helpful criticism or practical ways to make this a best seller, I am simply writing a blog. I am fulfilling a commitment to write a blog a week for this year.

The struggle of course is right now I have no travel planned except perhaps a drive across Canada this summer and to Revelstoke and Kelowna BC this April. Not exotic locations to be sure, but sweet family connections that I adore and treasure as the most precious of my wealth measurements in this life.

Here goes, I have procrastinated enough ………

Quenching my thirst

My voice is harsh, barely a whisper really
I know it is there, rich and full, with plenty to say …
What is the resistance?
Cracks from years of parched dry space with syllables never heard
Miles of craggy dusty lands, not a blade of fresh green having the courage to poke through
Caustic stink of acrid decay, words once spoken in delight of a child and smothered thereafter, grown withered with neglect
Shy and shamed from voices turned in to my own, self criticizing and blaming for creative blossoming daring to be heard
Today I turn the table. Today I take a stand. Today I eat the frog in my throat. Today I plant the fragrance of essential oil. Today I hear the echo of distant sounds. Today I delight in the delicate sweetness and spice of my own words on the page. Today I feel the passion of positivity arise from deep dark places I thought were buried and dead.
I am born as if to spring, and my petals reach out toward the heat of the healing sun. I reach and stretch and take action and then in a moment an unpredictable explosion …. I am open. I am alive. I love me!
No longer lost in thought. My soul has found it’s mindful breath. Words flow like a fast moving spring river from high in the mountain, bubbling over any barriers and gaining momentum as if speeding toward life itself. The orchestra of notes and silent space performing musical mastery.
Here, now, in this place, at this time, I am alive with my story. Twittering with birdsong, rich aroma breathed in, and witnessing sparkling gold diamonds dancing on the surface, life renewed along the spring water bed. Life giving nourishment from all my many senses, a buffet of vocabulary, a symphony of song.

Lean in to Love

Lean in to the compliment. Seasons Greetings!

When we receive a gift at this holiday time or any time really, do we REALLY receive it? I seldom really know the time and thought it takes to really find the perfect gift for me. Whether the giver has re-gifted the present, or shopped on line, or taken the time to search out my favorite shop, baked a sweet, or taken me for a meal. All gifts are intended to bring the giver and receiver closer to love.

I have recently been reading a book I discovered by a writer I just found, Love 2.0, Barbara Frederickson. If you want to truly understand how to create more love in your life and peace in the world, this book is a must read. I am listening to this book on Audible, on route daily in my car to and from my work place. I get small but poignant pointers on how to make love in the world. I am being read to by a professional reader, every day about a subject I am most passionate about. I have never outgrown my desire to be captured in a great book, by being read to.

Lean in to the giver. Ask them how they found it, what made them think of you with this particular offering, and what do they see as your gifts that deserves such generosity? Lean in with body language, face to face and eye to eye contact. Make a date to have tea and thank the person if possible, in order to really exchange the positive sparks that flow between people when appreciation and giving are the commodity of exchange.

I have been so fortunate to be a guest speaker at a few college classes and University events and I ask for feedback and when I remember, I lean in and ask them to say more about what they learned. I feel it is a value added to the exchange. The giver and receiver both get to wallow just a little longer in the love moment. How did you feel when I said that? What is it like for you to hear this? What can I do to add even more to your experience? Thank you, thank you and thank you for your kind words.

As with the blog, I send out vibrations of love to you, the reader. When you stop by to take the time and read, some make comment and always it is appreciate when a word or two shows appreciation. If you get a chance, lean in. Ask me a question or two about why I thought the world needed or desired my words at this time … let me feel I am appreciated and loved in return.

Why do you read this blog? Who am I to you? Why does our exchange matter in this moment? Have I touched your heart?

I wish for you and your loved ones a safe, joyous and very happy holiday season and even more prosperity and love in 2014!!

Love, Pamela xoxo

The world is ready

The world is ready for my vision!

I have been involved with a womens travel club for a few years now and then I stepped away. I travelled and found that the women in the club were not joining me. I felt like we were not moving at the same vibration. Another gal stepped up to take over for a short time. It was good and got some people coming out to meetups. I was asked to step back in.

I tried several locations and every two or three weeks … Different gals attended and the group is growing. Many stop in to see me. Many are chatting and exchanging ideas and emails. Some are making plans to travel together.

I know this is not “my” group. It belongs to the women who make it theirs. I get to be part and to enjoy finding my own friends, my own way and making plans to travel my own path.

In a few weeks a new vision board, a treasure map for my future destinations. More Italy and Greece. New locations, words, pictures and adventures.

I can hardly wait to travel with those who can hardly wait to travel with me!

Join me,

Much love,

Ps. Please join the meetup group even just to watch the excitement and be part of this vision of mine. The world is open 24-7 for our pleasure!
